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Chapter 106 Twilight Troll Cave and Cloud Cabin

my world.

Yang Bo's figure suddenly appeared on the empty island.

Finally home!!!

A group of people were chasing Quan Xing in Zhang Chulan's world until night.

Except for a few masters who ran away, basically all the people who came to Longhu Mountain were either killed or taken back by people who knew everything.

This time Quan Xing's strength was greatly reduced.

Yang Bo didn't rest and jumped directly into the twilight forest, preparing to solve the final BOSS.

Yang Bo had already discovered the cloud where the giant lived. After entering the dusk, Yang Bo went straight towards it.

Soon we arrived at a place covered by shadows, and the grass blocks on the ground looked rotten.

Yang Bo raised his head and looked at the huge clouds floating in the sky. This was the destination of this trip.

Looking at the clouds, Yang Bo frowned and said to himself: Just jump on it! Otherwise it would be too troublesome to go back and forth twice!

Taking out the prepared blocks, Yang Bo began to slowly build towards the clouds.

Yang Bo kept looking at his feet, not paying attention to his head at all, and jumped his head directly into the clouds!

He pulled his head out of the clouds and said angrily.

Fortunately no one is here! Aren't the clouds here real? How can you still insert your head into them?

Yang Bo stretched out his hand to touch the clouds above his head, and felt a strange feeling on his hand, as if he had touched a marshmallow. He stretched it directly in, with only a little resistance!

Then he touched the darker clouds on the side. This time, he was blocked directly outside and couldn't reach in at all.

It turns out there are two types of clouds here! I didn't even notice it before!

Yang Bo had a look of realization on his face. He didn't pay attention at all when he was playing the game before.

He took out his pickaxe and pointed it at the clouds above and started digging. Yang Bo was going to dig more. The clouds were very special and he was going to use them for decoration.

After digging seven or eight layers, Yang Bo reached the top of the clouds. A huge hut and oak trees appeared in front of Yang Bo.

Yang Bo had already been mentally prepared to a certain extent, but when he saw the room where this giant was staying, he was still shocked by this simple and crude building.

Although this building is not as majestic as the Lich Castle or the Ghast Tower.

This room gives people the feeling of being simply and crudely big!

Yang Bo, who was sighing, was directly attracted by the giant miner coming out of the room.

The 12-meter-tall man holding a giant stone pickaxe gave Yang Bo a huge sense of oppression. At this time, the other party also noticed Yang Bo's uninvited guest.

He rushed towards Yang Bo, but the speed was not fast, even a little slow!

The size, health and attack power of the giant miner are exactly 4 times that of the player.

Yang Bo said disdainfully: Embroidered pillow! Trash!

He completely failed to consider that his own attributes were only one-third of others' trash!

He took out his bow and arrow and pointed it directly at the giant miner, and suddenly the giant miner's body burst into flames.

The giant miner's blood volume was only 80 points, and he quickly fell in front of Yang Bo without touching Yang Bo at all.

At this time, another armed giant walked out of the giant's hut. This giant was wearing a suit of iron armor and holding a stone sword. He also ran towards Yang Bo.

If you say you won't take a needle and a thread, you will never take a needle and a thread!

Yang Bo looked at the completely empty clouds and showed a satisfied smile. The original giant cabin and giant oak tree had been excavated by Yang Bo.

Even the clouds on the ground only have a thin layer left!

Let's go!

Aim at the small pool below and jump directly.


A sharp eagle call came!

Then Yang Bo walked out of the pool with a look of regret.

It's a pity that there is no eagle in my world, otherwise I wouldn't have to shout! It's a perfect replica of Leap of Faith!

Yang Bo took out his shovel and started digging into the troll cave just below the clouds.

The normal route should be to first go to the troll cave under the clouds, find a block made of original obsidian, find the box inside, and take out the magic beans.

Climb the towering beanstalks planted by magic beans to reach the Cloud Cabin.

Get the giant stone pickaxe and go back to the troll cave, look for the giant obsidian, and dig it out to get the ember lamp.

However, Yang Bo found it troublesome and directly took the block to the Cloud House and got a giant manuscript!

As the blocks under his feet were dug out, Yang Bo fell directly into the dark cave.


Along with Yang Bo's scream, he fell directly to the floor of the cave with a bang.

Before he could recover, the monsters around him sent blessings of love!

Quickly turn over and get up, because the health value has not been reduced much because of the fall protection.

With a bang, a bottle of poisonous potion exploded directly next to Yang Bo, and his health directly turned into a green color.

Quickly take out various potions and golden apples and use them all.

With the help of night vision potion, I finally saw a large number of monsters around me.

“If I continue to mine vertically, I will chop off my hands!!!”

Yang Bo shouted and ran away quickly.

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