Join the chat group with MC

Chapter 162 Heading to Naruto World

Time flies, the years are like songs.

Yang Bo was in the twilight forest, holding a pair of crossbows, causing a ray of light to be reflected on the sunglasses purchased by Zhang Chulan.

Looking at the vampire count in front of him.

Let us hunt those who fall into the darkness!

Then he smiled slightly, and fired a large number of crossbow arrows from both crossbows. The vampire count who was attacked condensed dark red blood bullets in his hands.

Yang Bo directly used his supreme skill, Lazy Donkey Roll, to avoid the opponent's attack.

The vampire count was very fast. He quickly ran to Yang Bo and launched a melee attack. Yang Bo was not to be outdone and directly used the melee crossbow technique.

After a while, the vampire count screamed and disappeared into smoke, leaving behind some loot.

Yang Bo turned off the recording function of the chat group, simply edited it, and sent it directly to the chat group.

Group leader Yang Bo: Are you handsome?

Hermione: Handsome!

Yakumo: Handsome!

Zhang Chulan: Don't your hearts hurt?

Zhang Sanfeng: What does handsome mean?

As one of the first people to join the group, Zhang Sanfeng naturally knows what it means to be handsome.

Group leader Yang Bo: ...

Group leader Yang Bo: Zhang Chulan, don't run away after school, I won't hit you!

Zhang Chulan: I mean, can the group leader be described as handsome? That is very handsome! →_→!

Yue Buqun: →_→!

Gao Yao: I think the group leader is very handsome, with his strong posture, quick reactions, and strong arms. If the group leader has time, I will go and see you!

The hair on Yang Bo's head immediately stood up, but it didn't even stand up when his brother kicked him into the space crack.

Without even looking up, Yang Bo knew that there was definitely a blood-red danger word above his head! !

Group leader Yang Bo: Ahem, my place has been quite chaotic recently, let's talk about it later!

Gao Yao: Well, wait until the group leader has time!

Yakumo: By the way, the person you asked me to pay attention to, group leader, has arrived. The mission to the Country of Waves has begun. Are you still going?

Yang Bo breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Yakumo's words and finally changed the subject!

Yang Bo had told Yakumo before that if the mission to the Country of Waves started, call him.

Yang Bo just wanted to save the poor man, definitely not to see whether Bai was a boy or girl!

Group leader Yang Bo: Yakumo, I'm ready. I'll go to your place and have a look!

Hermione: I'm going too!!

Group leader Yang Bo: Hermione, what are you going to do?

Hermione: I want to see other worlds. I'll ask the professor for leave soon!

Group leader Yang Bo: Okay! Let's go together!

Yang Bo didn't have much to sort out, so he sorted it out quickly, but Hermione had to ask for leave, so Yang Bo directly applied to be teleported to Yakumo.

After looking around, he still appeared in Yakumo's villa, and Kurenai was also there at this time.

Good afternoon, Yakumo! Hong! Yang Bo smiled and greeted the two of them.

Hong looked at Yang Bo who suddenly appeared, nodded and replied with the same smile: Mr. Yang Bo, long time no see!

Yes indeed, where is that guy Asuma?

Hong brushed her hair with her hands and pushed it behind her ears. Yang Bo couldn't help but feel a little moved when he saw this action.

Asuma is taking the team leader on a mission!

Yang Bo nodded and said lewdly: Hong, Asma smokes and drinks and looks like she is short-lived. Do you want to consider changing to a boyfriend?

Hong smiled charmingly and reached out to caress her flat belly.

Oh~ Then Yang Bo, are you willing to be the father of the child?

Yang Bo stared at Hong's movements and took half a step back.

I thought in my mind: So exciting???

Yang Bo knew that Hong was joking. He had little impact on the plot of Naruto. This was not yet the time when Hong was pregnant.

Probably not! ! ! But who can say for sure!

Yang Bo said with an affectionate look: Red, if the child is born, I will take care of him!!! Asuma, I will take the time to send him directly to the First Hokage!

Hong laughed: Stop making trouble! What are you here for this time? Looking for Yakumo? Or is there something else?

Yang Bo straightened his expression and put away the expression on his face.

Well, I'm here to find someone else this time!

As I was speaking, I suddenly remembered something.

Yakumo, do you have a relatively open and large place here? I can place a teleportation stone tablet.

Yang Bo suddenly remembered that as long as he placed a stone tablet and gave Hermione permission, Hermione could be teleported to the Naruto world without spending points.

Ten points is nothing to Yang Bo, because he has no other use except buying modules, but group members can practice through points.

Yakumo thought for a while and said: In addition to my studio, there is also a larger room. I will take you to see it!

Yang Bo followed Yakumo directly to another room.

Looking at the size and height of the room, he nodded with satisfaction and said to Yakumo and Kurenai behind him: The size is just right, Yakumo Kurenai, stay away!

The two of them left a distance obediently.

Yang Bo took out the teleportation stone tablet and placed it in the room. The familiar fluctuations emanated directly. He looked at the runes that lit up on the stone tablet and reached out to change the permissions inside.

But except for Yakumo, no one else gave him permission, and neither did Kurenai.

With two swish sounds, two ninjas appeared outside the range of the teleportation stone tablet.

Who are you? One of them looked at Yang Bo and said sternly.

Come with us!

Yang Bo looked at the two masks and didn't know whether the other person was an ANBU or a root member, so he shouted softly.


Two muffled groans sounded, and the two masked men lay directly on the ground.

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