Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 195 The arrival of new group members

[Please check if new group members have joined]

A chat group message interrupted Yang Bo who was resting in the bedroom.

A new person here again? I want to see which cutie it is!

Yang Bo opened the chat group and looked at the names of new members prompted in the chat group.

[Sun Wukong joins the chat group! 】

[Fa Hai joins the chat group! 】

[Nezha joins the chat group! 】

Sun Wukong? Yang Bo looked at the name and didn't know who it was for a moment. The main reason was that there were too many works based on Sun Wukong, and there were also many fan works of Nezha.

While chatting in the group to welcome newcomers, open the group to share personal stories.

Welcome new people to join the chat group!

[Westward Journey-Sun Wukong]

【Green Snake-Fahai】

[One hundred thousand cold jokes-Nezha]

Yang Bo fell into deep thought while watching the plot of the three newly joined group members.

The chat group has started to explode.

Zhang Chulan: “I didn’t expect that there would be three new members, as well as the Great Sage!”

Sun Wukong's fame is so great that even Zhang Chulan knows about Sun Wukong's existence.

Zhang Sanfeng: Welcome new members to join! How many of you have met Zhang Sanfeng?

Yue Buqun: Welcome newcomers to the group. I'm a gentleman, Jian Yue Buqun. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me!

Hermione: Welcome, welcome!

Group leader Yang Bo: Welcome newcomers! Newcomers who join the group can first read the group announcement and the plot in the group sharing, with their own names at the end!

Zhizunbao: Group leader, I have already read the announcement. Why is there no plot you mentioned in the group sharing!

The world of Westward Journey is a spoof world, so the ability to accept Supreme Treasure is very fast.

Yang Bo looked at the name of the Supreme Treasure and understood that the other party had not yet become Sun Wukong.

Group leader Yang Bo: Zhizunbao, that big story about Journey to the West is your plot. You can also read and understand the other plots!

Supreme Treasure: I understand, received! But why is Sun Wukong written at the end?

Zhang Chulan: Group leader, why are there so many people this time?

Group leader Yang Bo: I don't know, maybe it's just random, there is no special reason, but the people who joined the group this time have directly improved the combat ability of the chat group!

Ying Zheng: I have already finished watching the plot. I really didn't expect that such a god-like character would come into the chat group so quickly!

Ying Zheng didn't speak before and ran to watch the plot. With the ability of the chat group, he quickly watched the plot of the three people.

But what's going on with this Nezha?

Ying Zheng raised his own questions.

Yang Bo thought of Nezha from One Hundred Thousand Cold Jokes, and was speechless. The spirit bead itself was pretty and pretty, but after reincarnation, he turned into a noble lolita, and he was a damn boy!

But this kind of Nezha can definitely satisfy some people’s strange habits!

Moreover, Nezha's strength is also very strong, and his body is incredibly strong.

The most important thing is that Nezha has miraculous healing skills. He can heal cramps and peeling injuries, and he can also change species. Not to mention healing potions, even golden apples have to stay away!

When Yang Bo thought of this, an evil smile appeared on his lips. This ability must be very popular in the chat group.

Group leader Yang Bo: Those are all small things. Nezha is a good boy, except he is a little stronger!

Nezha: Yes, I, Nezha, am a good and obedient boy! Huh? No, where is this?

Nezha was lying on the beach basking in the sun at this time, with only a cute little face exposed.

He looked at the chat window in front of him in confusion.

Group leader Yang Bo: Xiao Nezha, go and watch the plot in the group sharing first!

Nezha: Okay! What is the plot!

Yang Bo held his forehead with one hand, but he couldn't help it. Although Nezha was strong, he was actually just a child, seemingly only a few years old!

Group leader Yang Bo: It's just some things about your future, you can go and take a look!

Nezha: I'll go take a look...

But the last newcomer, Fahai, still didn't speak. I don't know what he was doing?

A world of 100,000 bad jokes.

In a small room, Gourd Little King Kong was sitting on the sofa, answering the phone.

Yes, yes! We have been quarantined for observation, don't worry! Don't worry!

Yeah! Definitely a criticism!

After that, he hung up the phone and lay down on the sofa.

It's really troublesome!

Who is eyeing Nezha's world, ah! I have to work overtime again. It's really hard to get more than 300 days off this year. It's just a month before the Chinese New Year, and I still have to go to work. It's so difficult!

At this time, a charming voice came from the room: Husband~

Little King Kong reflexively stood up on the sofa: My dear wife! What's wrong!

Come on~

Little King Kong walked towards the bedroom as if he was ready to die.

The chat group is still discussing the plot lively.

Yang Bo opened the group store. Generally speaking, when a new person joins, the group store will refresh new products, and the probability of modules is very high!


[Enhanced Industry 2 Module]

[Why can coal powder compress diamonds but not sand? Very strange! 】

[ps: You are finally no longer the weakest person in the chat group! 】

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