Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 3096: Light-year distance (68)

  Chapter 3096 Light-year distance (68)

  Greedy, evil, should be like a stray dog, let people abandon it like a shoe, dare not provoke it easily.

but now…

   "Well, I know you like me too."

  Yun Si seemed to be stroking an angry kitten, petting him with a smile, scratching his chin, "Good boy, I know."

  He just couldn't speak out, couldn't feel his emotions, she knew it.

   "Do you want to kiss?" She asked with a smile.

  With warm and beautiful eyes, she is even more attractive than the most beautiful Bosria in the universe, which is exciting.

  Call him this homeless dog, his tail is wagging uncontrollably, wagging wildly.

  The hunger factor was controlling him, and he rushed forward in an instant, pinning her down on the soft bed.


   Tractor-like sound, deep.




   The monster has been hungry for too long.

  Too long, too long—perhaps because I haven’t been full since I was born.

  He doesn't need to eat, hunger—a hunger for emotion.

  No one taught him how to manipulate emotions, and no one gave him a little extra emotion—even if it was only pity and charity.

  When he was born, he was an existence outside the universe.

  The Cree tribe does not recognize him, the ALLGRUULK tribe refuses to accept him, and the KYLLIMIR-AUK tribe even regards him as the most evil existence...

  He is a lone wanderer outside all ethnic groups, and is recognized as an evil thing that should not be born.

  He was constantly driven and attacked, and could only live in the most remote and desolate corner of the universe.

  Indifference, numbness, emotional lack and emptiness, make him have no desire, and exist like a walking dead.

  Continuously wandering—in the vast universe, like garbage, indifferent to anything, and don’t care.

  The Crusk clan used him, took a fancy to the extremely powerful ability contained in him, and made a condition for him to join the clan, wanting him to destroy the RAK clan, occupy their territory, and seize their resources.

  He did—not because he wanted to join them.

   Rather, it doesn't matter anymore, I just find something to do to pass the time.

  He lived for too long, time is endless, for him, time is the most worthless existence.

   Gotta find something to do—as for being able to join the Clan...he doesn't care.

  The RAK tribe was wiped out, and the Ashik tribe, Deyama tribe, and Hulanya tribe were wiped out...Krusk people used him as the most powerful tool to invade other ethnic groups.

   Without any effort, you can get countless resources, land, and space.

  He destroyed one alien race after another, like an emotionless killing machine, killing wherever he went, without stopping.

   Until the eradication of the Atem tribe, the Atem tribe escaped from their home planet and hid on planet M34-4602151-B—the place where the human race lived.

  The Crusk tribe asked him to wipe out the remaining deserters, and he still did.

   came to Earth, on a mission, he could have done it soon—

  The sudden change was something he never thought of.

  The numb and rigid emotions gradually seemed to wake up—from his barren and desolate thoughts, roots and sprouts slowly took root.

   Even, it is about to bloom.

  Krusk kept urging him, asking him to wipe out the remnants as soon as possible and start the next killing mission.

  He was asked to leave before he had time to figure out the changes in himself and feel the emotions born from his namelessness.


   Really, really annoying.

   For the first time, the monster felt unprecedented anxiety and anger.

  (end of this chapter)

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