Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Chapter 138: Congratulations to the first lecturer

Accompanied by the conversation of a few people, there was a cheerful atmosphere in the inn, but it didn't take long for this cheerful atmosphere to stop abruptly with the sound of the Buddha's chant, and the deafening Buddha's chant resounded through this secluded inn.

Holding a Yulan bell in one hand and a jade box in the other, Qi Nian, a jade box made of suet white jade with many talisman patterns engraved on it, looked at Su Xuan who was surrounded by Mochiyuan disciples in the innermost room, and said: " Hearing that Mr. Su is about to tie the knot with Master Mo Shan, the head lecturer specially sent a congratulatory gift, and please accept it from Mr. Su and Master Mo Shan."

He said he was here to give gifts, but the attitude of this Xuankong Temple walker made people feel uncomfortable. Mo Shanshan was about to go forward to argue, but was stopped by Su Xuan.

Su Xuan sensed the congratulatory gifts in the square jade box, got up and walked to Qi Nian, and said, "Master Qi Nian, I didn't expect that after Master Liansheng in the Buddhist sect, there would be another person who is good at intrigue and scheming. The first green pear is really surprising. Although I don’t know how to obtain this green pear in the first lecture, but Master Qi Nian, the mountain master and I are invited by Master Qishan to come to Washan to participate in the Yulan Festival. Pulling me into a dispute, such intentions are really sinister!"

To be honest, Qi Nian's trick of diverting the water to the east was indeed beyond his expectation, using green pears as bait to attract Ning Que's master and servant to take the bait. The key thing is that he is not at odds with his master at the moment. He has just made a lifelong relationship with Shanshan. Now these people who are domineering in Tiankeng want him to repeat the mistake of the master and go to the South China Sea to float It's really hateful.

He knew exactly what kind of person Ning Que was. When Ning Que knew that the green pear that could save Sangsang was in his hands, Ning Que would definitely use any means to get the green pear. If he chooses to use any means, he will be very troubled.

Qi Nian said with a livid face: "Mr. Su, as a disciple of Zhishouguan, do you want to watch Yongye descend into the world? Master Master, you have already sent Xiling cavalry guards to adjudicate Si Da Si Zu Ye Led by Red Fish, they hunted down the daughter of Hades all the way."

"My Buddhist sect also suffered heavy casualties. Could it be that Mr. Su still wants to stay out of it? So please accept the congratulatory gift from the head lecturer."

While speaking, Qi Nian was about to enter the inn, and wanted to put the jade box containing green pears on the table in her hand, and then leave quickly, to make this matter real, so that the Zhishou Guanshanmen disciple from the university would suffer I can't tell the pain.

Mo Shanshan looked at Qi Nian who was about to cross the threshold, and said: "Master Qi Nian, I am still choosing a good day and auspicious date for the evening ceremony with Su Xuan, so the congratulatory gift of the senior lecturer should not be given now."

When meeting Master Qishan with Su Xuan before, she also ate a green pear, so she knows how precious green pears are, and now the only green pear left on the pear tree in front of Master Qishan's cave is the Thirteenth Green Pear of the Academy. The husband is determined to get what he must get, so she certainly doesn't want to get involved in this dispute.

Mo Shanshan took out a talisman from his cuff, rolled it into a ball and threw it at Qi Nian's feet. Qi Nian, who was about to step into the threshold of the inn, suddenly remained motionless, which really shocked the disciples of Mochiyuan.

But Zhuo Zhihua, who has already been in the upper realm of Dongxuan, can indeed perceive that the world walker of the Buddhist Sect Xuankong Temple is still walking forward, but for some reason he failed to enter the inn.

Su Xuan sensed the Dao Talisman, and exclaimed: "So close to the end of the world? When did you learn this Dao Talisman?"

He really doesn't know when his Shanshan learned this technique. This kind of method is not supernatural, but it is a test of carefulness. If he wants to do this in the current state of Shanzhu, it is extremely difficult Difficult, let alone a woman of the mountain master.

Hearing Su Xuan's praise, Mo Shanshan said: "That day on the terrace of the Banhu Pavilion, when the little maid of Mr. Thirteen of the Academy broke out of the formation, I learned the true meaning of the formation only after I sensed it."

She is a bookworm, and she is somewhat talented in the way of talismans, so she is very happy to learn such a method.

Su Xuan looked at Qi Nian who was constantly moving forward in the talisman and said: "Then this master Qi Nian may take a long time to come out."

He waved another talisman, and said: "With this fish cage and bird in the pond, I think Master Qi Nian will feel lucky to be able to understand the loneliness of the Buddha when he was preaching."

Qi Nian came with a Yulan bell and a green pear, and wanted to involve him in the dispute, but this Master Qi Nian still thinks too highly of himself. He is not Mr. Da, so how could he be deceived by Qi Nian? ?

Qi Nian, who was under the cover of the two talismans, looked at Su Xuan outside the talisman, and said, "Mr. Su, the eternal night is coming, you have to make a choice instead of spending the whole day with these girls from Mochi Garden." Talk about love."

He was very angry. He felt deeply angry about Su Xuan's behavior and the academy's behavior. Could it be that in the eyes of these people, such a major event as the coming of the eternal night could not make them feel scared?

Su Xuan held Mo Shanshan in his arms, and he said with a smile: "Master Qi Nian, it's a pity that you, as a Buddhist disciple of the Buddhist sect, will never experience love and romance." Then Su Xuan's voice changed suddenly, mocking Said: "Ah! No, if Master Qi Nian imitated Master Qu Ni and the dead head of the Discipline Academy, violated the rules and precepts, and gave birth to a son, he would naturally understand it, but such behavior is very hypocritical."

Liansheng was right. Those cultivators who were domineering in the Tiankeng were even more hypocritical than the Demon Sect. Who would have known that the Buddha Sect, who had been living peacefully under the Daoist sect, would actually do such a thing? Wait for evil.

You must know that even in the darkest time in the Xiling, who claims to be the spokesperson of Haotian, would not dare to imprison nearly ten million people, chant sutras and Buddha day and night, and do such evil things in the world of Haotian , He can still talk about the universe, and wants to kill the daughter of the Hades, so it is not clear now whether the Buddha is afraid of the Hades, or the Tianzhu of Haotian.

Mo Shanshan looked at the eyes of the Mochiyuan disciples around him, broke free from Su Xuan's arms, and said: "Sister Zhuo, this Master Qi Nian, will be trapped here for a while, the Mochiyuan disciples should change their residence. "

Su Xuan took up the quarrel and said: "Shanshan is right, you should pack your bags now and go to Zhishouguan's residence with me. After all, Buddhist practitioners, apart from Lan Ke, are more powerful than this seven-year-old monk." Nian Master is not bad at all."

Hearing the words, Zhihua didn't dare to delay, even if he asked the disciples of Mochiyuan to pack their bags, a dozen disciples of Mochiyuan dispersed, ran up to the second floor to the guest room to pack their bags, and prepared to accompany his brother-in-law to Zhishou Temple the resident.

It didn't take long for the disciples of Mochiyuan to pack their bags, and under the guidance of the guide, they walked towards Zhishouguan's residence. Qingniu pulled the carriage in front, and several carriages were behind the ox cart.

After the disciples of Mochiyuan left, Qi Nian, who was trapped under the two divine talismans, still refused to give up and wanted to get out of it, but the two divine talismans continuously absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth from the heaven and the earth. How can it go away?

So in the inn, there was the roar of the Buddha's supernatural power lion's roar. Those Baita disciples who couldn't understand what the sound was, walked into the inn cursing, and when they saw that it was Qi Nian, they left in fear.


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