Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3104: who I am? (1)

  Chapter 3104 Who am I...? (1)




  Yun Si suddenly opened her eyes.

   Breathing, slightly rapid breathing, like a person who is soaked in sea water and is about to drown. When he is suddenly rescued, his consciousness is hazy, and his body is pumping physiologically.

  The bright light was dazzling, and the bright incandescent light was shining directly. She was blinded by the light, squinting slightly, panting.

   Chest chest tightness, ups and downs, seems to be sweating.

  The back is wet, and the thin sweat seems to soak through the thin clothes.

  The vague consciousness was returning, and she slowly raised her somewhat heavy hand to block the dazzling light.

  Here...where is it?

  There was sweat at the temples, and her body was very hot. The heavy quilt covered her body, making the sweat on her body completely impenetrable.

  The environment in front of her was strange, and in an extraordinarily quiet space, she pushed the quilt covering her body, and slowly raised herself up.

   Khan, it's all sweat.

  Sweat has soaked her back, and the clothes are sticky and uncomfortable to her body.

  Getting up together, the air conditioner in the room was on, and it was blowing loudly, making her back feel cool. While feeling refreshed, she couldn't help shivering.

  Yun Si's body is heavy, but her brain is light, and she feels like she is sweating and dripping with joy.

   She wiped the sweat from her forehead, her eyes were wet, and slowly looked around—

  The huge room, the magnificent decoration, and the extra-large princess bed sitting under her...

  Just waking up, she was still a little confused. After watching for a while, her brain was subconsciously sorting out the previous memory fragments.

  She is...

  She looked at her hands—young, pale, cold hands with sweaty palms.

  The skin is firm, fair and soft, and the hair, the hair has also turned black.

  Without a mirror, she couldn't see her own appearance, but she raised her hand to touch it—it was soft and slippery, and it felt inexplicably good.

  She looked around and kept thinking.

  She is...where is she?

  How did she suddenly come here? Why is she not impressed at all?

  She seems to... just fell asleep, a very heavy, confusing sleep, how come after waking up—

  Yun Si's thoughts were in a mess, and she became more and more dazed. She kept looking around, back and forth, like a kitten observing the environment, raising her vigilance.

   Didn't notice at all, there was a tiny camera facing her in the far corner, silently.

   Before he had time to sort out his thoughts, and before he could figure out where he was at the moment, the door of the room was pushed open.

somebody is coming.

  Yun Si looked over at the first time, and slowly put her hands on her knees, showing a state of alert.

   It was a man—a strange man.

   Tall, very oppressively tall, with slender legs and a cold demeanor.

  Wearing straight black trousers and a white shirt, the shirt was rolled up to the arm, revealing a fair complexion.

  He pushed the door open and came in, raising his hands and feet, revealing a bit of elegance, his movements were slow and orderly, and his steps were leisurely.

  Like an experienced hunter, it gives the prey a sense of treachery and cunning.

  Inexplicably dangerous.

  Yun Si stared at him quietly, didn't speak first, just watched his movements.

  He came in with a glass of water, closed the door, walked to the bed, and sat down.

"woke up?"

  His voice is very gentle, different from his cold and cold appearance, slightly raised and long fox eyes, staring deeply at her, the eyes are dark.

  Handed the cup over to her, with a soft tone, as if afraid of scaring her, "Drink some water, you have a fever and sweat, you should be very thirsty."

  (end of this chapter)

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