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Chapter 305 Facing the Darkness

In the quaint Western-style hall.

Yang Bo stood beside the king, and Master Gu Yi stood beside him.

The dark latitude has been successfully located, Yang, are you going to pass now? Wang's eyes were emitting brilliant white light at this moment. Although his eyes were looking at Yang Tao, his eyes seemed to see through the entire world.

Gu nodded on the side. She was very satisfied with Wang. It seemed that she had not misjudged the person.

Standing in the room were Tony, Frank, Thor, and Captain America. Everyone looked at Yang Bo, waiting for Yang Bo's answer.

Yang Bo heard this and said: Okay, just open it. The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain!

Also, don't go. If you do, you'll be killed!

Tony said unhappily: Yang, you can't do this, my armor has been upgraded again, there must be no problem!

Yang Bo pondered for a while and said with a dangerous smile: Okay, Tony, I'll give you a chance!

King, please open the mirror space, Thanos, to test their current strength!

Wang Wenyan sent out a strange wave, pulling everyone into the mirror space.

Thanos touched the infinity stone on his hand, showed a playful smile, and said to Yang Bo: Can you snap your fingers?

Yang Bo: ...

Anything but snapping your fingers!

Both Tony and Frank have totems of immortality, as does Thanos. Thanos can snap his fingers infinitely, and Tony and Frank can also be resurrected infinitely.

It has no effect at all except consuming the Totem of Undying.

After Tony entered the mirror space, a large amount of special metal appeared on his body, which was rapidly spreading and assembled throughout his body.

After a while, a five-meter-tall armor appeared in front of everyone.

It is still the classic color scheme of gold and red, but there are also a lot of black lines in the middle.

With a swipe, a sharp sword flashing with cold light stretched out directly from the armor's arm.

Yang Bo couldn't help complaining at the side: Tony, your armor is getting bigger and bigger now. It was two meters at the beginning, three meters, and now five meters. Why don't you just build a mecha?

Tony's voice came out from the armor: It's built! It's too big and inconvenient.

Yang Bo looked at the two parties who were ready and said: Okay, let's get started!

The battle ended quickly, and all the superheroes were lying on the ground, even Captain America, who was 50-50.

Well, it's not that the gems are too strong, it's because Yang Bo looked at the stalemate and directly asked Thanos to join the battle.

The originally tough 50-50 superheroes were directly wiped out when facing two Thanos.

Yang Bo clapped his hands and said, Okay, you guys have a good rest, and when you have the chance, you can fight Dormammu again. There are so many parallel worlds anyway!

Tony was lying on the ground, feeling that his body had no consciousness, and he didn't want to move at all. He stared at the ceiling and said, No, I also want to get the infinity stones. It's too perverted!

Tony now has the idea of ​​​​just getting the Infinity Stones Armor. As for where to get the Infinity Stones, there are so many parallel worlds anyway!

Frank was in the best condition at this time, but his clothes were a little damaged. He was holding a cigarette and said: Yang, since you don't need me, I'll go back first. My wife and children are still waiting for me at home!

Unexpectedly, Frank turned into a good family man after his wife and children were resurrected. No one would have thought that the man who let his children ride big horses would be the murderous punisher.

Yang Bo waved his hand: Let's go. If it's convenient, take these people away too!

Thor, the strongest physically, picked up the Meowth Hammer, carried Tony and Captain America and followed Frank, leaving the mirror space.

Thor said as he walked: I want to go back to Immortal Palace and ask my father how to become stronger!

Yang Tao looked at Sol's back and thought that maybe Sol would only have one eye left when he met Sol next time!

I touched my chin and thought to myself: Should I give you an eye mask in advance?

Several heroes left the mirror space, and Yang Bo said: King, send us to the dark latitude!

Wang nodded lightly, took out the hanging ring, put it on his hand, and began to make gestures in the air.

It was the first time that Yang Bo's expression turned serious when he saw Wang struggling to open the portal.

After a while, yellow sparks appeared, and a portal opened. Before Yang Bo and the others could pass by, Dormammu's voice came from inside!

Oh? There are actually little bugs arriving at your door!

A large amount of energy emerged from the portal, and the mirror space could not withstand the impact of such energy. The entire mirror space began to shake, but in the blink of an eye, the sound of broken glass was heard in the space.

Without waiting for Yang Bo to shout, Thanos controlled the power of the gem to resist Dormammu's attack.

Oh? Infinity Stones? Someone actually collected all the Infinity Stones? It turns out to be you, Thanos, the Mad Titan!

Thanos ignored Dormammu's words and directly used the Infinity Stones to locate Dormammu's dark latitude, so that he could freely travel to the dark dimension in the future even without the help of the king.

Yang Bo saw Thanos nodded and shouted to Wang: Close the portal!

The king controls the portal and wants to close it, but Dormammu obviously does not want to give up this opportunity to invade the earth. He uses dark power to maintain the portal and is still expanding.

Thanos, let's go straight there!

The blue space gem flashed, and the two disappeared directly into the dark dimension. The other Thanos did not have the infinite gem and was left in the sanctuary.

Although the dark dimension contains endless dark power, the entire space is not dark, but is very colorful.

Thanos and Yang Bo appeared on a completely dead asteroid. Dormammu noticed the uninvited guests, and a huge face appeared in the sky, as if made of stars.

Titan, this is not where you should be!

Thanos glanced at the surrounding environment, frowned and said: Dormammu, you are really wasting the resources of the universe!

The energy of the gems gathered into a beam of light and hit Dormammu's condensed face in the void.


Dormammu's face disappeared into the air.

But after a while, Dormammu gathered a new face again, and said mockingly: Titan is meaningless, and the power of gems does not seem so powerful in the face of darkness!

Thanos looked at the Infinity Stones in his hand. He did feel that the power of the stones was suppressed just now. It was not as strong as it was in the main world of Marvel.

Hand over the Infinity Stones and I can let you go!

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