Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 548: The Great War Begins, Duobao Fights the Styx

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The sound of the Buddha is like a huge wave, sweeping from the 70,000-mile mountains and rivers of the Huoyun Cave Mansion to the past and the present. The practitioners under the Daluo, if there is no practitioner in the golden fairy realm of the Daluo, at this moment, it will only be a moment. , I have a secret affection for the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

The idea of ​​wanting to join the eight hundred sects of the Western religion was born, but as soon as this idea appeared, it caused dissatisfaction among many Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners.

On weekdays, you teach eight hundred sects in the West, and it’s fine if you like to deal with these things behind your back, but what time is it now.

This is in broad daylight!


"Should I call you Duobao Daoist, the great disciple of the Intercepting Sect? Or should I call you Duobao Tathagata, the master of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect?"

Patriarch Minghe looked at Duobao, who was in a big show, and asked, "Duobao, I came here today just to fight for an ancient **** fruit for my grandson, are you sure you want to fight with me?"

Let's be polite first and then soldiers!

However, Patriarch Minghe knew very well that this battle had to be fought, and it was still a big fight, because he knew very well that Duobao, among the eight hundred sects of Western religion, already had the meaning of riding a tiger.

So even if this Duobao is out of face, he still has to fight with him. After all, Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners care most about that face.

Losing face is tantamount to losing everything, especially since Duobao is still the leader of eight hundred sects of the Western Sect. The leader-level Da Luo Jinxian practitioners lose face, which is equivalent to losing face for the sect behind him.

Those cultivators in the realm of Daluo Jinxian who are 70,000 miles away from the mountains and rivers in Huoyun Cave Mansion are slipping faster than anyone else at this moment. The fastest one has now reached the realm of the gods. outside.

The others, although not as exaggerated as the one who ran the farthest, are almost the same, at least they are separated by thousands of worlds.

Duobao said with a firm gaze: "I used to be Duobao, a direct disciple of Xuanmen Jiejiao, and now I am the leader of eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, so it is not wrong for Master Minghe to call me Duobao Tathagata, and call me Duobao Tathagata." There is nothing wrong with Bao Zhenren.

However, Uncle Minghe, the ancient Divine Dao fruit in the 70,000-mile range of the Huoyun Cave Mansion must belong to the eight hundred sects of Western religion. I wonder if Uncle Minghe objected? "

This time, he is bound to win the ancient divine dao fruit. In the last defeat, although a pharmacist came out to defend him, Zhunti has already expressed his dissatisfaction with him. If this continues, Zhunti may not come out again. That's when he's at his most dangerous.

So this time, he is bound to obtain the ancient divine dao fruit.

Old Ancestor Minghe laughed dumbly and said, "Would you object to it? The appetite of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect is too great! These four ancient gods, do you really have the strength to devour the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect?"

Patriarch Styx waved his hand, and the surging sea of ​​blood rushed to the disciples of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect. Practitioners in the world also lost their minds when facing the blood sea of ​​Patriarch Styx.

Just at this time, Yuan Tu and Ah Bi started. @*~~

Those disciples of the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect, just woke up leisurely, and saw Yuantu Abi piercing through the past and present.

this moment.

These eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect still felt fear after all, because they already felt that the 70,000-mile mountains and rivers of the Huoyun Cave Mansion had completely enveloped the sword light of Yuantu and Abi.

They are already in the urn at this moment.

It's hard to escape.

Duobao's expression also changed at this moment, he sneered and said: "What a ancestor Styx, with such a cultivation level, he can indeed be called an invincible opponent under Hunyuan, but it's a pity that he didn't know what to do when he met the saint's Dao Proving Spirit Treasure. How?"

I saw the precious light surging in the Duobao Pagoda, and a branch flew out from it. The branch was covered with spiritual treasures, which directly dispelled the surging sea of ​​blood, and rescued the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect who were trapped in it.

Seeing this, Patriarch Minghe said calmly: "Seven Treasures Miaoshu, I didn't expect that Zhunti is so generous now, borrowing all the spiritual treasures to prove the Tao, but only relying on the Seven Treasures Miaoshu, he wants to block me , is a bit too naive!"

All of them are spiritual treasures of Taoism proven by practitioners in the golden fairy realm of Hunyuan Daluo.

At the level of innate treasures, it is still indelible after hundreds of millions of calamities, but this Zhunti used a branch of its own bodhi tree to cultivate this wonderful tree of seven treasures.

On weekdays, when facing practitioners under the Hunyuan, they are naturally omnipotent and omnipotent.

But since he dared to compete for the ancient divine dao fruit, how could he not have a way to restrain this wonderful tree of seven treasures?

Patriarch Minghe smiled contemptuously and said, "Six Paths of Reincarnation!"

He spread out his hands, calmly proving the six reincarnation disks of Lingbao, and suddenly landed here, and the half-finished Seven Treasure Tree trembled even more after encountering the six reincarnation disks.

Those Da Luo Jinxian realm practitioners who had withdrawn from several thousand worlds away just now flocked to Huoyun Cave Mansion 70,000 miles away, intending to take advantage of the troubled waters to fish.

In the past, no matter whether it was the 800 sects of the Western Sect or the Patriarch Minghe, they could not afford to offend them. If you provoke the 800 sects of the Western Sect, you will be annoyed to death. Incomplete innate spirit treasure.

But now the situation has changed again. From the moment the Seven Treasure Tree and the Six Paths Reincarnation Disk appeared, it had already indicated that a great battle was bound to break out between the Patriarch Styx and Duo Treasure.

After the war, no matter whether it was Styx Patriarch Sheng or Duobao Sheng, there was no time to trouble them.


Patriarch Minghe looked at Duobao, who was ashen-faced, and said calmly, "Duobao, let's see how you pick it up."

The Six Paths of Reincarnation disc carries the origin of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. Once the Six Paths of Reincarnation disc is damaged, the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the depths of the Netherworld will naturally be lost.

Therefore, under the attack of the six-path reincarnation disk, Duobao had no choice but to keep balancing the six-path reincarnation disk with the wonderful tree of seven instead of daring to fight head-on.

Under the sea of ​​blood, an unknown number of blood **** sons from the Da Luo Jinxian realm stepped out of it and killed those practitioners who planned to fish in troubled waters.

Seeing this situation, Duobao said: "Unexpectedly, Uncle Pingxin would actually lend this six-path reincarnation disk to my uncle. If it weren't for this six-path reincarnation disk, I might not be at a disadvantage."

He didn't dare to move the six-path reincarnation disk, or even if he lent him the Zhunti Lingbao, he probably had to weigh it when he moved the six-path reincarnation disk.

Old Ancestor Minghe smiled and said: "But you still dare not touch the six reincarnation disks after all. This time, the ancient divine dao fruit, I and the fellow Taoists who cut off the teaching will accept it first."

Patriarch Minghe waved his hand, and saw all the practitioners who had been hiding here in the Golden Immortal Realm of Jiejiao Daluo showed their figures.

The eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect returned home in defeat. @



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