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Chapter 204 T-Virus Strengthening

In the world of Naruto, the Yakumo family teleportation monument is located.

Yang Bo looked at Orochimaru seriously and said: Orochimaru, to be honest, I really admire you. If you don't really want to follow me, there is no problem if you leave now, but you have to really follow me. Then you won’t have the possibility of rebellion!”

Orochimaru's expression also became serious and he said: As long as you can do what you say, my lord, then I will always follow you!

Yang Bo shook his head: Forever? It's too long! After saying that, he directly gave Orochimaru the permission to teleport!

Put your hand on the stone tablet! Then select the Resident Evil world with teleport in mind!

Soon the two figures disappeared into the world of Naruto.

As soon as Orochimaru appeared in the world of life crisis, he felt very surprised: Is this space ability?

Yang Bo's voice came from behind Orochimaru: That's about it! Follow me!

With Orochimaru in hand, Yang Bo walked into Gil's office with ease. Gil was looking at the report coming from below very seriously.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked up and saw Yang Bo. He was happy at first, and then felt a little depressed.

Lord, today is inconvenient...

Yang Bo immediately blushed and said quickly: Ahem, Jill, what are you talking about? It's not convenient or inconvenient. I'm bringing someone to ask you for help!

Jill showed a happy expression on her face and said: Ah, Lord, I have seen you so many times, and this is the first time you have something to tell me!

Gil seemed very happy to be able to help Yang Bo. He walked over directly behind the work, and then saw Orochimaru wearing strange clothes and a pale face.

Because there were outsiders present, Jill became serious and said seriously: Lord! Your command is our destiny! Please give it!

Yang Bo felt a little uncomfortable seeing Jill like this. He still prefers Jill who is more erotic and unrestrained, although this is not bad...

I need to inject him with the T virus. Didn't we already have the sub-perfect T virus last time? How to make it?

Gil nodded and said: Lord, I already have the blueprint formula. The new T virus has been produced and put into use. If you need it, please follow me!

Gil took Yang Bo directly to the underground hive, and Orochimaru followed the two of them without saying a word.

However, Orochimaru, who originally seemed indifferent, was attracted by the surrounding environment the moment he walked out of the church. He kept checking the surrounding scenery and also saw Yang Bo's giant sculpture.

Looking at the people around him and seeing the respectful and complimentary attitude of Yang Bo, Orochimaru had certain thoughts in his heart.

Soon the entrance to the underground hive appeared in Yang Bo's eyes: Welcome, Mr. Yang Bo!

A little girl's electronic voice came from a speaker last time.

Hello, Red Queen!

The three of them boarded the elevator and walked slowly underground, and soon arrived at the underground laboratory of the Hive. At this moment, Orochimaru felt that his eyesight was not enough for a moment. There were researchers in white coats and various people all around. Various equipment.

Soon inside a laboratory, a group of people gathered around Orochimaru for inspection. A syringe fell from the air and landed in front of Orochimaru. Then the people on the side began to prepare the machine.

Orochimaru was currently placed on a hospital bed, waiting to be injected with the T virus. Soon Orochimaru fell into a coma. Although the transformation was 100% successful, the pain would not be reduced.

At this time, Orochimaru's body was covered with various nutritional medicines, and the transformation required a lot of energy. This was also the reason why many people failed to transform at the beginning.

The blue liquid was injected directly into Orochimaru's body. The muscles on Orochimaru's body were constantly squirming, like little mice running under Orochimaru's skin.

Originally, Orochimaru's thin body swelled up at first, and a muscular giant appeared in front of everyone. However, as time went by, Orochimaru's body slowly returned to its original appearance, but the nutrient solution hanging on the side, But it can be consumed variably with the naked eye.

Okay! The transformation has been successful! A male researcher on the side said respectfully to Yang Bo.

Orochimaru woke up quickly and sat up on the nursing bed. He looked at his hands in shock. As a biologist and ninja in the world of Naruto, he knew his own body very well.


Yang Bo stepped forward and said, How are you doing? What changes have occurred in your body?

Orochimaru's attitude became more respectful and said: Sir, the physical strength has been multiplied in all directions! And the mental strength has also been enhanced. Although it is not as strong as the physical enhancement, it is at least twice as strong as before!

Orochimaru's soul was constantly damaged due to his reincarnation, and was already in a damaged state. As a result, his spiritual power was greatly weakened, and his weakness became illusion.

Orochimaru looked at the surrounding research facilities with burning eyes, constantly looking at the busy people around him.

This feeling is no less than throwing Yang Bo into a group of beauties, which makes people unable to control themselves.

Okay, now that it's ready, let's go! Yang Bo turned around and took Orochimaru and Gil back to Gil's office.

Although Orochimaru was very reluctant to leave, he still followed Yang Bo. This strengthening made Orochimaru's trip worthwhile, and this was just the beginning.

Yang Bo was sitting in Gil's office at this time, enjoying Gil's massage, and had a headache thinking about the exclusive tasks assigned to him by the chat group.

‘Resurrection is easy to say! But bringing back the scorpion is a problem! ’

If I want to wait for Scorpio to come out on his own, I really don’t know how long it will take.

Scorpion is like an otaku, hiding in a cave every day to play with figurines, and at most he only comes out when he is short of materials.

Do you want a hard steel Xiao organization?

Yang Bo thought for a while and felt that this was also a solution, and asked Orochimaru on the side: Orochimaru, what do you think of us rushing into the Akatsuki organization and kidnapping Scorpion out?


Orochimaru is not surprised at all that Yang Bo knows about the Akatsuki organization. Orochimaru was a member of the Akatsuki organization before, and he has a very good understanding of the power of the people inside.

Sir, the people in the Akatsuki organization are very powerful, and some of their methods are very strange, and the leader of Akatsuki is a guy who calls himself a god!

Hahaha! Yang Bo laughed out loud and said directly: Orochimaru, you are really interesting. Didn't you find that Angel looks familiar to Akatsuki leader Payne in the Akatsuki organization?

After listening to Yang Bo's words, Orochimaru fell into deep thought and then said calmly: Sir, are you referring to the fact that Konan and the others are Jiraiya's apprentices?

This time Yang Bo was surprised, he didn't expect Orochimaru to know.

Orochimaru continued: Although they are Jiraiya's disciples, Pain, who possesses the Rinnegan Eye, and Uchiha Madara, who is hiding in the dark, are a group of S rebellious ninjas. Such power cannot help but make people cautious!

Orochimaru didn't know Yang Bo's specific strength, but the Akatsuki organization left such a deep impression on him, especially Uchiha Itachi!

Yang Bo took Orochimaru directly to an empty room, took out the projection equipment, and played the simplified version of Naruto directly for Orochimaru to watch.

Orochimaru, just watch it first, and then get to know the people inside. We will go directly to the Akatsuki organization tomorrow!

Orochimaru's eyes were completely attracted by the information from Naruto on the screen.

Yang Bo returned to Jill's office and discussed with the members of the chat group about bullying the Xiao organization.

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