Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 368: 1 unexpected fairy

"Finally finished copying."

"Three months, three full months, I'm almost useless in copying, and I have to have a good meal today."

Qingniu, who had regained his human body, drank the immortal wine sent by the heavenly court, while looking at his hands that were about to be blistered, he looked up to the sky and sighed.

When had he been cheated by Su Xuan? It seems to be in the world without the moon, but why is he still being pitted by Su Xuan after so long?

This is very unreasonable.

Just when Qingniu was thinking wildly, outside the big formation of Feilai Mountain, suddenly his ideas soared, and countless lights of moonlight were cast on the Lunar Star outside the sky.

The unique lunar cold air on the Lunar Star permeated Feilai Mountain, almost freezing the entire Feilai Mountain into an iceberg.

"Who is it!"

"Did you dare to fly to the mountain in broad daylight, and a Taoist temple showed supernatural powers, are you impatient?"

Qingniu got up from the ground, staggered forward a few steps before stopping, wanting to see the woman outside the formation more clearly.

But when he saw the woman's true face clearly, Qingniu, who was always fearless, shouted at the top of his voice, "Help! Taiyin Xingjun is going to kill someone."

There are many Chang'e fairies, but there is only one Guanghan fairy, and the only one who can be called the Taiyin star king is naturally the one in front of Qingniu.

Taiyin Xingjun, the **** of war in the days of the demon clan in the Heavenly Court, possessed supernatural powers, and he could only practice in seclusion after many fights, which made the immortal family feel depressed.

That peerless beauty, who was surrounded by the moonlight and moonlight all over her body, waved her hand and flew to the formation of the mountain, automatically opened it and put it in.


"But it's a bit interesting, Daluo Jinxian\'one certificate will last forever, it is the Tao itself, and the formation arranged by this little Jinxian can't stop me."

She is the Lord of the Guanghan Palace in the Da Luo Jinxian Realm, the Taiyin Star Lord in the Thirty-Third Heaven Realm, and the God of War in the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race in the past.

This time, he came here to Feilai Mountain to settle accounts, to settle a step. Su Zhenren admired the dancing of many fairies in her Guanghan Palace, but never gave Lingshi an account.

Taiyin Xingjun walked up the Feilai Mountain step by step, and the formations all over the Feilai Mountain failed to stop the Great Luo Jinxian at all.

It wasn't until a cold snort came from within the Daoist Temple that Taiyin Xingjun stopped, looked at the female fairy who appeared in front of him, and said rather coldly: "The monster clan Tianting Taiyin Xingjun Chang Xi has seen Emperor Wa, but he just didn’t know that you have stayed here in Feilai Mountain for so long, and that you surprised me when you left.”

Nuwa, who was dressed in blue clothes, looked at the person coming and said with a sneer, "Changxi, as the Guanghan Fairy of the Heavenly Court, you dare to leave the Lunar Star without permission. Aren't you afraid of the law of heaven? Don't forget that this palace, personally The established laws of heaven."

Back in the Heavenly Court of the Yaozu, although the human race could be considered to be spread throughout the prehistoric mountains and rivers, there were always some unsightly Yaozu fairy families who defied her will and raised the human race in captivity for food.

So she set the law of heaven, which was the earliest law of heaven, and after countless years, the real law of heaven appeared, but at this time, the heaven of the monster race had already been destroyed, and it was replaced by the current one who used to be in Zixiao. In the palace, a few juniors brought tea and water to them and opened the door.

Changxi laughed loudly and said, "Emperor Wa, are you kidding me? You must know that even the Heavenly Court of the Monster Race has been destroyed now, let alone the heavenly laws you set, even if the heavenly laws of Wahuang are still in your hands." I can't control it, I almost became the seat of the Queen of Heaven."

The Heavenly Emperor of the Yaozu back then had not coveted her at all. If it hadn't been for those friends of hers who were not in a good state of cultivation, she would have probably become the queen of the Yaozu Heaven, and then perished in that lich killing .

It's not bad now, but the boy from the Emperor of Heaven is too annoying. If it weren't for the face of her cheap teacher Hongjun ancestor, she would have slashed at the boy long ago, eating what was in the bowl and looking at the pot I really don't know if Yao Chi was blind back then?

"I really can't control you, Changxi, but there is a Taoist temple in Feilai Mountain, and you have a share in this palace. You broke into Feilai Mountain without even saying hello. As a fairy of Guanghan, don't you?" Shouldn't I give you an explanation?" Nuwa's eyes were a little teasing, and she said, "If I tie you up, it would be very interesting to put you on my nephew Su's bed."

As for this Fairy Guanghan, her nephew Su is the one she really likes!

It's a pity that if this fairy Guanghan and that male fairy dare to approach within ten feet of her, her emperor in the sky will probably be furious again.

Hearing Nuwa's words, Changxi felt a sense of helplessness in his heart. How many years have passed, and this emperor's good deeds are still the same as in the past.

After a long time, the moon is on the tip.

Looking from Feilai Mountain, the bright moon is extraordinarily dazzling tonight, just because the Taiyin star king is here, and the ancient moon **** is here, how can the Taiyin star not be dazzling?

Taiyin Xingjun complained wearily: "Senior sister, do you know how bold our little junior brother is now? He even wanted to marry I really don't know why we didn't make it He was thrown into the void of chaos."

She was very angry, the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace, of course, can also be called the three thousand students, and now there are not many who can still maintain the status and style of the past, don't you see the Dong Wanggong back then, and now he doesn't know the rotation It took many lifetimes to regain the Taoist fruit of the immortal family.

and then?

Holding his wife and children in his arms, he didn't know where he hid. Daluo Jinxian's cultivation realm involved nothingness, so naturally he couldn't be wiped out of his true spirit. So those brothers and sisters back then, don't know where they are sinking now?

That's why she came to Feilai Mountain only after she had no choice. You must know that her current Heavenly Emperor is in the realm of cultivation. Compared with her senior brother, she is not a star and a half behind!


Nuwa sneered again and again, and she said: "This is very in line with the disposition of that Majesty in the sky. Even if I heard that His Majesty wanted to marry me that day, I wouldn't be surprised at all, but Changxi, you shouldn't have married me." It shouldn't be, it's just that you shouldn't hit Su Xuan with your thoughts."

The merging of the three religions is what Hunyuan Xianjia like them want to see, and what Changxi said, even if it is true, they should go to Zixiao Palace to sue.

Changxi looked at Su Xuan who came out of Youjian Taoist Temple, then looked at Nuwa, and she said, "I am going to dance here today, and the news that I will be descending from the Lunar Star has been seen by our little brother. After today's song, maybe our junior brother will retreat in spite of the difficulties."

Their junior brother, although he is the emperor of heaven, has no real power, but even so, she can't deal with it. It's all because too many immortal families died in the battle of the emperor of the demon clan.

Otherwise, a hundred and ten big Luos will be picked together, so as not to beat the Emperor of Heaven to fly ashes, and her Chang character will be written upside down.



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