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Chapter 276 Preparing for War

Harry Potter's Edge of the Forbidden Forest.

Yang Bo looked at Hagrid who was walking over. He didn't know if it was because he became a professor, but he put on clean clothes.

Long time no see Hagrid... No, I should call you Professor Hagrid now!

Yang Bo showed a teasing expression.

Hearing Yang Bo's words, Hagrid was obviously a little embarrassed. He touched his messy hair with his huge palm and said with a silly smile: It was Principal Dumbledore who gave me this opportunity!

Also, I have to thank Hermione for this. It was Hermione and Harry who found the basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets and cleared me up!

Yang Bo smiled and said: No, Hagrid, you earned this by yourself. Your understanding and knowledge of magical animals is the reason why you became a professor.

Hagrid was stunned for a moment and then laughed. Then he remembered something and said, Mr. Yang Bo, are you here to help us?

Yang Bo said with some confusion: What's wrong?

Seeing that Yang Bo didn't know what was going on, Hagrid was also a little confused: I thought Hermione specially asked you to come here to help!

Then the mysterious man came closer to Yang Bo and whispered: The mysterious man has been resurrected!

Yang Bo showed a wry smile and said, Hagrid, you don't have to be so close to me, your voice won't be quiet at all!

Hagrid looked innocent.

I know this, but isn't there Principal Dumbledore?

Hagrid said excitedly: Principal Dumbledore can definitely defeat the mysterious man, he is the strongest white wizard!

Then his tone changed and he continued: But the mysterious man began to regroup a large number of Death Eaters! There are too many Death Eaters!

We must be prepared to resist the opponent's attack!

Yang Bo nodded.


Turning to look at Hermione, Yang Bo asked, Hermione, do you want to go find Voldemort now?

Before Hermione could speak, Hagrid heard Voldemort's name and said in a panic: No, Mr. Yang Bo, the mysterious man's name has been cursed by him. As long as someone speaks his name, he can sense it! This is too dangerous!

Yang Bo looked at the somewhat panicked Hagrid and patted Hagrid's broad waist. In fact, he wanted to pat the shoulder, but he couldn't reach it at all!

It's okay Hagrid, don't worry! Voldemort can't make waves because I'm here!

Hagrid looked at the confident expression on Yang Bo's face, opened his mouth and said nothing, but his face became a little gloomy.

Yang Bo turned to look at Hermione aside, waiting for Hermione's answer.

Hermione looked at Yang Bo and said seriously: No, brother leader, just wait until he comes over. I also want you to see my current strength!

Yang Bo patted Hermione and said, Now that you said that, I'm curious about your current strength!

Hermione raised her head and looked at Yang Bo and said, Well, I will definitely scare you!

Yang Bo nodded slightly, looked at Hagrid and said, Would you like to go to the castle together?

Hearing this, Hagrid readily agreed and walked towards the castle.

Only then did Yang Bo find the staff floating behind Hagrid.

Yang Bo asked with some confusion: Hagrid, you...

Hagrid heard the sound, turned around and looked at Yang Bo, and found that the other man's eyes were looking at the wand behind him.

He smiled and said, What do you mean? This is the new model launched by Ollivander's Wand Store last year! My previous wand was broken, so I went to buy it after I became a professor!

But this wand is really good. I always felt that the previous wand was very small and not easy to use!

The current wand is very comfortable for me to use!

As he spoke, he picked up the wand and waved it twice.

It's just a little light!

Yang Bo: ...


It's light. A wand that is more than one meter long for ordinary people can be used as a baseball bat. You, a half-blood giant, hold it in your hand, which is about the same length as an ordinary wand held by ordinary people!

Ollivander actually turned his custom-made wand style into a new model.

Seeing Hagrid waving a one-meter-long wand in his hand, Yang Bo felt a little uncoordinated.

A new idea suddenly popped up in his mind, and he was going to give Hagrid a surprise when the time came!

Soon Yang Bo and the others arrived at Hogwarts Castle.

The castle is still full of history everywhere, look at the red flag hanging on the wall with a majestic lion printed on it.

Yang Bo nodded. It seemed that Gryffindor still won the Academy Cup last year.

Along the way, Yang Bo discovered that there were a few students in the school, and even one or two students passed by in a hurry.

Yang Bo asked doubtfully: Hermione, why do you feel that there are few students in the school? I remember it was very lively when I came here last time!

Hermione explained: After Voldemort was resurrected, many parents of students have already taken back their children and are planning to go to other countries to escape for a while, waiting for Principal Dumbledore to solve Voldemort's problem!

The remaining students are actively preparing for the war. These are students who are loyal to Dumbledore and Hogwarts!

Yang Bo looked at the people in a hurry and admired these students for being able to face the enemies they feared in their hearts for their beliefs!

The three of them went directly to Principal Dumbledore's office. Yang Bo felt that it was rude not to say hello to someone else when they came to their territory.

Boom, the door of the office was knocked directly by Hagrid. Yang Bo looked at the old door, which kept shaking after being photographed by Hagrid. He always felt that this door would not last long!

Please come in!

Principal Dumbledore's voice came from inside, and the door opened automatically.

At this time, Principal Dumbledore was sitting behind his desk, raising his head and looking in the direction of the door, and said to Hagrid: Professor Hagrid, can you be gentler next time? Before I retire, I don't want to do anything again. Get a new door!”

Hagrid was innocent, he didn't use any strength at all!

Then Principal Dumbledore looked at Yang Bo, with a smile on his face: Long time no see, Mr. Yang Bo!

Are you here from Voldemort?

Yang Bo walked towards Fox and said, No, I'm here to see Hermione. Voldemort is just a clown to me now. I'm here to see Hermione's growth!

Mr. Yang Bo, I have Fox's fallen feathers here. Please don't pick them. Fox is already frightened!

Principal Dumbledore looked at Yang Bo who walked up to Fox and was carefully looking at Fox's feathers and said aloud.

Yang Bo smiled awkwardly, put down the hand that was about to pluck the feathers and said: No, I just want to touch Fox. This is the first time I have seen Phoenix, but principal, your Phoenix is ​​very different from the Phoenix in my impression. too much!

Principal Dumbledore naturally knew the legends of the East and nodded gently.

Yang Bo continued to ask: Principal, what are you going to do?

Principal Dumbledore turned his eyes to Hermione standing beside him and said very seriously:

I think I should be able to leave Voldemort completely to the students!

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