Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 418: Long-eared Dingguang Immortal was captured

The scene of Jujiao Wanxian marching mightily, naturally, did not escape the eyes of Queen Mother Xi and Yunxiao.

At this moment, Yun Xiao's hanging heart finally let go. Since the teacher has led the interceptors to take action, the overall situation is settled.

Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal is not a fool, so naturally he will not follow the real person.

"Senior Sister Yunxiao, how is the situation?"

Su Xuan, who hurried over from the National Teacher's Mansion, looked at the Red Sleeve Pavilion and said.

When I heard the bursts of Sanskrit sounds, I thought that the long-eared Dingguang Immortal would only become Dingguang Huanxi Buddha in the future and follow the Western Sect, but I didn't expect that his Uncle Tongtian was so powerful.

Stop teaching ten thousand immortals to travel, not to mention the friendship of the West, even if other sects are added, they can't stop the Daluo Jinxian realm practitioners from forming a torrent.

Yun Xiao pointed to the Hongxiu Pavilion and said: "The singing and dancing inside has stopped, but I don't know when this long-eared Dingguang Immortal will be scared out, but I don't know if people from a hundred miles around have cleared the venue?"

Originally, she thought that those senior brothers said that the rabbit was very timid was false, but now it seems that what those senior brothers said may not necessarily be false.

Shen Gongbao came out with a smile on his face, and he said: "Sister Yunxiao, there is no one in this hundred miles apart from this Hongxiu Pavilion. When the time comes, the other people in the Hongxiu Pavilion will be given the next day." It’s enough to have Meng Po’s soup and rain.”

He really has a lot of friends, not a fake one, so even in the underworld, there is a lot of Meng Po Tang, which is strictly forbidden to leak out.

"That's good. After all, we have to give Qingdi, Suirenshi, and those Emperors a face." Queen Mother Xi said, "Although they can't get out of Huoyun Cave."

But for the people in Huoyun Cave who are guarding the fate of the human race, except for Emperor Qing and those human ancestors, the other human emperors have already controlled the affairs of the human emperor.

But fortunately, the next few human emperors all relied on the luck of humanity to reach the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, relying on Hongyun's majestic purple aura.

So for example, the ancestor of Kunpeng, or the leader of Styx, and some unknown existences, have long been eager to try.

At this moment Cihang asked: "Then what should I do with this long-eared Dingguang Immortal?"

The Queen Mother of the West smiled calmly, and said: "I have already discussed with Brother Tongtian earlier, if I can capture the Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal, I will let this Dao Fruit that seals the Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal, and let the Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal be on the list of gods." take a walk.

At first, he thought that the long-eared Dingguang Immortal was hiding in Chaoge City and it would be difficult to do anything, but he didn't expect that many senior nephews came to the door by himself. "

Hearing this, Yunxiao's heart was calm, as long as she had discussed it with her teacher and the old man, after all, it was right to hide for a while after being on the list of gods.

Cihang is even more irrelevant, hanging on high.

But Su Xuan's heart was full of turmoil. According to his uncle Ping Xin's plan, the Queen Mother of the West might be needed to preside over the thirty-three heavens for tens of thousands of years.

Once this long-eared Dingguang Immortal enters the Conferred God Class, will he still have a good life?

That was tens of thousands of years, so the long-eared Dingguang Immortal's miserable life in the future can be said to be invisible at a glance.

"Sura Martial God"

Thinking of this, Su Xuan couldn't help mourning for Chang Er Ding Guangxian for three minutes, and he didn't know how Uncle Tong Tian would feel if he knew that he had been swayed by the Queen Mother of the West.

"Finally came out, I thought the rabbit didn't plan to come out today."

Listening to Queen Mother Xi's voice, everyone looked towards Hongxiu Pavilion, only to see Chang-Eared Dingguang Immortal coming out of the door holding the Six Soul Banner.

After clearly seeing the person coming from the opposite side, Chang Er Ding Guangxian said: "Fellow Taoists, we have no grievances in the past, and we have no grievances in recent days. Why do you bother to force each other? How about I erase the real name of the immortal family on the six soul banners like this?" , and then I will go to Biyou Palace to plead guilty."

Without being disturbed by the uninterrupted Sanskrit sound to guide the real person, as a direct disciple of one of the Seven Immortals accompanying the Lord Tongtian, he quickly recognized the reality.

However, it is true to erase the real name of the immortal family on the Liuhun Banner, but it is absolutely impossible to go back to Biyou Palace to plead guilty!

He knew very well that this time the basket was not small, if he went back, he would have to be sealed off as a true spirit, and he would go to the heavens and worlds for an unknown number of years.

His teacher’s way of punishing his disciples, apart from the one above, is the newly learned scripture copying, but according to his crimes, if he copied the scriptures, he would have to suffer immeasurable disasters.

The Queen Mother of the West looked at the long-eared Dingguangxian who put her posture down very low, and said, "Little rabbit, weren't you very arrogant before? Your teacher, Master Tongtian, has already arranged for you. You can either go for a walk on the list of gods, or Go to the heavens and worlds and reincarnate for hundreds of millions of years, you choose one!"

The punishment method of reincarnating the immortal family first appeared in Zixiao Palace. At that time, the teacher and the old man also had a lot of schemes to punish the disciples who made mistakes.

But her senior brother Minghe was personally arranged by the teacher to be reincarnated after a certain But she didn't expect that senior brother Minghe would return to Zixia Palace in just a hundred years.

Afterwards, her teacher found out that Styx directly asked Blood God Son to take action, but in just a hundred years, her senior brother Styx died tens of thousands of times.

So after that, the reincarnation of the Xian family no longer counts the number of reincarnations, but directly counts the years, in order to prevent some people from cheating like her senior brother Minghe.

Su Xuan looked at the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, calmly took out the Taiji diagram, and said: "The Taishang decree ordered Yunxiao to use Hunyuan Jindou to eliminate the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, and cultivated for 70 million years as a punishment."

This time, Chang Er Ding Guangxian really went too far. If they hadn't acted quickly, I am afraid that the current good situation of Conferred God Calamity would have been destroyed long ago.

"Disciple Yunxiao, receive the decree."

I saw Yun Xiao holding the Hunyuan Gold Dou and turning it on the head of Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal, and the cultivation of Chang-eared Dingguang Immortal was instantly wiped out for 70 million years.

Then the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, holding the six-hundred soul banner in his hand, flew away, and then saw a flash of sword light, and the long-eared Dingguang Immortal Daluo's body and Daoguo had already moved towards Biyou Palace .

There is a lot of Dingguangxian's primordial spirit left here, but at this moment, the long-eared Dingguangxian has a feeling of seeing the sky through the clouds and mists.

Teacher, the old man's punishment this time seems to be heavy, but it is not painful or itchy. When the time comes, he will naturally be able to return to himself.

Su Xuan looked at the Queen Mother of the West, bowed and said: "Master, the disciples still need it, so arrange Chang-Eared Dingguang Immortal to enshrine the **** as soon as possible, just go ahead."

Then Su Xuan, Yun Xiao and Ci Hang, who were watching the long-eared Ding Guangxian, turned into rainbow lights and went straight to the Conferred God Stage.



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