Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 349: The emperor's army approached the city of Xiqi

Take Xiqi City in the realm of eight hundred Yuanshen?

Yin Xun thought to himself that his second uncle, who fought with the Yaozu in the west, was neither promoted nor demoted, he must be crazy!

If it was really that simple, why would his relative, the doctor Fei Zhong, mobilize an army of 100,000 to conquer?

And judging from the news revealed in the court, His Majesty the Emperor had no hope at all that they would be able to take down Xiqi City.

His Majesty the Emperor is now probably waiting for their entire army to be wiped out, and then use this excuse to let Grand Master Wen Zhong personally lead the army to burn Xiqi to the ground.

A few more hours later, in the early morning of the next day, amidst the mist, a city that was only a little lower than Chaoge City could be vaguely seen, standing between the sky and the earth.

After a long journey, Yin Li, who marched like wind and thunder all the way, looked at the tall city in front of him, and said to the generals behind him, "Xiqi City has finally arrived, we are all practitioners, the biography will command a vanguard, and all the soldiers will come to the city .”

This is the advantage of being a lineage of the Dashang royal family. Apart from the lineage of the Dashang royal family, who can take out eight hundred practitioners in the realm of Yuanshen at one time to form an army.

This is where the big merchant dares to lead the human beings. Once the army of practitioners comes out, they will conquer all disobedient people.

"General, I'll just wait for your words. We estimate that we will be able to have breakfast at Xibohou Mansion by this time tomorrow."

As a human race, three meals a day are the memories engraved in the soul.

"That's right! Old Chen is right, we have the advantage over Xiqi's crooked melons and dates!"

A school lieutenant who has been to Xiqi City doesn't care about the practitioners in Xiqi City at all.

The great merchants are rich in the land of nine states and all over the world, occupying countless cultivation resources. Although there are thousands of princes, the largest of those princes has no more than a hundred practitioners in the Yuanshen realm, and the weakest has no practitioners. Relying on the soldiers who practice martial arts to support the scene, they are called princes at a good level, and at a bad level, a practitioner who just goes to the realm of Yuanshen surrenders.

"However, I heard that there is a direct disciple of Yuxu Palace from Xibohou, a direct disciple of Yuanshen Realm, it is said that Jiang Ziya is called Jiang Ziya, who was also an official in Chaoge before, but later abandoned his official position and became an official in Xiqi prime minister."

Chen Jiu, the school lieutenant, said sarcastically.

It's a bit ridiculous for a practitioner in the Yuanshen realm to become the prime minister of a prince.

What a sacred place of practice is Yuxu Palace in East Kunlun. Jiang Ziya has practiced in it for many years and has not yet become a fairy, which shows his poor aptitude.

Listening to the discussion of several people, Yin Xun reminded: "Then Jiang Ziya is the direct descendant of a sage after all, if there is any innate spiritual treasure, we will all be ruined."

Although the Yuanshen realm can't use the Xiantian Lingbao, but the Xiantian Lingbao will automatically protect the master if it can't stand it!


Yin Li snorted coldly: "We are the vanguard sent by the Emperor Ren to conquer the princes who are not ministers. How can we let Jiang Ziya make trouble among them? If so, my emperor will sue the sages."

They belong to the human race, and the human race also has backgrounds. How can the position of the emperor be questioned by the disciples of the three religions.

Hearing this, Yin Xun didn't try to persuade him any more, his second uncle still thought things too simply, Yin Xun had heard Jiang Ziya mentioned by Su Xuan more than once when he was in Guanxing Tower.

Naturally, he knew the danger, but since the Emperor himself ordered the general, he had to go back alive first before talking about anything else.

Soon after, eight hundred practitioners in the Yuanshen realm soared into the sky and approached the city of Xiqi.

On the third day of the seventh lunar month in the 76,36th year of the Great Shang Calendar, Emperor Xin conquered the vanguard of the army and approached the city of Xiqi.

A vigorous war kicked off.

At the head of Xiqi City, Xibohou Jichang is wearing armor, and Xibohou's second son Jifa is wearing armor.

For the brothers who fight tigers, father and son soldiers in battle, it couldn't be more appropriate to put them here.

Nangong Shi looked at the practitioners who rose into the sky outside Xiqi City, and said, "Master Hou, our formation in Xiqi City has been activated, and it will definitely be able to block the Wudaoren Emperor Xin's army."

Ji Chang looked at Nangong Shi and sighed, then looked at Yin Li outside the city whom he had met several times before, and said, "General Yin, why did you violate my border?"

Outside Xiqi City, under the blue sky.

Yin Li gave Yin Xun a wink, and Yin Xun, who had long been eager to try, flew out of the army formation and walked three hundred feet away from Xiqi City, roaring filial piety: "Thieves who rebel against the country, everyone will kill them, if you wait, you will be defeated." If you take off your armor and come down with courtesy, you still won't lose your position as a marquis. If you resist stubbornly, when the city is destroyed, no chickens or dogs will be left, and all pigs and sheep will be killed."

The arrogant roar of filial piety echoed between heaven and earth.

The head of Xiqi City.

From Xibo Hou Jichang to the soldiers guarding the city, they all glared at the filial piety practitioner just now.

If eyes could kill, Yin Xun would have been hacked countless times.

"The last general invites you to fight, and I am willing to capture this tease for Lord Hou."

He is good at martial arts, and his clothes can withstand the stomach of a practitioner, and he is confident that he can take down that picky man who is full of fen.

Ji Chang looked at the number one general under his command, and said, "Then let's look at the power of General Nangong."

"The last general takes orders."

Nangong Shi, who received the order, walked down from the top of the city surrounded by many school lieutenants, rode on a war horse with a meager dragon blood, and led more than a thousand soldiers out of Xiqi City in a mighty manner.

On the top of the city, the moment the drums sounded.

Yin Xun ghostly smiled, crushed a jade talisman, and disappeared from Nangong Shi's sight.

Nangong Shi, who was feeling depressed, was about to swear a few words, but saw countless colorful lights coming towards him.

"Extreme Chaos"

On the top of the city, Ji Fa slammed heavily on the crenel of the city wall. Nangong Shi might not necessarily lose if he fought alone, but how could he, Xiqi Qianyuerlang, face the flying swords of 800 practitioners in the Yuanshen realm? Can you stop it?

That is their Xiqi, a practitioner who has been carefully cultivated!

Nangong Shi turned his horse's head and was about to leave with more than a thousand troops under him, but Nangong Shi, who had left the protection of Xiqi City's formation, could really be faster than the flying sword in the hands of a practitioner in the Yuanshen realm?

Of course it can't.

Flying swords fell like rain on the The sword light flew and cut off people's heads. In an instant, only a hundred soldiers of Xiqi's army who followed Nangong Shi out of the city to fight generals remained.

Seeing Nangong fled back to the formation of Xiqi City, Yin Li did not go after him. Yin Li looked at Yin Xun helplessly, and said, "This kind of method is a bit low."

To be honest, his nephew's tactics are indeed a bit base, but it really works.

Yin Xun looked at the captains of the vanguard army behind him, and said to his second uncle, "Second uncle, this is war. I was lucky enough to read several volumes of military books written by Su Dajiu in the Guanxing Tower. It says that war is war. kill the enemy as much as possible.

Don't you see the effect now? The times have changed, this is no longer the era when the battle will determine the winner or loser. "

"War means whatever it takes."

"War is all about using everything."



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