Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 736: The Tongtian Sect took the initiative, and the Zhuxian sword formation scattered

Journey to the Heavens from Jiang Ye Chapter 736 The Tongtian Sect takes the initiative, and the Zhuxian Sword Formation disperses!

The front line, within the vast world.

The ancient gods who had been transformed by His Majesty the God Emperor long ago, relying on the jade plate of good fortune, finally fixed the earth, fire, water and wind in this vast world.

Sometimes in the heavens and the myriad worlds, it’s just about the deeds regardless of the heart. The Dao is not like some monsters and ghosts who occupy the mountains and become kings. he.

It's not like those veterans of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion, who used the means of dreaming to make them believe in the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

The avenue is fair, upright, and impartial.

Therefore, in this vast world, the behavior of the disciples of Jiejiao has already been disgusted by the Daoist, but these ancient gods have unexpectedly been swamped by the Daoist.

Under the ebb and flow, even Duobao, who is in control of the overall situation, is powerless. This is not a crime of war, what can I do?

Duobao looked at the disciples of the Jiejiao who kept retreating, and the disciples of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect who had already clustered behind him, and he understood in his heart that this war, at least in this vast world, he could not win. .

Although Duobao had made many plans with his teacher before, all of these plans were based on their ability to occupy an absolute advantage in this vast world.

But the situation couldn't keep up with the changes. In just a few years, those things that they had kept in the corner before had really become a reality.

"Master Duobao should withdraw now. The 800 disciples of your western sect started to slip away early, so that I stopped the disciples and couldn't withdraw in front. Now I'm with you and will lead them to withdraw."

Feather Wing Fairy is very clear that this war is no longer a matter for them to stop and teach the family.

He didn't understand his teacher's plan, and he didn't understand what the leader of Duobao wanted to do. He just simply believed that the disciples who stopped teaching should not die like this anymore.

The **** emperor used strange and unpredictable means to refine every dead Jiejiao disciple into Dao fruit.

Under the ebb and flow of each other, do they want to pay for their deaths here with the leaders of the 800 sects of the Western religion?

After a while.

Yiqixian, who was not lightly injured, led thousands of Jiejiao disciples back down.

Yiqixian nodded towards Yuyixian and said: "Junior Yuyi, it's time to go, if you don't go, you really can't go."

Then Yu Yixian and Yiqixian left one after another with many Jiejiao disciples, and Yiqixian never had any words with Duobao from the beginning to the end.

Surrounded by eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect, Duobao really felt very lonely at this moment. The senior brothers who talked about everything in the past seemed like strangers who had nothing to do with each other today.

Duobao looked at the shattering formations in the Zhongqian World, and knew that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. He ordered: "Everyone, retreat! This battle has been fought until now, and it is no longer something we can decide."

But fortunately, hope is still there, as long as the Zhuxian Sword Formation is still there, then everything still has a chance.

But outside the Zhuxian sword formation, will the elders of the Taoist sect who are waiting for death, and the Da Luo Jinxians of the older generation of the Taoist sect, will they give him this chance?

If you can't become a Hunyuan, you can only be an ant after all!

As long as it is an ant, there is a possibility of being beaten to death. No matter how forced an ant is, it cannot change the fact that it is an ant.

heard the words.

The disciples of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect are scattered away from this vast world. At this moment, the evil results of the rapid expansion of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect have been manifested. Fighting with the wind can be said to be like a fish in water.

But once he encounters a hard stubble like now, it is inevitable that he will have such thoughts.

Wait until the divine light of His Majesty the God Emperor arrives here.

The helpless Duobao just left angrily.

In the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Master Tongtian looked at the scene above the cloud mirror and was quite angry.

In the past, his teacher, Patriarch Hongjun, asked him to send Duobao to the eight hundred sects of the western religion in order to earn a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but now it seems that his teacher is obviously cheating him again.

"His Majesty the God Emperor who has been revived from the long river of time and space, the so-called word of destiny in the next ancient era, plus the fragments of the jade plate of good fortune, is really a good opponent!"

Then Master Tongtian looked at the Taoist immortals outside the Daqian World, and said with a sneer, "You guys, you are really impatient. I haven't done anything yet, can you wait?"

The Master Tongtian also knows that recently, cutting off teaching has indeed gone too far.

