Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 401: welcome to my world (52)

   Chapter 401 Welcome to Minecraft (52)

  The boy who quietly hugged her felt her awakening the moment she opened her eyes.

  He lay beside her, holding her tighter,

   Rubbed her with her white and tender cheeks, she was very milky and obedient.

   "Si Si, you finally woke up."

   "." Yun Si turned to look at him.

  Seeing that it was him, she was stunned for a long time, and she didn't recover for a long time.

  The blankness in his eyes flashed, and he seemed to be a little unresponsive.

   "Si Si?"

  The young man looked at her with soft green eyes, looking a little innocent and ignorant.

  Yun Si didn't say a word, just stared at him, not knowing what she was thinking.

  The boy stared at her eyes, and seemed to become a little nervous all of a sudden,

   With a milky appearance and a little cautious,

  Being well-behaved, like a kitten who doesn't know what he did wrong, with his pointed ears drooping down,

   "What, what's wrong? Did Zai Zai do something wrong?"

  His milky white hands gripped the hem of her clothes a little uneasily, and the soft boyish voice became a little softer,

   "Si Si. Are you angry?"

  He seemed a little panicked.

  Yun Si stared at him for two seconds, then slowly relaxed.

  raised his hand and hugged him back.

   "Not angry, I just... had a dream."

   "What dream?"

  Yun Si hugged him, rubbed his hair, lowered her eyes,

   "No dream, just some very common things."



  The boy stopped talking, and didn't know whether he believed it or not.

  He lay obediently in her arms, like a coquettish milk cat,

  The whole body is full of milky fragrance, and there is no sign of ruining the world.

  Yun Si gently rubbed his head, her eyes were calm.

  The thoughts in his heart did not show at all, as if he was thinking about something.

after awhile,

  She sat up and looked around.

  Familiar suites and furnishings, she seems to have returned to that SS building.

  Yun Si paused, reached out and pinched the boy's face, and asked,

   "This entire building is yours? No one else?"

  The young man clung to her body, hummed obediently, and admitted it.

   "From now on, this place will belong to Si Si, and I will give it all to you."

   he added softly.

  Yun Si raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a half-smile, "Aren't you afraid that I'll take things and run away?"

  The boy seemed to be stunned for a while,

  Looked at her blankly, seemed to have suddenly become aggrieved,

"you do not want me?"

  Yun Si immediately wanted to deny,

  But the moment she was about to speak, she suddenly seemed to remember something,

  So, she didn't express her opinion immediately, but only smiled and pinched his face,

   "If you want, you can, but will you be obedient?"

  The boy was in a hurry, "Yes, I will be very obedient."

  He rubbed her palm eagerly, like a milk cat eager to sell himself,

   Those clean and clear eyes seemed to have been washed by the purest water, hiding an incomparably beautiful broken light,

   Reflecting Yun Si's smiling face, her focused eyes can only hold her alone,

  The delicate young man with red lips and white teeth, with a cute face, even the most ruthless hunter would find it difficult to attack him.

  He seems to know how to use his own advantages,

  Know what to do to make your appearance the most confusing,

   Poor, I am so wronged,

   "I can go with you"

   "I will follow you wherever you go."

  (end of this chapter)

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