Name: Lightning Arm GuardQuality: Dark Purple

Effect 1: When equipped, Strength

is increased by 20 Effect

2: Lightning Resistance is increased by 20%.

Su Bai decisively changed to the Thunderbolt Armguard, and his strength increased from 32 points to 48 points.

He glanced at the properties panel.

Name: Su Bai

Level: LV10Talent: King of Time and Space

Strength: 28 (+20) Constitution: 28 (+30) Dexterity: 28 (+10) Spirit: 480 (+216)

Ability Points: 330

Kill Points

: 21

The corners of Su Bai's mouth curled up and killed King Slime, he gained thirty attribute points, and also gained thirty ability points.

The number on the bracelet has directly increased from more than 6,000 to more than 10,000?"

"Second place: Gu Qing, 3431 points.

"Third place: Lin Ye, 2541 points. "

Kill King Slime and get more than 5,000 points.

In the monitoring room, Zhang Tian's eyes widened, his eyeballs were about to fall out, and Su Bai suddenly increased from more than 6,000 points to five figures, an increase of nearly double.

If it weren't for the fact that Fenghua and the city lord were present, he would have laughed out loud.

Zhang Xuan was also shocked, the second middle school is not as good as the first middle school all the year round, and now, the first and second are all their second middle school.

Moreover, Su Bai also scored 11,910 points, he never dreamed that Su Bai could get so many points.

Fenghua glanced at him, and Zhang Xuan almost laughed.

Fenghua is obviously much calmer than Zhang Xuan.

"Zhang Xuan, can't you be as calm as me?"

Zhang Xuan glanced at Fenghua's trembling hands, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Zhang Yuan rolled his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up, and Su Bai exceeded his expectations.


"Su Bai can get more than 5,000 points at once, and he killed the Slime King?"


The whole city was in an uproar, Zhangjiang was founded for a hundred years, and no one had ever killed the Slime King in the high-level martial arts exam.

Zhang Yuan laughed, "Su Bai is our Zhang Jiang's lucky star." "

Su Bai is already the number one in the city.


Palace, Su Bai looked at the throne, and a cold mechanical voice came into his mind.

【Congratulations on killing King Slime

】【Abyss Passage Opened】Abyss Passage

: Difficulty (Hard)

Level: LV20

Introduction: There are many skeletons living inside.

There were blood-red skeletons floating in mid-air, giving people a creepy feeling.

"Abyss?" Su

Bai muttered.

He now has more than 11,000 points, and it is not a problem to win the first place in Zhangjiang, but the task that Su Bai took is to win the first place in the province, and there is less than half a day before the end of the college entrance examination.

Eliminating a player can get 50% of his points, even Gu Qing and Su Bai can only get more than 1,500 points.

If you want to get more points, you have to go to the abyss.

But the monsters of the abyss are not only numerous, but also not dense.

Even though Space Squeeze is an area-of-effect ability, it would be wishful thinking to kill all skeletons.

Moreover, the difficulty of the abyss is still level 20.

Su Bai is only level 10 now.

Suddenly, two figures appeared in the castle.

Su Bai's pupils turned white, ready to strike instantly.

When he saw the person clearly, Su Bai's pupils regained their vitality.

"Brother Bai, why are you here?"

Gu Qing said excitedly.

The glasses man on the side widened his eyes and stared at Su Bai with an incredulous expression.

"Are you Su Bai, a ruthless person who has scored more than 10,000 points?"

he said with three points in his voice.

Gu Qing rolled his eyes, and an old melon collapsed.

"You have to call him Brother Bai. The

man with glasses touched his little head and stared at Gu Qing viciously.

Su Bai glanced at the man with glasses, and the corners of his mouth curled up, as if he was looking at his prey.

"Who is he?"

Gu Qing introduced, "He is Bo Zhou, a student of the second middle school.

Su Bai's brows moved, in his impression, Gu Qing was definitely not a nosy person.

Although Gu Qing is a student of No. 2 Middle School, it is impossible to bring an oil bottle.

Bo Zhou lifted the frame of his glasses and said slowly, "Su ......... Brother Bai, you are very strong, and the Slime Castle is inhabited by the Slime King.

"Even if I join forces with Gu Qing, I am not its opponent.

Bo Zhou pointed to the abyss passage and continued.

"Can I go inside with you?"

Su Bai said indifferently, "Reason."

Bo Zhou lifted his glasses and continued, "First: there are many strange beasts in this abyss, and you alone can't kill so many strange beasts.

"There are only 12 hours left in the college entrance examination. "

Second: The abyss must be passed in order to earn points, and the points earned by one person are measured according to their contributions, just like those earned by three people.

"Sansan: I have some kind of ability, and I can besiege me with strange beasts. "

Su Bai can get more than 10,000 points in such a short time, and his own strength cannot be underestimated.

The abyss was dangerous, but he wanted to go down and find out.

His current ranking is not even in the top 20.

You know, he's a first-order transfer.

Su Bai didn't believe in Bo Zhou's words, but looked at Gu Qing.

"What is his ability?" Gu

Qing's face flushed, and he squirmed, "Desire."

Su Bai's brows moved, not understanding what Gu Qing said.

"My ability to make others see what he desires.

Bo Zhou explained.

Gu Qing nodded, "I met this kid, he is very weak.

"But his ability has earned me a lot of points.

Su Bai thought that Gu Qing was originally only more than 2,900 points, but suddenly came to about 3,400 points.

Bo Zhou's ability can attract opponents to come, but if he wants to restrain his opponents, he can't do it now.

Gu Qing's ability can control the opponent, while Bo Zhou's ability can attract skeletons, and space squeeze is area damage.

Even if the skeletons are not dense, they can let Bo Zhou use the ability, and then cooperate with Gu Qing's control, and Su Bai will harvest the battlefield again.


Su Bai nodded.

Bo Zhou was overjoyed, as long as he could clear the abyss, he could enter the top three, and at that time, it was not impossible to enter a prestigious school.

Su Bai looked at Gu Qing and took out a necklace.

Gu Qing was slightly stunned and said blankly.

"Su Bai, this is?"

"This is the equipment I used to kill the Ice Slime. "

Your attribute is ice, and this necklace suits you perfectly.

Gu Qing didn't politely accept the necklace.

Su Bai understands a truth very well, friends are friends, and interests are interests.

Gu Qing gave him a Qingyun folding fan, and when he hunted the goblins, his efficiency improved a lot.

After Gu Qing saw the attributes, he was overjoyed.

Su Bai didn't care about Gu Qing's gaze, and said solemnly, "Enter the abyss." "

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