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Chapter 312 Mantra Lasso

Yang Bo glanced around but did not find the existence of the Lasso of Truth. He was more interested in the Lasso of Truth than Diana herself.

Hearing Diana's inquiry, Yang Bo showed a warm smile on his face and said: Diana, I want to see your glowing rope. I heard that all those who are bound must tell the truth. Yes ?

Diana smiled and nodded when she heard Yang Bo's words. She was not surprised, because many people were interested in the mantra lasso. She stretched out one hand behind her body, and then stretched it out again, and a pattern appeared on Diana's hand. A rope that glows with golden light.

Do you want to try it?

Diana looked at Yang Bo's eyes shining with a sincere smile on his face.

Bruce on the side kept slandering Yang Bo in his heart. This was because Bruce had not seen Journey to the West, otherwise he would definitely say that Yang Bo was acting like a monkey.

Yang Bo nodded, he couldn't wait to play with Diana and discuss rope skills!

Diana, I want to try it!

Diana smiled and nodded when she heard Yang Bo's answer, although she did not expect that someone would actually make such a request.

With a flick of his wrist, the golden lasso of mantra flew directly towards Yang Bo and quickly wrapped around Yang Bo's body.

Yang Bo looked at the movements of the mantra lasso and felt a big thumbs down in his heart.

'too slow! If I could dodge it if I was more flexible, should I enchant it? ’

Diana, who was unaware of Yang Bo's psychological activities, looked at the entangled Yang Bo and said with a smile: How do you feel?


Yang Bo wanted to feel the magical power of the lasso, but he couldn't feel anything. He raised his head and looked at Diana's handsome face, and said with a smile:

Diana, can you lend me this rope? I'll return it to you when you're done with it, and I can also help strengthen you!

Diana was a little surprised when she heard Yang Bo's words and said: The mantra lasso was made by the god of fire Hephaestus using the golden belt of the goddess of earth Gaia...

Diana believed Yang Bo's words. After all, the mantra lasso was still tied to the opponent's body, but she did not believe that Yang Bo could successfully strengthen.

Under Diana's astonished eyes, Yang Bo easily broke free of the Lasso of Truth. The special ability of the Lasso of Truth had no effect on Yang Bo. For him, the Lasso of Truth was just a glowing rope.

You... Diana showed an expression of disbelief. Yang Bo grabbed the mantra lasso and said, Diana, let me try it!

While Diana was still surprised, Yang Bo directly took the mantra lasso and waved it twice in his hand.

Looking at Yang Bo who turned to look at him, Bruce, who was watching the show, suddenly felt a bad feeling and quickly started walking towards the depths.

Don't go, Bruce!

Yang Bo smiled sinisterly like a fox that had stolen a chicken, with the same flick of his wrist!

But the mantra lasso didn't wrap around Bruce at all, and even the golden light on the rope disappeared.

Without saying a word, Yang Bo took out the red matter fist sword. The lasso felt the energy contained in it and began to shake in fear.

Be good, grab that man who wants to run away. If you don't obey, don't blame me for using you as a tow rope!

The mantra lasso from the heart flew towards Bruce quickly. In Yang Bo's opinion, the speed was relatively slow, but to Bruce, it was lightning speed, and it quickly wrapped around Bruce's body.

When Yang Bo saw such a scene, he thought that he must let Mantra Lasso learn the rope skills seriously, otherwise he would simply tie it to the enemy and what if he was broken free!

Diana on the side also reacted to the incident where Yang Bo easily broke free of the mantra lasso.

After taking a look at Bruce who was tied up by Yang Bo, he quickly stepped forward to get his weapon back.

Anxiety and confusion appeared on Diana's face. She looked at Yang Bo and said, Mr. Yang Bo, please let Bruce go!

Just as Yang Bo was about to speak, Bruce, who was tied up, said: Diana, don't worry! Yang, you won't hurt me!

Yang Bo smiled at Bruce and said, It's okay, I'll just ask three questions!

Bruce nodded.

Well, if you are so cooperative, then we will have to write off the bill!

While talking, Yang Bo took out a small notebook from his backpack, crossed out Bruce's words on it with a pen.

Diana on the side saw the words in the small notebook. After living for so long, she naturally knew Chinese, but the content above made her mouth twitch a little, and she let go of her hand holding the mantra lasso.

I thought in my heart: ‘These two guys are petty, so you must not offend these two people! ’

Yang Bo put away his notebook and showed a friendly smile.

So Bruce, are you wearing the Batman suit just to hide your identity?

Bruce's face looked a little ugly when he heard the question, but his body was very honest. He opened his mouth and said: Of course not, just wear a mask to hide your identity. The main reason is that black is cool, and the second thing is to hide your figure and identity!

Yang Bo laughed, and Diana looked at Bruce with an expression that said she didn't expect you to be such a person.

It seems that this rope is really easy to use. So here comes the second question. Have you devised a way to counter Yang Bo? How do you feel?

Bruce said in a very calm tone: Yes, it has no effect!

Yang Bo nodded. If Batman hadn't thought of a way to deal with him, it would be abnormal. Diana's three views were refreshed. She didn't expect that Bruce actually wanted to deal with Yang Bo, and Yang Bo didn't care after knowing it!

If Yang Bo knew what Diana was thinking, he would definitely tell her that not only his enemies and teammates, but Batman was also prepared to stop him!

There's only one last question left! Yang Bo's expression suddenly became serious, his eyes fixed on Bruce.

The atmosphere was a little heavy for a moment. Bruce looked at Yang Bo. At this moment, he suddenly wanted to know what Yang Bo wanted to ask.

Bruce... Yang Bo's voice was a little low.

When was your first time?

Bruce: ...

Diana: ...

For the first time, Bruce felt that strength was so important. If he had the power to surpass Yang Bo, he would definitely hang Yang Bo up and whip him!


Okay, Yang! That's three questions already, that's it!

Yang Bo let go of Bruce, but the expression on his face was very surprised, and he looked at Bruce: Fuck! Sixteen? An adult gift for yourself?

Bruce stretched his body and smiled and said: Yes, I got my driver's license for the first time when I was sixteen years old. You didn't ask about the first time!

Yang Bo had a black thread and shook the mantra lasso in his hand, wanting to tie Batman up again, but he had already asked three questions and Yang Bo didn't want to break his promise.

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