But his eldest direct disciple has stepped into the Hunyuan Dao now, can he still retreat?

next moment!

Enveloping this vast world, the Zhuxian Sword Formation, which had lasted for decades in the Xian family, dissipated.

But beyond the Great Thousand Worlds, many Xuanmen immortal families still hesitate to move forward.

Guang Chengzi who came to reinforce him couldn't help but sigh after seeing this situation.

Seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages is what everyone has in mind, let alone facing it, what about his third uncle?

The Sword Formation of Immortal Execution cannot be broken without the Four Saints, but it is not just talk.

far away!

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the many fairy families who were standing still, looked at Empress Nuwa, and asked: "In such a situation, if you dare to ask Senior Sister Nuwa, what do you think?"

The Hunyuan saints are not in the game, relying on them, practitioners in the Da Luo Jinxian realm, to fill the big hole in the Zhuxian sword formation.

I'm afraid that even if all the immortal families present were filled in, it would not be enough to kill the Immortal Sword Formation.

The Jade Immortal Sword Formation standing outside the Great Thousand World is not terrifying, because the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is there.

In his opinion, the most terrifying time for the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is when the Jade Immortal Sword Formation is held in the hands of the Tongtian Sect Master, and he does not know when it will be set up.

This is why many Xuanqi elders and the Daluo Jinxian of the older generation of Xuanmen dare not step into the Great Thousand World.

Nuwa looked at her little junior brother and said calmly: "Junior brother, it's not the senior sister who is talking about you. In the heavens and myriad worlds, you still have to rely on your cultivation level to speak, and you can't get on the stage if you play some clever tricks."

If there are no other accidents, she does not want to have a battle of Hunyuan with Master Tongtian.

She is already a Hunyuan Saint, and she doesn't need to fight for any Hunyuan Dao Fruit. Even if she gets it, who should she use it for?

Besides, as long as she dares to **** Hunyuan Daoguo, then Pingxin will definitely fight against her.

Do you really think that Pingxin came out of this Great Thousand World to help her?

The Heavenly Emperor deserved to nod his head frequently, and said, "Senior Sister is teaching you, Senior Sister is teaching you."

What else could he say but confessed?

You must know that there is an old saying in the heavens and worlds, that you would rather be hunted down by the demon ancestor Luohu for hundreds of millions of years in the immortal family than easily offend the empress Nuwa.

At this time, Ping Xin, who was dressed in a black sky robe, came over. She looked at the great world where no one dared to enter, and said, "Junior Sister Nuwa, our Third Senior Brother, the method of setting up doubts has increased. But judging from the current situation, His Majesty the God Emperor has been evenly matched in the past and present, and no one can do anything to anyone."

This is also a matter of reason, after all, that **** emperor had already been obtained when the prehistoric world was born.

With the addition of the Good Fortune Jade Plate, it is also reasonable to be able to compete against the Master Tongtian who holds the Four Swords of Jade Immortals.

Nuwa looked at Pingxin and said calmly: "The upper and lower directions are called the universe, and the past and present are called the universe. Although the past and present belong to the long river of time and space, they also exceed the long river of time and space. It's a good place, but the place in the chaos is not small. Our third senior brother chose to fight in the past and present, presumably because of the treasured Hunyuan Dao.

But although the two of us will not fight, those juniors and juniors who have waited for countless thousands of years in the immortal family may not miss this good opportunity. "

She is very clear that no matter which immortal family from the Taoist sect wins the Hunyuan Daoguo, it doesn't matter to their teacher, Ancestor Hongjun, because it is not as simple as saying that they belong to the Taoist sect. .

Pingxin looked at those fairy families who were about to make a move, and said: "If it is about killing, Duobao is indeed the leader among the current generation of Xuanmen fairy families, but what should we do against our fellow sects?"

It is true that Duobao is taught by Hunyuan Xianjia and has inherited great luck, but which practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian realm who are of the same generation as them have not come from the fight back then?

If he didn't have great luck, he might have died in the cruel war that year.

But at this moment.

The situation changed again.

There were only two killing swords exuding endless murderous intent, and they fled towards the great world.

At this moment, the gazes of many Xuanmen sects fell on the two killing swords.

