Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 32: The cage is broken, the seat of God escapes

"Son of Pluto, I saw you again. You escaped fourteen years ago, and you can't escape this time."

Wei Guangming, who was reciting the scriptures of Xiling in the cage, straightened his right arm and pointed to the light shining through the cracks in the cliff.

"The light is merciful and indifferent, and the darkness will eventually dissipate!"

Dao after wave of Haotian divine brilliance poured out along Wei Guangming's cuff, and it was the first time that he saw absolute light in the deep prison that had been silent for hundreds of years.

The temple cavalry who came to patrol You Pavilion were blinded by the light in an instant. Even such a fiery light still made them feel deep fear.

"Quickly report to Master Headmaster!"

Chen Qi, the commander of the temple cavalry, shouted in horror, and saw Chen Qi fumbling for something in the air with his hands, stumbling and trying to run out of the secluded pavilion.

The temple cavalry behind Chen Qi slammed around like headless flies, and some of them were mounted on the raised rocks in the quiet pavilion. The sharp rocks collided with the flesh and blood, and the rocks would not hurt, but The temple cavalry was bleeding.

Wei Guangming looked at the chaotic temple cavalry and said with a sneer, "A bunch of trash want to destroy my Guangming Temple?"

Trash is just trash after all, even if trash wears armor and holds a sword carved with a seal that can guide the vitality of the world, it is still trash.

"I have no cage in my heart, how can a cage trap me!"

Wei Guangming walked down the boulder, he stretched out his right hand, and lightly patted the wooden fence that had trapped him for fourteen years. In just a moment, Haotian Divine Art was used, and Xiling's head teacher Xiong Chumo laid it down. The fan cage **** formation was smashed into powder.

The temple where the head teacher lived on Taoshan, before the cavalry guarding Youge came to report, Xiling head teacher Xiong Chumo sitting on the throne wailed and took off the golden face mask, blood flowed down Xiong Chumo The seven orifices flow out.

Back then, Xiong Chumo used the Heavenly Enlightenment Realm to trap Wei Guangming in this cage formation. For fourteen years, his mind had been staying on the cage formation. severe damage.

The angry roar of Xiong Chumo, the head teacher from Xiling, made the priests in the temple tremble. The priests all guessed what kind of event happened to make this head teacher who was hidden behind the heavy curtains and bead curtains so angry.

"Headmaster Wei Guangming escaped from You Pavilion and killed Taoshan. Chen Qi, the commander of the cavalry guarding You Pavilion, was seriously injured, and the rest of the cavalry suffered heavy casualties."

Mo Yu, the great judge who was also angry, also walked into this temple. He thought that Wei Guangming might escape from the secluded pavilion, but he had already focused on monitoring the priests in the Dongxuan realm of the Guangming Temple, but Mo Yu never thought about it. Guo Wei Guangming still has such strength after being trapped for fourteen years.

Xiong Chumo said indifferently, "Where did Wei Guangming go?"

A person who has been imprisoned for fourteen years suddenly escapes. Could this matter be simple?

Mo Yu, the Great Priest of Judgment, replied: "According to the Judgment Cavalry who failed to intercept and came back, probably the former Bright Priest is going to the wasteland."

"The wasteland is a good place," Xiong Chumo said with a sneer, "The priest who ruled will let all the practitioners and cavalry who went to intercept them come back! Since Wei Guangming is going to the wasteland, then let him go to the wasteland, just to take this great Leave the trouble to the nations of the world."

Mo Yu looked at the figure behind the curtain and said, "Wei Guangming's going to the wasteland must have something to do with the son of Pluto. It is very necessary for us to spread the word to the world and let the world know that the former priest of Guangming has arrived in the wasteland."

This is an open conspiracy, an unavoidable conspiracy that no one can avoid. Originally, it would take a lot of trouble for Mo Yu to clean up the Guangming Palace, but now Wei Guangming has handed him the knife.

Behind the curtain, Xiong Chumo coughed heavily, and said, "That's up to you, but if Wei Guangming discovers the son of Hades, then let Cheng Lixue gather allied forces to kill the son of Hades."

Mo Yu said in a deep voice: "Master Zhangjiao is really a good plan, so if the son of Hades really appears in Tang Kingdom, even the master will not be able to stop everyone in the world from being angry."

Xiling wants to crusade against the Tang Kingdom, but the powerful cavalry of the Tang Kingdom and the master of the Academy have never taken any action, but now if the people of the Tang Kingdom are the sons of the Hades, then if the Tang King refuses to kill the sons of the Hades, they can crusade again if they want to come to the world Tang country.


On the waves of the South China Sea, a flat boat rested quietly on the rough sea.

Chen, a Taoist in Tsing Yi, looked at the light that bloomed on Peach Mountain before, and said: "The people who have been looking for thousands of years in the Taoist sect are really good. Even if Wei Guangming believes in light, his belief will collapse when he knows the result."

As the master of Zhishou Guan, a great practitioner above the five realms, Chen has never believed in the so-called son of Hades.

He is also a delicious snack for Haotian, but how dare Haotian eat him? For countless years, who has seen a great practitioner above the five realms of Taoism being eaten!

But now the **** awakened by the founder of the Taoist sect in the chaos wants to have a moment of pleasure, which is something that the Taoist sect does not allow.


At this moment, a wooden stick flew from a distance, Chen smiled slightly and said, "Master, is this your warning?"

In the next moment, the flat boat on this page drifted with the waves again and disappeared into the vast South China Sea!



The master, who was fishing in a very comfortable posture, looked at Li Slowly, who was cooking peony fish, and said, "Slowly! Although you call it slow, your speed of cooking fish is really too slow. I am waiting for you, Master." Gotta be hungry."

Li slowly put down the peony fish in his hand, and asked with a frown: "Mr. Xiling, the former great priest of light escaped from the You Pavilion, aren't you worried?"

The master smiled and said: "Wei Guangming is one of the most outstanding disciples of the previous generation of Xiling. Although he has committed some unforgivable crimes, as the brightest priest in the history of Xiling, how can he kill innocent people indiscriminately?" Woolen cloth?"

"Teacher, if Wei Guangming sees Junior Brother, what should we do?"

Li slowly thought of that year, the young man who escaped from General Xuanwei's mansion, and now Ning Que who has become his junior brother.

Wei Guangming's escape from You Pavilion must be because of the son of Pluto, and if his junior brother is seen by Wei Guangming, it must be very dangerous.

The master looked at the frowning Li Slowly, and said, "Don't worry, Ning Que, if he was so easy to kill, he wouldn't be alive until now. Besides, this choice is indeed a bit embarrassing."

What exactly is Pluto? He also flew up to the sky back then, but the sky was still above the sky. There was no trace of the existence of the underworld, but if there was no underworld, where did the son of Pluto come from?

So he also wanted to see what the layout of the disciple of the Taoist Zhishouguan wanted him to see!

Hearing this, Li slowly didn't say anything, just continued to sit on the peony fish, since the teacher said don't worry, then naturally don't worry.



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