Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 459: Antiy conference, the heavens and worlds that cannot be safe

His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor who lived through all the calamities in the heavens and worlds in the past, and now Zhang Bairen revisited the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm, which is undoubtedly a happy event for those gods who are loyal to the Heavenly Emperor.

For the gods of West Kunlun who have already packed up their things and plan to run away if the situation is not good, it is not a bad thing. After all, they have been wandering in the thirty-third heaven for tens of thousands of years. I have visited all the places I have visited, and I have left all the doors that should be kept. In the future, I can come and go whenever I want.

But for Zhang Bairen who re-entered the 33rd Heaven Realm, the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty who escaped through Huangquan Road, as well as the hundreds of millions of people of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty, were indeed a huge unstable factor.

Although the hiding place of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty was not found, the Antian Conference was still held in the Golden Tower of the Heaven Realm and outside the Tai Xuan Treasure Hall as usual.

I saw outside the Tai Xuan Treasure Hall, on the square with a radius of ten thousand li, the immortals sat down according to the seats they had arranged earlier.

The lowest person who received the invitation from His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven was a practitioner of the Golden Immortal Realm with the edge of immortality, and those under the Golden Immortal could only sit in other places besides the square of the Taixuan Palace.

Of course, if there are elders from the sect who speak, they can naturally sit on the square of the Tai Xuan Treasure Hall.

Not long after.

The stars are sprinkled on the square of the Taixuan Palace, and there is a fairy in the Guanghan Palace of the Taiyin Star, appearing from the starlight.

Then the celestial musicians played the celestial music, the sound of silk and bamboo orchestras, accompanied by the graceful dances of the fairies taught by the Taiyin star king of Guanghan Palace, appeared on the square of Taixuan Palace.

However, apart from those practitioners of the immortal family who were brought in by the elders of the master, there were no other practitioners of the immortal family who would appreciate this graceful dance.

Compared with the dancing postures of these fairies in Guanghan Palace, the flat peaches on the table in front of me are more affordable.

After all, in such a critical scene at that time, if they hadn't taken action, I really don't know if the current Emperor of Heaven, His Majesty, would still be able to sit on it safe and sound.

With such a great favor, if you want to use a song and dance, you can get rid of it with some flat peaches. Is there really such an easy thing in this world?

on the throne,

Zhang Bairen looked at the Yaochi beside him, and then at Long Ji who was seated very far in front, got up and said, "This Emperor's re-ascension to the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm is all thanks to Queen Mother Xi's help, so today, taking advantage of the Antian Conference, The Queen Mother of the West was appointed as the head of the female immortals in the thirty-three layers of heaven, enjoying the gift of the emperor, and all females who become immortals must first go to worship the Queen Mother of the West, and take charge of more than 1,600 realms in the heavens and myriad realms."

Before Zhang Bairen's words fell, Yao Chi sitting beside Zhang Bairen already had a resentful expression on his face, but Yao Chi, who knew the inside story, was helpless.

There shouldn't have been such an edict at the beginning, and when the couple re-entered the thirty-three heavens, the Queen Mother of the West could only go back to Kunlun Mountain honestly, but who would have expected that the situation at that time would be so dangerous.

"Your Majesty is holy."

"Congratulations to Queen Mother of the West."


On the square outside the Tai Xuan Treasure Hall, there was a situation where everyone was in full bloom. This incident was also a surprise for the West Kunlun family of immortals who had already planned to run away after the Antian Conference. happiness.

After all, it is better not to run if you can run.

The singing and dancing were still the same, and many immortals also took advantage of the opportunity to meet after such a hard time, and started friendship in twos and threes.

Especially those fairy families who brought their disciples and disciples here, they kept introducing the fairy families on the square to their disciples, and those who were acquainted would go up and say a few words, call a teacher uncle, or a teacher. Bo.

Most of the fairy families who were called uncles or uncles would give some gifts, and of course there were a few stingy fairy families who ignored it.

Su Xuan, who was sitting very near the front, didn't go to see the singing and dancing in Guanghan Palace, nor did he pay attention to those immortal families who had connections, Su Xuan seriously wiped out the flat peaches on the table in front of him.

Practitioners in the Golden Immortal Realm eat flat peaches that ripen once in the spring and autumn of three thousand years, while those in Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm eat flat peaches that ripen once in six thousand years.

As for the practitioners in the Golden Immortal Realm of the Daluo Golden Immortal, they eat purple flat peaches that ripen once in nine thousand years. For ordinary people, a flat peach that ripens once in nine thousand years is enough for them to prove the golden immortal skill fruit.

Su Xuan originally thought that the flat peaches at the Antian Conference would be gone after eating, but when Su Xuan saw that she was no longer the same as the flat peaches on the mountain table in his house, and that Xian'e brought a plate, he continued to eat. Concentrate on destroying the flat peaches.

Mo Shanshan looked helplessly at her family, Su Xuan, but after seeing many immortal families imitating their actions, he was relieved.

After all, their little uncles were able to re-land in the thirty-third layer of heaven, and they exerted a lot of strength in it.

After half an hour.

After eating about dozens of flat peaches that have been ripened by the immortal family for nine thousand years, Su Xuan looked at the pile of peach pits and said, "I don't know if this flat peach can survive after leaving the flat peach garden."

Many immortals believe that the flat peach tree is the root of the flat peach, but they don't know that there is no flat peach garden, where there will be a flat peach tree, so the important thing is not the flat peach tree, but the flat peach garden.

This is also the reason why, after billions of years, no one except the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm can cultivate flat peaches.

With a wave of his sleeve, Mo Shanshan took away the peach and said: "Uncle Nuwa is still flying to the mountain, and when I go back, I can borrow the universe of Uncle Nuwa to try it out. It should be able to grow one or two."

Su Xuan nodded and said: "If there is a Qiankun cauldron, maybe it can really grow life. After all, it is the Qiankun cauldron that can make ordinary stones give birth to monkeys in the golden fairy realm."

The two were talking in a low voice, without paying any attention to the Heavenly Emperor and his wife on the throne.

Zhang Bairen also tolerated the actions of many immortal families, so what if he couldn't bear it, did he want to tear his face?

But as everyone knows.

At the table slightly in front of the Tai Xuan Treasure Hall square, it is not known whether Xian'e served the wrong immortal wine, or what happened.

Marshal Tianpeng, the direct disciple of Master Xuandu, after holding the jar and drinking half of the jar of immortal wine, stood up drunkenly, and wobbled towards the fairies of Guanghan Palace who were dancing in the starlight. go.

In just a moment, Marshal Tianpeng grabbed the Tianyi of a Guanghan Palace Fairy, and he would not let go.

"Marshal, please respect yourself." The fairy persuaded.

"What's the matter with self-respect, this seat is the Marshal of the Canopy, besides, it's not that His Majesty disagrees, and the immortals in the heavens form a Taoist couple."

Marshal Tianpeng said nonchalantly.

next moment.

On the throne, Zhang Bairen was furious.

Canopy's drunken talk has already touched the bottom line of this majesty.

Immortals in the thirty-three layers of heaven are not allowed to marry, this is the heavenly rule set by His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor in the past, and even this His Majesty's own sister is still under the pressure of Taoshan.

However, there is now a fairy family who wants to challenge the heavenly rules set by His Majesty, and the consequences can be imagined.



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