Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 534: Che Chiguo, the conspiracy of the 800 disciples of Western religion

When Tianpeng was drinking fairy wine in a big bowl with three old friends in the National Teacher's Mansion, Monkey King, who was far away from the capital of Chechi Kingdom, became murderous.

A Taoist disciple, looking at Monkey King with a sharp mouth, has a thunderous face, not like a kind person.

It's just that before the Xuanmen disciple questioned him clearly, he saw Ruyi's golden cudgel slammed down on his head. How could a Xuanmen disciple who only cultivated Qi practice be able to stop it? What about the stick used by Dayu in the past when he measured water?

Under Monkey King's stick, the Xuanmen disciple who had only picked up the realm died on the spot.

Tang Sanzang saw that Sun Wukong was aroused to kill by a few words, and he was quite emotional. The monkey's murderous nature was indeed a bit heavier. Although they were not afraid of trouble, it was not good to cause trouble for nothing.

"Come on, come on!"

"Come on, come on!"

"Monkeys are killing people!"

"Come on, come on! Come on, come on!"

The Xuanmen disciple who was patrolling the river took the flying sword, Yujian drove high above the sky, and roared at the top of his voice.

Dozens of Xuanmen disciples in the sky above the river, all armed with flying swords, rushed towards Sun Wukong, but under the flying sword light, Sun Wukong did not see the slightest movement.

Sun Wukong sneered and said: "A group of jumping clowns dare to talk shamelessly in front of my old grandson, they are looking for death."

Ruyi's golden cudgel swept away, and all the corpses of the Taoist disciples who rushed up with flying swords flew hundreds of feet backwards.

Sha Wujing looked at the murderous Monkey King, shook his head helplessly and smiled wryly, but what can he do?

Even he is nothing more than a puppet of His Majesty in the thirty-three heavens.

After Tang Sanzang proclaimed the Buddha's name, he said: "Wukong, it's good to save these people, and there is no need to kill them all."

After all, this is the territory of Xuanmen. On the territory of Xuanmen, provoking Xuanmen like this may not be a good thing.

After all, after the catastrophe of Journey to the West, the most important thing is to go to Mount Sumeru, not to waste time here.

Monkey King turned around and stared at Tang Sanzang with cold eyes, and said: "Monk, I will give you face, but you have to give me face. I hate people calling me a monkey. My old grandson has a name and a surname. If you don't want to change your name, you will not change your surname." , called Sun Wukong."

This moment.

The cultivators of these sects subordinate to the branch of Xuanmen finally felt that something was wrong. The monkey was called Sun Wukong, so it was the monkey who was suppressed by Duobao Tathagata, the master of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

It's easy to understand, but the hard part is how to escape.

"You are Monkey King!"

"Let's go and report to Master Guoshi!"


Before the remaining Taoist disciples could react, Sun Wukong charged forward, and the Ruyi Golden Cudgel swept in all directions. These Xuanmen disciples whose cultivation level was at most no more than the Yuanshen realm were naturally hard to resist.

On the other hand, the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect, who were popular in the past and drank spicy food, are now serving corvee. They have long regarded this monkey who rescued them as a god.

"The poor monk Yuan Che Chiguo, the abbot of Fayuan Temple, thank you Xianchang for saving me from this sea of ​​suffering."

The abbot of Fayuan Temple, Faming, just now heard it for real. The master behind the monkey is definitely a disciple of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion.

After all, these days, apart from the 800 sects of the Western Sect, it is not likely that anyone will proclaim the Buddha's name.

So it must be the seniors of the Western Sect's 800 sects who sent someone to rescue them. The wishful Faming, regardless of his already hungry stomach, rushed all the way to Tang San's hiding place, and knelt down on the ground with a heavy plop.

"Dare to ask the mage's name, where does it come from?"

Tang Sanzang looked at the eight hundred disciples of Western Sect who were kneeling in front of him, and said calmly: "The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty and wanted to go to Mount Sumeru in the west to obtain the scriptures."

Although Tang Sanzang didn't have a good impression of the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect who were kneeling on the ground, he didn't have any malice either.

It's just that Che Chiguo's behavior is indeed a little too much.

"It turned out to be a dharma master from the Great Tang Dynasty! I also hope that Master Sanzang will save me. The king of the Chechi Kingdom listened to the words of three monsters and persecuted the eight hundred sects of my Western Sect.

I also hope that Master Sanzang will be the master for us! "


The tens of thousands of Western Sect disciples who were repairing the river before threw away the tools in their hands and knelt down on the river.

Weeping uncontrollably, he cried out: "Wang Master Sanzang, please seek justice for us!"

Tang Sanzang looked at the huge crowd of people kneeling on the ground, and he couldn't help feeling a little bit unbearable, he said: "Chechi Kingdom is about to become a battleground for immortals and gods, you'd better leave as soon as possible, and run for your own lives! "

Practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian may know what the disaster of Journey to the West is?

But the practitioners under Daluo, even if they stand at the peak of the Taiyi Jinxian realm, are still confused by the monks of Zhang Er.

Therefore, they will become the thorn in the eyes of a large number of fairy families and generally exist.

Faming's face changed suddenly, and Faming said in panic, "Master Sanzang! Those three masters of Chechi Kingdom are monsters! Even if you are not just us disciples of the Western Sect, you can't be afraid of it!" I don’t know how many tens of millions of people are guilty of this Che Chi country!”

Just kidding?

If Tang Sanzang was really allowed to leave Chechi, wouldn't they still have to do corvée labor, working day and night all day long? Can.

This Tang Sanzang is like their life-saving straw, how can they let it go?

Sun Wukong looked at the eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect who were kneeling on the ground, and felt bored in his heart. If Tang San hadn't been hiding here, he would have passed by with a stick.

"Master, or my grandson will scare them."

Tang Sanzang shook his head and said, "No need, anyway, we are all going to enter the Che Chi Kingdom. If the three masters of the Che Chi Kingdom are really evil monsters who do all kinds of evil, I also have the power to glare at the Vajra."

These people are indeed troublesome, and of course it can be regarded as a big help if they are used well, but he doesn't want to be used as a knife.


After Tang Sanzang comforted these eight hundred disciples of the Western Sect, he changed his face and headed towards the capital of Chechi Kingdom.

After Tang Sanzang and his entourage left, Fa Ming and his entourage, tens of thousands of people, once again honestly picked up tools and spontaneously began to repair the river.

It's not that they are cowardly, it's really from the heart!

In the past, it wasn't that there were eight hundred seniors from Western religion who came to subjugate demons, but in the end they were the ones who were unlucky.

So much so that over time, they have already gained experience, if Tang Sanzang and his party can succeed and subdue the three-headed fairy, they will just dig the river for a few more days at most.

After so many years of enduring it, it’s not bad for these three or two days. After all, you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, can you?



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