[Passive Skill - Soul Amplification: Soul damage increased by 40%, pain damage increased by 100%]

(Price: 2000 kill points)


Su Bai gasped.

Soul Fan Soul, which can enchant weapons and cause true damage, can also cut the soul of the enemy, previously, it can deal 10 true damage, increase soul damage by 40%, and can deal 14 true damage.

Pain can not only affect the opponent's reflexes in battle, but can also be used to extract confessions and obtain useful information.

"Redeem Soul Amplification"

Kill Point: 38211

Su Bai looked at another item.

[Active Skill - Eye of Insight: You can check the information of opponents below level 20 less than yourself, use mental power, and slow down the enemy's attack speed]

(Price: 100,000 kill points) "100,000 kill

points?" The

corners of Su Bai's mouth twitched wildly.

He had killed hundreds of third-order transfers before he had obtained nearly 40,000 kill points, and he thought he had enough kill points, but now it seems that they are far from enough.

The Eye of Insight, although it can't directly add its own combat power, does not mean that it is weak.

The probe technique, which can only see the information of alien beasts, while the eye of insight can see the information of all living beings, he is now level 20, and the upper limit of exploration is level 40.

And in battle, it can also slow down the enemy's attack speed.

"Perhaps, as I improve, the eye of insight can allow me to go back to the past, and maybe even the future.

Su Bai muttered.

He closed the system panel, and now there were more than 60,000 kill points left.

Su Bai's principle is that if people don't offend me, I won't offend anyone, and if people offend me, I will destroy him.

"It's time to head to the inner area. "

There are four figures on the top of the mountain.

"Fourth, you're really awesome. The

third child gave a thumbs up.

Without the ability of the fourth child, they would not have been able to know that Su Bai was the mysterious boss.

The fourth child scratched his head in embarrassment, feeling happy in his heart.

His awakened talent is not the main combat category, so when he encounters a powerful enemy, he can only hide behind to cheer up his teammates.

"Hahaha, the fourth brother is good.

The scar man patted his forehead.

The fourth child's eyes widened suddenly, it was the first time he had seen the boss boast.

The other two sighed, "It's good that the boss was prescient, otherwise, we would already be a corpse."

"Isn't it, that young man is not only strong, but also ruthless. The

four of them looked at each other and smiled bitterly, they felt that they had lived on dogs all these years.


In the inner area, Su Bai drove in a dilapidated city, the garbage on the ground could be piled up into a hill, the smell of rot was permeated in the air, and a full moon hung in the sky.

"Tick tock. The

pouring rain was falling, and Su Bai took out an umbrella from the storage space.

"Into the .......... Invade......... He who. An

undead spirit walked towards Su Bai with a long knife, and the raindrops hit its body, adding a touch of weirdness.

Su Bai's eyes shone brightly, he didn't even see half of the undead all the way, but he was caught by him.

The undead noticed Su Bai's eyes, and he was also slightly stunned, he was a noble undead, why wasn't the person in front of him afraid of himself?"


undead uttered a hoarse voice, and the flickering fire in his eyes grew deeper and deeper.

"Spatial turbulence.

Su Bai casually threw out a spatial turbulence, and the undead were dragged into it.


The body is fried into powder.

[You kill the undead and get the Necklace

of the Dead] Name: Necklace

of the DeadOccupation Requirements: NecromancerQuality

: Light Gold

Effect: After equipping, increase mental power by 40% Effect

2: Collect the seven-piece set of the undead to gain regeneration ability.

(Hint: The undead suit can only be used once per person in their lifetime) "The undead suit

is complete?"

Su Bai was very happy.

He didn't expect that the undead he killed casually burst out of the undead necklace, and he didn't know how many undead he had killed before, but the necklace didn't burst out.

"When you go back, you can sell the undead suit.

Su Bai muttered.

The sound of "da-da-da"

footsteps, several figures appeared on the retina, and Su Bai looked vigilant and looked at several people.

Their clothes were already wet from the rain.

Several people were also slightly stunned, but they didn't expect that there were still people holding umbrellas.

"Little brother, are you from

the outer area?" Su Bai didn't reply, those who were teleported to the inner area could not go to the periphery, while the outer area could go to the inner periphery, otherwise, it would have been chaotic a long time ago.

The man at the head saw that Su Bai did not reply, and he did not feel surprised.

After all, now in the Undead Otherworld, alien beasts are not the most terrifying, but humans.

"Little brother, a word of caution, hurry up and leave the inner area, the people of the Half-Blood Sect are in love. He

said solemnly.

"Half-blood sect?"

Su Bai was slightly stunned.

There are people from the Half-Blood Sect in the outer area, and there are also people in the inner area?

It seems that this trip to the other world is not as simple as I imagined.

However, Su Bai didn't care much, even the owner of SSS-level talent was not Su Bai's current opponent, it was not his arrogance, but the fact.

All schemes are in vain in the face of strength.

"Well, thank you.

Su Bai nodded to a few people.

They have no intention of staying for a long time, and they must find a teleportation array to leave when they go to the other world.

"Hahaha, want to run, do I give permission?" dozens

of figures jumped down from the roof, blocking the path of several people, they were wearing hoods with skull signs on them, giving people an eerie feeling in the pouring rain.

The leader was holding a skull staff, and his pupils were deep.

"Mixed ......... Half-blood?"

One of them, a female transferee, turned pale.

"Damn. The

strong man gritted his teeth.

He is the captain of the four, and even if he is afraid, he cannot show it, otherwise the morale will sink to the bottom, and by that time, death will not be far away.

The blood-robed man smiled wickedly.

"I get excited with the look in your eyes. "

Hahaha, it's sad to be weak and helpless. The

blood-robed man glanced at Su Bai, who was holding an umbrella, with a hint of displeasure on his face.

He is the deputy head coach of the Half-Blood Sect, and the person in front of him, isn't he afraid of himself?"


skinny man continued.

"Maybe we're in a good mood and can keep you a whole corpse, or ........."

he licked his lips and smiled cruelly.

The blood-robed man waved his hand and motioned for the thin man to kill Su Bai.

The thin man slashed towards Su Bai, his speed was extremely fast, and the air emitted a piercing sonic boom.

The four of them looked at each other and nodded, wanting to stop the thin man, after all, they were grasshoppers on a rope, if Su Bai was killed by the thin man.

They are not far from death.

Before they could break five meters, they were surrounded by people from the Half-Blood Sect.

"Damn. The

strong man said angrily.

"If you dare to ignore me, this is what will happen to you. The

thin man threw a punch, and seeing that Su Bai did not dodge or dodge, there was sarcasm in his eyes.

He majored in speed and strength, and even if he was a defensive transfer, it would not be good to punch him.

"Die. "

Before my fist touched my hair, a pressure swept in, and before I could touch my skin, I felt a tingling pain.

"Why are you ..........." before he

finished speaking, he exploded into a paralyzed powder.

Su Bai used an umbrella to block the blood, which was very chic.

At this moment, everyone, the boss with his mouth open, his jaw is about to fall off.

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