They are all waiting, waiting for those two killing swords to enter the Great Thousand World, so as to test it out, their third senior brother.

Nuwa looked at the two killing swords and said with a smile: "Yuantu, Abi, Junior Brother Minghe is still the first to attack. I thought Kunpeng would be the first to attack."

Speaking of which, Styx's luck is not weak at all. Styx is very low-key here.

A low-key fairy family is easily overlooked by others, and this is often the time when murderous intentions are most likely to appear.

Pingxin looked at the two killing swords, and also admired: "Junior Brother Minghe's talent is not weaker than mine, but Junior Brother Minghe is impossible after all. Now he can prove that he is in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal. Junior Brother Minghe's Tao is at the time when the Pan Gu era changes, not at this time."

Following the way of killing and attacking, their junior brother Minghe is destined to kill a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood when the Pangu era changes.

"No one stopped Yuantu and Abi of Styx, everyone's proof is that Hunyuan is here today!"

Qiankun Patriarch shouted loudly.

Afterwards, many Taoist elders used several innate spiritual treasures to protect themselves, and rushed into the Great Thousand World.

In terms of wealth alone, who can compare to these Taoist elders who were born and walked before the ancient gods ruled the world?

At that time, Xiantian Lingbao was not as rare as it is now, and after all, it was possible to search carefully, and there were three or two pieces.


The demon master Kunpeng looked at the Xuanmen elders who had already entered the game, and was still unmoved. As Kunpeng, who had been ambushed by the ancestor Hongyun outside the thirty-third heaven with the ancestor Minghe, he clearly knew that he was like Minghe. It is impossible for a fairy family like He to enter such a dangerous place with his real body.

"These Taoist elders are really rich. I have accumulated countless years in the immortal family before I have the wealth I have today, but it is still not as good as these Xuanmen elders."

Seeing the elders of the Taoist sect continuously entering the world of Nafang Daqian, Bai Ze couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Back then, as the prime minister of the Yaozu Heavenly Court, his salary and some filial piety from his subordinates meant that his net worth was considered rich.

But who would have thought that a war of liches would be gone. Back then, they didn't think about expanding the scale of the war to that extent. I can imagine that the Wu clan is so strong!

The demon master Kunpeng said calmly: "That is to say, he was born a little later, and that era is really yearning."

Although practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian can go back to that era long ago, but if they want to benefit from that era, there is no way without the permission of Pan Gu.

He has never heard of any fairy family who can flow against the long river of time and space and reap benefits from that era.

At this time!

The figure of Patriarch Styx, UU reading www.uukanshu. com suddenly appeared beside the two of them, and the old ancestor Minghe said with a smile: "Don't you two go down and give it a try? According to the current situation, there is His Majesty the God Emperor restraining our good senior brother, disciples like Duobao, Can't stop us."

This is the second time he has been closest to Hunyuan Daoguo. The last time he was with the Yaozu to ambush the ancestor of Hongyun, but at that time, the two majesties of the Yaozu were too much some.

Otherwise, he would have achieved the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian back then, so why wait until now?

What a great time to be!

Elders of the Xuanmen, those who are tyrannical are indeed listening to the tyrannical, but the elders of the Xuanmen cherish their lives!

He is different, he is not only ruthless to others, but also ruthless to himself. After countless years of preparation for the immortal family, it is time for him to pick the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

The demon master Kunpeng looked at the blood **** sons swarming over with a solemn expression, and said with a smile: "The demon clan is already in danger, and besides the ancestor witch is by my side, my demon clan will not get involved.

When he saw the real body of Styx coming here, Kunpeng had already given up competing with Styx for the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

In terms of desperate efforts, he really couldn't fight Styx enough.

Old Ancestor Minghe said with a smile: "It's better not to mix it up, it's better not to mix it up, I'm afraid that the Blood God Son, who I have accumulated for countless years in the immortal family, will hurt my fellow Taoist when he blew himself up!"

Bai Ze was afraid for a while. If so many blood **** sons of Daluo Jinxian realm exploded in one of the great worlds, I am afraid that even the past and present will be shaken.

If the sea of ​​blood does not dry up, Styx will not die!

But if the sea of ​​blood is dry, then probably the heavens and worlds will no longer exist!

Then Patriarch Styx stepped into this great world with a smile on his face.



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