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Chapter 326 Black Mountain Old Demon

Yan Chixia looked at Xiaolan with a stunned expression and was speechless. She looked at Xiaolan and then at Yang Bo.

Xiaolan you...

When Xiaolan saw Yan Chixia, she snorted coldly at first, but then she walked to his side, a green light appeared on her hand, and she pressed it on Yan Chixia's body. Yan Chixia's expression quickly changed. Got to be rosy.

This is also the benefit of plant essences, which have a certain degree of healing ability.

After recovering, Yan Chixia stared at Yang Bo and asked, Who are you?

Brother Yan, why were you beaten so stupid? Who can I be! I am Yang Bo! Bai gave Yan Chixia a stunned look, and Yang Bo felt that this child was stupid.

‘You can’t see my strength, do you blame me? ! ’

Brother Yan, I have already heard from my sister-in-law. I never thought you would have such a romantic past. I admire you so much!

When Yan Chixia heard her sister-in-law's name, her face turned red and she quickly said: Don't mess around...oh~

Yan Chixia screamed before she could finish her words. Yang Bo, with sharp eyes, saw Xiaolan's hands pinching the soft flesh of Yan Chixia's waist.

Yang Bo looked at Yan Chixia with disdain and said, Brother Yan, this is your fault. You have done everything and yet you abandoned me!

Yan Chixia's face turned red and she said: The human-monster has a different path. If this continues, neither Xiaolan nor I will end well!

But pull it down! Who did you hear about the different ways of human-monsters? From afar, when the demon clan ruled the heaven, no one said that human-monsters had different paths. By the way, there were no humans at that time!

Speaking more closely, if Xiaolan achieves perfection and becomes a god, she will be a fairy! Then there will be no problem!

Not a single girl here dislikes you, but you do!

By the way, now Xiaolan is threatened by other monsters, forced to kill people, and absorb the essence of strong men. What are you going to do?

Yan Chixia listened to Yang Bo's words at first and had no words to refute, but after hearing the last sentence, her eyes immediately turned red and she said: Who...who dares to threaten Xiaolan, I will kill him!

Old demon from Montenegro!

Without saying a word, Yan Chixia pulled out her sword and asked Xiaolan: Xiaolan, tell me where this monster is? I'll kill him!

I'm telling you, it's impossible for you to do evil!

Seeing Yan Chixia's angry look, Xiaolan felt touched and amused: I can't beat you even with my strength, and you can't beat the old demon from Montenegro!

Yan Chixia calmed down after hearing Xiaolan's words. He couldn't defeat Xiaolan, and he was no match for monsters that could threaten Xiaolan.

Should...should we run?

Xiaolan glanced at Yan Chixia and said helplessly: Where can I run? My body is right here and there is no way to escape!

I'll find a way to dig you out! Yan Chixia blurted out directly.

You want to kill me! Let's not talk about how deep the roots of my body are. Haven't you ever heard that a tree will die if a person moves it?

Xiao Lanjiao hit Yan Chixia angrily and said:

If you move me away like this, your cultivation will at least regress, and at worst, you will be reincarnated!

Yan Chixia had an anxious look on her face and said, What should we do?

Xiaolan said nothing and looked at Yang Bo.

Yang Bo looked at Xiaolan's eyes, nodded and said, Don't worry, just leave it to me. By the way, I'll ask!

How does sister-in-law contact Montenegro? Is there any way to open the passage to hell?

Xiaolan nodded gently and said: If you can open it, the old demon from Montenegro usually takes the initiative to contact me. I will never go to him unless there are special circumstances!

Yang Bo moved his body, took the weapon and said to Xiaolan: Okay, open the passage, I will go over and try the weight of Black Mountain!

Xiaolan stretched out her hand, and a large amount of green energy was poured into the branches stretched out from her hands, and the branches slowly changed color.

With a vigorous wave, a crack suddenly appeared in the air, and a large amount of golden light emitted from the crack.

The golden light fell on Xiaolan's body, and a large amount of white smoke came out. Xiaolan also screamed in pain, fell to the ground, and the crack was closed.

Seeing this, Yang Bo quickly took out the splash-type healing potion and threw it next to Xiaolan. Then he took out the golden apple and handed it to Xiaolan: Eat quickly, it's for healing!

Yan Chixia looked at Yang Bo and was hesitant to speak. Yang Bo understood Yan Chixia's thoughts at a glance and said, You don't have it. Just resist. If you can't, let your sister-in-law treat you!

Xiaolan recovered, but there was unconcealable fear on her face. Yang Bo asked: What's going on? Isn't the underworld just over the crack?

Xiaolan shook her head and said: It's the underworld, but the golden light just now was too powerful and full of special aura. It has great suppression ability against us fairies!

Yang Bo frowned, really wondering who in the underworld could use golden light.

At this moment, in the sky, several golden fingers slowly emerged in the air, just like human fingers inserted into the water, and a huge palm appeared in mid-air.

Like opening a sliding door, a figure emitting golden light appeared inside, and then made a deafening sound.


Xiaolan is almost scared out of her mind now. She is by the temple every day, so of course she knows what this means!

How is it is it possible that there is a Buddha!

Yang Bo looked at the huge figure and the corners of his mouth twitched twice.

Shout: Tathagata Buddha!

Tathagata's huge head looked at Yang Bo, and instantly the figure began to shrink and fell next to Yang Bo.

Amitabha, I have met Master Yang!

Tathagata has a smile on his face. If you don't look at the messy clothes and the indistinct gangster atmosphere on Tathagata, he is definitely a model of an eminent monk.

Long time no see, Buddha! Why are you in the underworld? Yang Bo looked at Tathagata and asked in confusion.

Tathagata took out a cigarette and handed it to Yang Bo. He lit it himself, took a deep breath and said, Oh, don't talk about it. After coming to this world, I found that all the immortals and Buddhas in the sky have disappeared, and so are the gods in heaven. There is no immortality!

I wanted to go to the underworld to look for clues, but I also found nothing!

The Tathagata blew out a smoke ring that was as good as the charterer's wife and said: I don't know the reason why the immortals and Buddhas disappeared. I feel a little uneasy, but there is no problem with the way of heaven in this world, and I deserve a lot of merit!

Donor Yang, what are you...

Yang Bo turned the cigarette in his hand and put it into his backpack. He was not curious at all that Tathagata could take out the cigarette. Monk Tang could travel to Egypt. Is there any problem with Tathagata traveling across time to buy a pack of cigarettes? no problem!

I am going to take my friends to find my enemy, also in the underworld, called Black Mountain Old Demon. Did you see it, Buddha?

Tathagata Buddha stretched out his hand and a mini black mountain appeared in his hand, and said with a smile: Donor Yang, if there are not two black mountains in the underworld, this should be it!

As soon as I arrived in the underworld, this guy popped out and wanted to show off his power against me. Everyone is here to mess around. He didn't give me any face, so I had no choice but to take action!

But this guy is just a little brat, and what he said is quite crazy. He didn't even survive two slaps, and his soul collapsed. But this Black Mountain is good, and I took it into the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm of My Hand!

Then I found someone communicating with the underworld and opening a channel, so I followed him!

Donor Yang, if you need it, I will take it out for you!

Yang Bo was a little speechless. Although Tathagata seemed dishonest in his eyes, he didn't believe that Heishan was blind and dared to provoke Tathagata. Tathagata must have found an excuse to kill Heishan directly, but this was good, it saved him some trouble!

No need, I keep this thing for no use!

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