Gu Qing's eyes were full of relief, and he was very happy to see Su Bai become stronger.

The number of skeleton soldiers is decreasing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the bones on the ground could be piled up into a small mountain, and the skeleton soldiers were all slain.

Bo Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, he originally thought it was a mortal situation, but he didn't expect that he was still alive

? Gu Qing smiled bitterly, Su Bai's strength exceeded his expectations, dozens of skeleton warriors were violently killed at a glance?

Su Bai finished collecting the spoils and came to the two of them.

Gu Qing opened his mouth and said, "Su Bai, the abyss is awarded according to contributions. "

After passing, how about we divide the spoils equally?"

Gu Qing knew very well that if it weren't for Su Bai, he would already be a dead man.

"Good. Bo

Zhou has no intention of objecting, the interests are not clearly distributed, and it is easy to cause contradictions.

Su Bai glanced at the bracelet, the score on it did not increase, and only through the abyss could he see how many points he had gained.

He glanced at his face.

Name: Su Bai

Level: LV10 (Broken Mirror

) Talent: King of Time and Space

Strength: 28 (+20) Constitution: 28 (+30) Dexterity: 28 (+10

) Spirit: 700 (+260)

Ability Points: 530

Kill Points

: 21

The corners of Su Bai's mouth curled up a touch, and his basic spiritual power increased from 480 to 700, and when he was equipped with weapons, Su Bai's spiritual power was not far from 1000.

Triggering the crown ability, Su Bai's mental power can reach 1000.

He still has 530 ability points, which is useless.

You must know that for first-order transfers, the upper limit of attributes is 1000, and Su Bai is only at level 0 now.

Su Bai's face was as pale as paper, without the cooperation of Bo Zhou and Gu Qing, it would be impossible to kill so many skeleton soldiers.

"Let's take a break.

Su Bai said.

The two nodded.

Su Bai put the loot into the storage space.

The two were envious, but not jealous.

They came to a valley, Bo Zhou began.

"Sue ......... Brother Bai, we have been teleported to the Skeleton Stronghold. "

Most of the skeletons in the abyss have been killed by us.

"If you want to pass, you have to kill the boss.

Su Bai nodded, the time for the end of the college entrance examination was less than half a day, and he had to hurry up.

Finding a lone skeleton soldier is not a wise choice.

Half an hour later, Su Bai returned to his full state.

He glanced at the two of them and spoke.

"How are you recovering

?" Bo Zhou's eyes showed consternation, and he asked, "Brother Bai, have you recovered to your heyday?"

He and Gu Qing's consumption was not serious, and Su Bai had to keep killing skeleton soldiers, and the energy consumed by the two was not at the same level at all.


Su Bai nodded.

The two gasped, and they gave a thumbs up.

"Brother Bai, you are really good.

Su Bai replied, "Look for the boss." "

They walked through the bushes, and every skeletal soldier they came across, they were blown into dust.


sound of metal colliding.

The three of them headed in the direction of the sound source.

Under a thick willow tree, there stood a skeleton, which was not tall in size, but gave an invisible sense of oppression.

It swung its sword, and the leaves were cut in half and fell to the ground.

Name: Skeleton GeneralUnit

: Boss Level: LV20Element

: Dark

Power: 1000Constitution: 1000Agility: 800Spirit

: 0Passive

Skill - Weapon Adaptation

: 20

% increase in sword damage

Passive Skill - Strength Suppression: Strength is greater than the unit, triggers concussion damage, and stuns for 1 second, reduces opponent's strength by 100

Passive Skill - Hardening: Increases Defense

by 20% Active Skill - Charge: Sprint 200 meters, reduces damage taken during charging by 20%, and is immune to control effects, dealing 150% additional damage.

Action Skill - Lightning Slash: Slash five times in a row.

Active Skills -

Pray Skeleton General has high three attributes, especially strength, and his physique has reached 1000 points, and he has three passive skills and three active skills.

Gu Qing and Bo Zhou's faces are very ugly, and their attributes are not even 700.

The Skeleton General is terrifyingly strong.

Gu Qing opened his mouth and said, "Brother Bai, what now?" The

strength of the skeleton general is as high as 1,000 points, and he also has the ability to suppress the strength.

With his strength, he couldn't resist the skeleton general, a round of attacks.

Su Bai raised an arc, killing this skeleton general, how many attributes and ability points can be obtained.

He glanced at Gu Qing and Bo Zhou.

"You can help me by the side. "

Brother Bai, you must be careful.

Su Bai appeared in front of the skeleton general in a flash.

The Skeleton General's pupils flickered with a faint blue purple fire.

Before the words of "Invasion ......."

were finished, the space squeezed in.

The Skeleton General instinctively parried with his sword.


The sound of metal colliding, the skeleton general's body trembled slightly, and then it was gone.

Su Bai didn't feel surprised, the skeleton general's physique was as high as 1000, and his defense power was increased by 20%.

The Skeleton General's pupils grew deeper and deeper.

The razor-sharp sword tore through the air.

Su Bai disappeared in place, and the long sword failed to hit.

Skeleton General, a scarlet rushed towards Su Bai, and suddenly, a female skeleton appeared in front of it.

Its eyes were blazing, and it rushed towards Bo Zhou.

Bo Zhou was startled, and a cold sweat slid to the ground.

Gu Qing held the long sword in his right hand, and frost spread on it.


Skeleton General's soles of his feet are frosty.

It took less than a second for it to break free from its restraints, and a figure appeared in front of it.

Space is squeezed like waves.

The skeleton general's body bent, and his bones twisted.


"chains" were entwined with countless chains, firmly trapping the skeleton general.

It exerted its strength on all fours, and its chains exploded into a puddle of powder.

"The intruder died. The

sharp long sword tore through the air, and Bo Zhou's heart was cold, and the long sword was less than ten centimeters away from its position.

At that moment, an ice chain wrapped around his waist.


The long sword broke through the ground, and dirt splattered everywhere.

Bo Zhou was in a cold sweat, and he took a trip through the ghost gate.

"Relieve desire.

Gu Qing said.

Bo Zhou nodded, and the female skeleton vanished.

The skeleton general's eyes returned to clarity, and it glanced at Su Bai, the cold blade tearing through the air.

Su Bai shuttles through space to avoid attacks.

The Skeleton General has multiple wounds on his body.

"Next look at mine.

Su Bai said indifferently.

The two sides fought together, and the Skeleton General attacked fiercely, but it could only fight by instinct.

Su Bai shuttled through the space again and again to avoid damage, and the injuries on the skeleton general's body became more and more serious.

Bo Zhou's face was suspicious and said in shock.

"Brother Bai's skills, don't you need a cooldown?".

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