Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 359: Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian

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On the flying boat.

Su Xuan also noticed the rainbow light, and naturally also saw the figure in the rainbow light, Qingyuan Second Dao Zhenjun Yang Jian, who was cultivated in the Golden Immortal Realm.

Naturally, his combat power is not weaker than him, and beside Yang Jian, the True Monarch of the Miaodao of Qingyuan, there is also a spirit dog from Tiantian's realm.

"Gene Age"

"My Senior Brother Yuding is an apprentice, and Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian is also here. My nephew Yang Jian and Senior Brother Su, your apprentice Long Ji, are still relatives."

Cihang said with a smile on his face.

As for Long Ji, who was dressed in spirit armor and looked heroic, she also felt very helpless for this cousin. The Princess Tianting was not her, but her aunt, Princess Yunhua.

But since her aunt Sifan married the mortal Yang Tianyou, who was the direct disciple of Maitreya who later taught Buddhism in the West, she gave birth to three siblings, Yang Jiao, Yang Jian, and Yang Chan.

Her father was furious at that time, and sent the judicial **** to capture her aunt. In that battle, her aunt, who was the **** of war in the heaven, fought against the judicial **** until the sun and the moon paled.

After that battle, the God of Judiciary fell, and her aunt was imprisoned under Taoshan. She didn't quite understand the reason.


After Su Xuan sighed, he said: "I have seen this incident before in the scriptures. In fact, in a sense, what His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor did is not wrong, and of course it is not right either. Except for the parties involved at the time, no one can explain everything clearly."

In fact, it is not difficult to understand, the younger sister raised by His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor for who knows how many thousands of years, was abducted by someone, if she can still sit calmly, that would be a strange thing.

Immortal Sifan, this reason is very ridiculous, not to mention extremely ridiculous, but also extremely ridiculous.

Even practitioners can live for tens of thousands of years, and practitioners in the realm of celestial immortals can live almost as long as the heaven and earth.

It can only be regarded as a beautiful wish of a mortal for a fairy Sifan to marry a mortal. After all, the life of an ordinary mortal is only a hundred years in a hurry. For the fairy family, it is just a meal and a nap.

Furthermore, even if Fairy Yunhua married an ordinary mortal with a clean identity and background, if one wanted to come to the heavenly Majesty, she would be able to use resources from that mortal to become a fairy.

But the fact seems to be that the Uncle Zhunti of the Western Sect used some calculations, so that the Heavenly Court lost a God of War.

"Explaining and teaching Yuxu Palace, the direct disciple of the real Yuding, the real master of Qingyuan Miaodao, Yang Jian, I have met all the masters and uncles."

Yang Jian, who came in a hurry, did not go to Xiqi, but came directly to the flying boat, and noted that his teacher Yuding Zhenren had told him that he must go to pay homage to his uncles first.

When Yang Jian stood on the flying boat with a dignified appearance, compared to Pan An and Song Yu, he attracted many people's attention.

Even Su Xuan had to admit that Yang Jian's appearance was really impeccable, even if Master Chunyang was here, he would hide his face and walk away.

"Nephew Yang, I know that you are here to help Xiqi, but before Dashang has no practitioners in the Golden Immortal Realm, you must not escalate the war under the fairyland."

Cihang looked at her very good-looking nephew and reminded her.

The Realm of Conferred Gods looks very big, but it is actually very small, especially for the practitioners of the Golden Immortal Realm. If you really let go of your hands and feet to fight, it can be smashed in the heavens and myriad realms. Fang Shijie, even if there are many Hunyuan immortals guarding the realm of the gods, it would be hundreds of millions of miles away to say the least.

Yang Jian looked at Cihang, and said respectfully: "Masters, my master Yuding Daoist, I have already told you when I came here that I should not escalate this war without authorization, but my junior brother Lei Zhenzi should not continue to be punished." Trapped in Master Su's talisman."

If it wasn't for the decree of his master ancestor, he really didn't want to come here, after all, he already has the title of True Monarch Qingyuan Miaodao in the heavens and myriad realms.

But the master's order was really hard to disobey, so he had no choice but to take the filial dog and come to Xiqi for a walk.

Su Xuan looked at Yang Jian, and said helplessly: "Nephew Yang, Yin Xun used the cage talisman I wrote, which is beyond the power of the fairyland. Nephew Yang can break the cage talisman by himself, but Yin Xun , and I have a sweet love, and I also ask Nephew Yang to save his life."

After decades of getting along with each other, even if Yin Xun has such careful thoughts, at least he has never betrayed him, so it is right to leave Yin Xun with his life at this time, it is just a matter of lifting a finger.

Yang Jian nodded slightly and said: "Uncle Su's order, Yang Jian must obey, and will definitely spare Yin Xun's life to go back."

When he was in Guanjiangkou, he also heard something about him, Uncle Su, when he was working in Guanxing Tower.

After careful calculation, the son of Huang Feihu of the Huang family is also a third-generation disciple of the same teaching, but he also knows that some things cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

Su Xuan said: "Then I would like to thank Nephew Yang."

Then Yang Jian jumped up with the Xiaotian dog and fell straight towards the head of Xiqi city.

Yun Xiao looked at Yang Jian who had already left, and said, "Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian, his cultivation level is not high, but his reputation is very famous, but I don't know why he didn't recognize Master Nephew Longji?"

It was a little surprising for her that relatives met but did not recognize each other. What happened back then, but any fairy family like a golden fairy could think about the cause and effect after a little thought.

Long Ji looked at her cousin and said, "Uncle Yunxiao, in fact, my aunt, Princess Yunhua is still under the pressure of Taoshan, and my father exiled Taoshan to the heavens and myriad worlds with the Kunlun mirror." Among them, even now my cousin has not found it."

Now it was Cihang's turn to be surprised, she asked: "Then my nephew broke the mountain to save his mother back then? Could it be fake too?"

She didn't quite believe it. As a Daluo Jinxian, a fairy family who is a truth in itself, could she still be deceived?

Long Ji explained: "My father went to ask Patriarch Hongjun to hide it from all the masters and uncles, but after thinking about it, all the masters should be very clear about it."

Listening to his apprentice's narration, Su Xuan also understood the secret. His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor really valued his sister who had been with him for countless years. Even if it was punishment, he used the most severe Under the city of Xiqi!

Qingyuan Miaodao Zhenjun Yang Jian held the three-pointed double-sided blade and walked outside the cage array. Yang Jian looked at Lei Zhenzi who was unleashing the power of wind and thunder in the cage, and said: "Lei Zhenzi's cage array traps his heart first and then his body. , If your mind is not calm, how can you be calm, Lei Zhenzi, you calm down first, and I will rescue you right away."

This formation is indeed mysterious, but it is a pity that it does not have much effect when meeting an immortal family with a firm heart, but for an immortal family with a firm heart, this cage formation is the biggest nemesis.

Inside the fan cage formation.

Lei Zhenzi listened to Yang Jian, saying that his body and mind were restless, and the wind and thunder were more powerful on his back. Yang Jian looked at Lei Zhenzi in the cage, shook his head helplessly, and led the Xiaotian dog straight to the head of Xiqi city. .



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