Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 51: Born with the lotus, it is called Liansheng

After a long time, under the watchful eyes of Su Xuan, accompanied by the thick night, Mo Shanshan and Ye Hongyu finally walked to the door.

Ye Hongyu looked at the dark passageway that was already lit, frowned and said, "Mr. Thirteen of the academy has already gone in. Why don't you go in, Junior Brother Su?"

She is a Taoist, but not really an idiot. Facing such a dangerous place, it is naturally a very good thing for someone to explore the way. Unfortunately, her junior is a little cautious. How about a practitioner who knows the pinnacle of destiny?

Su Xuan didn't pay attention to Ye Hongyu, a person who would do anything for his cultivation could sell him at any time, he said: "Lord Mo Shan, since Senior Sister Ye has passed the barrier, let's go in quickly! After all, there is someone inside, A character who has only appeared in rumors."

Liansheng Thirty-two, for the current practice world, is a figure in the rumors, not even the older generation of practitioners, seeing Liansheng Thirty-two may not be able to think of who this person is.

Mo Shanshan looked at the stone tablet with faintly visible writing in the passage, and asked: "But on that stone tablet, it is clearly written that the academy Ke Haoran wiped out the Demon Sect here. I think there should be someone who can live until now, could it be Ke Haoran?" Are you still inside the gate of the Demon Sect? But who is this Ke Haoran?"

Ke Haoran in the academy is a person that many great practitioners don't want to mention, a person who has been dusted off, so Mo Shanshan naturally doesn't know who Ke Haoran is.

Su Xuan continued to walk forward, he kept waving his sleeves, pushed away the broken walls in the passage, walked about half a mile, and finally arrived at the inside of the Mozong Mountain Gate.

It was a very wide space, a space dug out of the mountainside near the Daming Lake, so deep that it made people feel daunting.

It must not be an easy task to complete such a huge project. The broken talisman on the wall at the side of the mountain shows that the gate of the Demon Sect used to be a terrifying place among practitioners in the world.

Looking at the white bones piled up on the high platform deep in the wide mountain, Mo Shanshan said softly: "It's hard to imagine what kind of battle took place here back then."

Ning Que, who was already approaching the pile of dead bones, suddenly took a few steps back, pointed his bow at the old hand sticking out from the pile of dead bones, and shouted anxiously: "There are still people alive in Su Xuan!"

There are still people alive in the Mozong Mountain Gate. This is something he did not expect, but it does not mean that he will be afraid. Since his little uncle was able to kill the entire Demon Sect back then, would he still be afraid of lingering in the Mozong Mountain Gate? person?

Ye Hongyu, who was following Su Xuan, was also shocked, but then she looked at Su Xuan, because Su Xuan said something very strange before, so it seems that now is the time to reveal the answer.

"Junior Brother Su, you said earlier that there are still people living in the Demon Sect's mountain gate, but you were talking about this person?"

Mo Shanshan was very puzzled, it was hard for her to imagine how Su Xuan knew such things that the world doesn't know.

Looking at the puzzled two people, Su Xuan explained with a smile: "There are lotuses in the west, and they fall into the world gracefully. The aristocratic family in the Song Dynasty gave birth to a child, and the water lilies in the pond bloomed overnight. If they are born with the lotus, they are born for the lotus. Twelve, the petals are different, each belongs to the world, I don’t know how the lotus seat is doing now.”

Liansheng Thirty-two is a practitioner who can match Ke Haoran's talent. Liansheng does not have the five moments of a master, let alone the secret of Zhishouguan inheritance, but Liansheng relies on his own comprehension to see the world clearly.


The hill of dead bones kept sliding down, and when most of the dead bones fell down, a skinny old man who was too old to be human, wearing a dilapidated monk uniform, said in a hoarse and deep voice: "I didn't expect to be bound by the gate of the Demon Sect for decades. , there are still people who recognize me, but young man, I don't seem to recognize you."

Of the four people who came in, he saw the shock on the faces of the other three. Only the young man in front of him was not surprised by his appearance, so he was very curious about who this young man was.

Su Xuan looked at the old monk and said calmly: "Everyone in the world thinks that the sacred seat of Liansheng has already ascended to the sky and is often accompanied by Haotian, but who would have thought that Master Liansheng, who is revered by thousands of people, would bind himself Within the gate of the Demon Sect, Master Ke Liansheng, were you imprisoned here by Ke Haoran, or bound here by yourself?"

It is undeniable that if Ke Haoran's sword was not too sharp back then, perhaps the thirty-two titles of Liansheng would still be circulated in the world today, but he knew that this master Liansheng was useless in killing people back then, although those people did not die because of Liansheng Liansheng's hand, but was killed by the sword borrowed by Liansheng, what is the similarity and difference?

Ye Hongyu looked at Su Xuan excitedly, and questioned: "Su Xuan, the Divine Throne of Liansheng is the previous great priest who adjudicated, you shouldn't question the Divine Throne of Liansheng."

"Haha!" Hearing the little girl's defense, Liansheng smiled bitterly: "The young girl is right, I was indeed imprisoned here by Ke Haoran, because I wanted to atone for my sins, so Ke Haoran used a cage Trapped me."

Ye Hongyu was shocked when he heard the words of Liansheng's Thirty-two Capitals. A former high priest who ruled in Xiling wants to atone for his sins in this dark and dark Mozong Mountain Gate. Such a thing is really too shocking.

Ning Que, who still did not put down the Yuan Thirteen Arrow, asked, "Why did my little uncle imprison you, and what crimes did you commit back then?"

Looking at the old monk in front of him, he felt the danger instinctively. He didn't think that someone who committed a crime would obediently atone for it. If so, wouldn't Xiahou should kneel on the grave of his parents to atone for his Liansheng Thirty-two looked at Ning Que and said, "I can sense that you are a disciple of the academy. You call Ke Haoran a junior uncle. I think you are a disciple of Houshan. But isn't it a bit strange to walk around the world in the academy these years?" You are too weak, among these few, your cultivation base and realm are nothing at all."

Ning Que ignored Liansheng's sarcasm, and continued, "Since my little uncle imprisoned you here, you should stop making ridiculous excuses and confess your sins honestly!"

Liansheng stood up and wanted to walk towards Ning Que, but the thick iron chains behind him made it difficult for him to move an inch. He said, "If you know me and blame me, only Chunqiuer, even Ke Haoran, can't move." Can't judge me."

He is the thirty-two lotus born, with pure white petals, everyone in the world, how can there be someone who can judge him in this world.

Su Xuan sighed and said: "Master Liansheng also practiced Dao, Demon and Buddha. It is true that Dao and Demon can enter the way of God through the connection between Dao and Demon. So you have already crossed the five realms."

I have to admit that Master Liansheng back then danced on three eggs. If Ke Haoran hadn't been a bit of a monster, he wouldn't have been able to keep up. Now Master Liansheng would be respected like a master, but if he was wrong, he was wrong. .

Hearing this, Liansheng laughed and said: "I made the layout back then, so that the world thought that the Xiling Judiciary had bloodbathed Lanke Temple, and those dancers who could only dance died tragically. Among those dancers was Ke Haoran's wife. Haoran would kill Taoshan, but he didn’t expect Ke Haoran to see through this plan, go straight to the gate of the Demon Sect, and kill everyone in the Demon Sect with a single sword, and I was also imprisoned here by Ke Haoran in a cage.”



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