Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2663: Bandit (10)

  Chapter 2663 Bandit (10)

  She slowly stood up, her smooth black hair slid down her shoulders, she covered her moist eyes, and looked down.

  Look at yourself, and look around.

   In front of you, a huge bath comes into view.

  The water in the pool is steaming with water vapor, and the petals are falling off, just like a fairyland in a fairyland, resplendent and luxurious.

  The gauze curtain hangs down, lightly falling to the side of the bath.

   Layers are layered on top of each other, covering the outside and making it difficult to see clearly, just like a sarong.

  In front of the bath, she was lying in a white soft place, covered with a thin quilt, and her dress was changed.

  The dirty stains disappeared, her hands were clean, and her body felt refreshed.

  Move it, and there will be a crisp sound of iron chains in the quiet environment.

  Looking at the sound, I only saw that the icy chains branded on the vermilion-colored wall pillars stretched long and far.

   Tie down one of her ankles.


  When she moved, the iron chain followed.

   wobbly, accompanied by her movements.

  Her feet retracted, and the iron chain stretched longer with her movement.

   Dark and cold.

   It made her feet extremely white, so white that it could almost blend with the white velvet blanket.

   Poor feet, which were tied with hemp rope before, are now tied with iron chains.

   Miserably, I lost my freedom again.

  She tried to move it twice, trying to break it.

  But maybe because of just waking up, the medicinal properties haven't fully gone down yet.

  At this moment, her body is very weak, and she has no strength.

  Tried to hammer a few times, but the hammer didn't work, but made the iron chain rattle.

   "..." She remained silent, looking along the end of the chain.

  The wall posts are as thick as a big tree, standing firmly there.

  The gauze curtain next to it hangs down, hazy, blocking the view on the wall.

   Looking from a distance, it seems to be a painting.

  The brightly colored paintings are hidden behind the gauze curtain and cannot be seen clearly.

  She sat on the bench, closed her eyes slowly.

  Feeling a slight recovery of strength, he dropped his legs and slowly sat down on the bed.

  Without shoes, she walked barefoot by the bath.

  The skirt was a little long and loose. She staggered a bit, and walked cautiously towards the pillar.

   Didn't panic at the first moment, rather calm.

   walked to the pillar and looked quietly.

   Being bound, her first thought was to break free.

   Pull it hard a few times, and keep pulling.

  Try to kick again.

   Kicked twice, but couldn’t move.

   "..." She circled the pillar and walked back and forth twice.

  After thinking quietly for a while, she suddenly thought of something, looked around, and went to explore.

  Find the hidden mechanism.

   is very smart, and can think of the way to untie the chain through his hobbies.

   Probe against the wall a few times and walk behind the gauze tent.

  The painting on the wall immediately came into view.

   At first, she didn't notice it, but soon, she stopped exploring the mechanism, frowned, and realized something was wrong.

  On the wall, a woman is drawn.

  She immediately took a few steps back and looked up.

  On the wall, the woman is in a sea of ​​flowers.

  Colorful flowers are lightly dotted in the grass.

  Beautiful colorful butterflies fly among them, vividly.

  The sun was shining, and the bright red dress spread out all over the sky. The woman stood in it, with her back turned, looking back slightly.

  The wind blew her hair, and colorful butterflies adorned her skirt.

   There is a crystal green hairpin in her hair, looking back, she is fair and flawless.

  A single hand fell deep in the air, as if it was going to grab something.

  It is beautiful, everywhere is beautiful.

  The beauty was once unreal.

  Yun Si looked up at her face, frowning.

  (end of this chapter)

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