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Chapter 281 Successor

Greenwald showed a charming smile on his face and said: I heard this little guy Voldemort said that you have cultivated an heir? I just came here to have a look!

On the way, I went to the wand shop in Diagon Alley, picked out a wand, and changed my clothes. It shouldn't be too late, right? Dumbledore!

Haha! The new White Wizard versus the new Dark Lord, I think it will be exciting!

Dumbledore looked at the smiling Greenwald and shook his head gently: Greenwald, you came at the wrong time, and you made a mistake!

Greenwald was stunned, and looked at Dumbledore with some confusion and said: Isn't the child next to you the savior you trained? I already know some things from Voldemort's mouth. According to what I know about you, this child It must be important to you!”


Dumbledore looked at Greenwald and said seriously: All children are important to me, and every child here can be my heir!

You're still like this, Dumbledore!

Voldemort, who was on the side, did not show any anger when he heard Greenwald calling him little guy. He watched as Dumbledore's attention was completely attracted by Greenwald.

He looked at Harry Potter with a faint smile on his face.

Harry, Harry Potter! It really makes me happy to see you, come here!

After hearing Voldemort's words, a large number of students stood directly in front of Harry. Although most people did not dare to raise their heads in front of Voldemort, these guys still stood in front of Harry.

Professor McGonagall came out, stood in front of Harry, faced Voldemort and said, Voldemort, what exactly do you want to do?

Voldemort looked at Professor McGonagall in front of him with a playful expression and said: McGonagall, you shouldn't stop me!

I just want Harry Potter. As long as you hand over Harry Potter, I will quit school immediately!

Professor McGonagall's body trembled with anger, and her voice became a little sharp as she said, Don't even think about it, Voldemort! We will not hand over any student! You...

At this moment, Harry walked out of the crowd, stood gently beside Professor McGonagall, and said softly: Professor McGonagall, let me do it! This is my destiny!

Professor McGonagall, who was interrupted, turned to look at Harry, who was standing next to her, and said quickly: My child, don't come out. Don't worry, I won't let you be taken away by him!

Harry said sincerely to Professor McGonagall: Trust me!

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth but said nothing. Looking at Harry walking towards Voldemort's back, he seemed to see Dumbledore for a moment.

Greenwald looked at Harry and suddenly said to Dumbledore: This is a good child! He is very suitable to be your heir!

Dumbledore looked at Harry who stood up, with a happy smile on his face, but glanced at Hermione who was standing in front of another group of students, and said to Greenwald: There will be a new leader in the wizarding world. Or! You and I will become the dust of history!

Greenwald looked at Dumbledore, trying to figure out what Dumbledore meant. Although he felt that Harry was good, he was only good, and he definitely couldn't be the person to comment like Dumbledore!

Dumbledore did not answer but looked at Voldemort and Harry Potter!

Harry stopped and stood about ten meters away from Voldemort, suddenly smiling brightly at Voldemort.

Voldemort, how are you doing?

Voldemort was confused by Harry's sudden greeting. Years of experience allowed him to react quickly.

Bang! Bang!

With two blasts, the protective spell on Voldemort was directly triggered and disappeared into the air.

Voldemort roared: God's Blade is Shadowless! How dare you betray me, Snape!

Snape walked out of the crowd and said with a very ugly face: Voldemort, no one can take Harry away from me, not even you!

Seeing that the sneak attack had no effect, Harry took out the wand hidden in his sleeve and continued to cast various spells without saying a word.

Snape walked up to Harry, the two looked at each other and started to attack Voldemort together!

The angry Voldemort was very comfortable even when faced with the cooperation of the two. He adapted to the attacks of the two and began to try to fight back.

Seeing this, the Death Eaters also launched an attack.

Hermione directly commanded the classmates behind her to launch defenses to resist the Death Eaters' attack.

Greenwald also noticed Hermione at this time, observed her carefully, and said to Dumbledore: This girl is good. I feel she is stronger than Harry and more suitable to be a leader!

Dumbledore looked at Hermione, who was directing the students while constantly releasing defensive spells, and said mysteriously to Grindelwald: You'll know in a minute!

Greenwald stood next to Dumbledore and watched the battle in front of him, looking like a crowd eating melon. At this time, he suddenly heard the sound of someone eating. He followed the sound and looked, not far away. A young man was sitting on a chair, holding a watermelon in his hand and eating it non-stop.

Greenwald's mouth twitched and he said to Dumbledore: Is this a professor from your school?

Dumbledore also looked at Yang Bo speechlessly. Yang Bo felt Dumbledore's gaze, raised the watermelon in his hand, and gestured to Dumbledore.

Principal, try it?

No, Mr. Yang Bo! And don't spit out watermelon seeds!

Yang Bo smiled and said: Don't worry, I never spit out the seeds when I eat watermelon!

Greenwald looked at Yang Bo in surprise, feeling a little unbelievable.

Dumbledore, it seems that I am really old. Who is this young man?

Dumbledore shook his head and said: I don't know who he is! He may be a god or a demon, but he is just a spectator now. I hope you don't offend him. This is my advice to you!

When Greenwald heard this, he looked at Dumbledore seriously, as if he was meeting him for the first time: I never thought you would say such a thing!

The battle on the field has become fierce. Voldemort used his strong strength and experience to suppress Harry and Snape.

Greenwald saw it and said with a smile: It seems it's over!

No! This is just the beginning!

boom! A spell directly interrupted Voldemort's spellcasting. Voldemort was knocked back several steps by this powerful force and looked at the direction in which the spell flew with some surprise.

Hermione flew into the air and landed next to Harry and Professor Snape.

Hello, Professor Snape, leave Harry to me now! You've done a great job!

When Harry saw Hermione flying over, he nodded slightly, directly handed over the battlefield to Hermione, and retreated with Snape.

Hermione looked at Voldemort with a confident smile on his face and said, Mr. Voldemort, I will be your opponent next, please give me your advice!

As she spoke, Hermione took the thick wand given to her by Yang Bo and gently used the etiquette of a wizard battle on Voldemort.

Voldemort looked at Hermione with some fear. Hermione's attack just now showed how powerful Hermione was.

who are you?

Hermione's childish but powerful voice echoed across the entire platform: Hermione Granger! Say hello to you!

Everyone stopped what they were doing, and all their eyes were focused on Hermione's small body.

The classmates standing behind Hermione had long been impressed by Hermione's knowledge and strength, and they were all shouting Hermione's name at this moment!

Greenwald looked at the situation on the field and said: I misunderstood. This is the leader you mentioned, right? Dumbledore!

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