Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 364: Yuanshi Tianzun entered the nether world

Netherworld, by the bridge of Naihe.

Jiang Ziya, who died under the siege of the immortals, looked at it blankly, it was a very strange nether world.

It was dark, and occasionally there were a few little ghosts screaming.

"Hey, Ma Mian, who do you think that old man is?" Niutou looked at Jiang Ziya who was looking left and right by the Naihe Bridge, and said with a smirk.

Ma Mian took a closer look, and said, "Isn't this Jiang Ziya? Why is the person appointed by the saint to be a god, still dead?"

"Hey, Niutou, look, it's still Yuanshen who came, why don't we send this Jiang Ziya off now, take a photo at the mirror, and let Jiang Ziya be reincarnated."

For the disciples of Chanjiao, Ma Mian didn't hate it, but he didn't like it either. Empress Houtu abandoned her ancestral witch body and turned into a nether world.

Among them was Yuanshi Tianzun's big plan, so seeing Jiang Ziya today, naturally he couldn't let it go.

"Brother, heroes see the same thing! Let's lock Jiang Ziya today and let Jiang Ziya drink a pot of Mengpo soup."

Niutou picked up the iron chain around his waist that was designed to restrain the immortal spirit, and put it on Jiang Ziya's head.

The iron chain was hung on the Yuanshen, and it directly took root. The tingling pain brought by the Yuanshen instantly woke up Jiang Ziya.

After Jiang Ziya looked around, and found that this place was the rumored Netherworld, Jiang Ziya said directly: "It turns out that there are two evil adults with a bull head and a horse face. Netherworld, please let me go from the two lords."

Jiang Ziya himself was not very clear about why he was in the underworld. He only remembered that he was still supervising the battle at the head of Xiqi City, and saw hundreds of sword lights coming. He fell on the head of Xiqi City, and his soul came to the bank of Naihe Bridge.


"Jiang Ziya, are you bargaining with me?"

"You have to be clear that this is the Underworld, not Yuxu Palace in East Kunlun. You have already passed the Naihe Bridge, do you still want to go back?"

"Have you asked Empress Empress?"

Niutou and Mamian, you said something to each other, only to hear Jiang Ziya's ears buzzing.

Niutou took the time to give Jiang Ziya a fist directly, pulled the iron chain, and led Jiang Ziya to the six reincarnations.

Ma Mian went to Houtu Palace and reported to Houtu Empress that Jiang Ziya had entered the Netherworld Palace. After all, he was also a direct disciple of Yuxu Palace in East Kunlun, so he still had some face.

If he is a son of the third generation of elucidation and education, he can be straightforward with his horse and face, and kick him into the six samsaras.

After a long time, after crossing many formations and several small thousand worlds, Ma Mian regained his body of the Wu clan and walked to Houtu Palace.

Ma Mian looked at Houtu, who was playing with an iron-eating beast, and said, "I will tell you, Empress Houtu, that the person who explained and taught Yuanshi Tianzun to enshrine the gods has died, and the Yuanshen has been led by the bull head to the six realms of reincarnation. go."

Hou Tu looked at Ma Mian with a full smile, and said: "You said what did you report to Ben Gong? Wouldn't it be better to let Jiang Ziya reincarnate directly? I have to come to Ben Gong. It's all right now, my senior brother has come .”

Talking room!

Above the Houtu Palace, above the tens of thousands of feet in the sky, the purple energy came in a mighty manner.

In Yuxu Palace in East Kunlun, Yuanshi Tianzun, the leader of the interpretation of religion, came to the outside of Houtu Palace in a chariot of Kowloon agarwood.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at Houtu who was playing with the iron-eating beast, and said: "Junior Sister Houtu, in the future, you will still be the same as before. I don't know how the younger sister Houtu is doing recently!"

As Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, now he wants to beg this junior sister for the sake of that stupid apprentice.

In the future, what rumors may spread in the heavens and myriad realms?

Hou Tu sneered and said: "Brother, you are joking, my Netherworld is dark, how can it compare to the past? Besides, I have not been good recently.

Ma Mian, what are you doing there, why don't you rush to see off the guests. "

Back then, she should have gone out to stop the war between the two clans of Liches. According to the cultivation level of her and her good sister, Nuwa, stopping that war of Liches was nothing difficult.

But the three senior brothers from East Kunlun blocked the door of her good sister, and the two guys from the west blocked the door of her house, so that the two clans of liches were lonely. Although it has been many years, but seeing Yuanshi Tianzun again, She still wanted to rush up and beat him up.

Yuanshi Tianzun said with a smile: "Junior Sister Houtu, you are joking again, the Underworld and the Sea of ​​​​Blood join hands, but His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven who persecutes you is suffering so much that you can't tell!

Junior Sister Houtu, I am here only for the purpose of enshrining the gods, please also hand over my apprentice's primordial spirit. "

Beep Pavilion

"Senior brother Yuanshi, although my junior sister really wants to hand over Jiang Ziya's soul to you, it's a pity that Niutou has already taken Jiang Ziya's soul to the six realms of reincarnation." Houtu pinched the iron-eating beast's black and white face, Said: "Don't you think so? The mighty general."

A cloud mirror appeared outside Houtu Palace.

On the cloud mirror, Niutou has brought Jiang Ziya to Po Meng's place, and if he wants to enter reincarnation, he must drink a bucket of Po Meng soup first.

The stooped Meng Po looked at Jiang Ziya behind the bull's head and said, "It's not easy to erase the past life for the image of the flying bear. You have to drink a lot of Meng Po soup."

One bucket after another, and then many buckets of Mengpo soup were defeated on the ground. Jiang Ziya looked at the strange smell of Mengpo soup and said, "I am the direct descendant of Yuxu. In order to protect Xiqi and destroy the merchants, the heavy responsibility lies with me." Body! So I hope that you two will accommodate me a little bit, and I will let you go back."

Calculating carefully, it has been nearly twelve hours since he left Xiqi, if this delay continues, the city of Xiqi may be in danger.

Niutou looked at Jiang Ziya and said, "Once you enter the netherworld, it will be difficult to get out, so let's drink the soup first! After drinking this Mengpo soup, you can start a new life, at least you don't have to marry the old Huanghua who is about to be seventy years old."

Jiang Ziya's face turned dark, and he was about to escape after making a formula, but before he could escape a few steps, he was dragged back by Niutou.

Outside the Houtu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun watched Jiang Ziya being angrily said: "Bold!"

At the end of Huangquan, at Meng Po Tang.

Niutou's legs bent, unable to resist Shengwei anymore, he fell to his knees on the ground.

And the chains on Jiang Ziya's body also disappeared completely at this moment. Although he didn't know what happened, Jiang Ziya made a trick and escaped a hundred miles away in an instant.

"Zi Ya hasn't gone back quickly, what are you still doing here?"

A voice sounded, Jiang Ziya fell to his knees, and his teacher finally came to save him.

Jiang Ziya respectfully turned towards the direction where the voice disappeared, and saluted: "Disciple Jiang Ziya, take orders!"

Then Jiang Ziya's figure was slapped back to Xiqi by Yuanshi Tianzun.



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