Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2619: Companion (33)

   Chapter 2619 Companion (33)

  Under the tree, the skirt of the beautiful and charming little widow was blown up by the wind, and the fragrance on her body lost control in an instant, and went far away with the wind.

   Faintly, drifting to an unknown place.

  With her voice, young, soft, and delicate.

   "I live in the General's Mansion, then you can't drive me away in the future."

   "Even if I **** you off, if you get angry, you can't drive me away and let others bully me."

   "So, you might do it?"

   Talked to him more and more boldly.

  Forgot his identity as a general, and seemed to have the intention of climbing over his head.

  Deliberately pretending to be coquettish, with a reckless expression that will stick with you as long as you allow it.

  Withdraw your hands, fold your arms, and raise your chin slightly.

  It’s a proud little cat. The vicious big tiger invited it to live with it.

  I don’t know the word polite at all.

  Originally, I wanted to vaccinate him first, so that he could think clearly.

  But he didn't want to, he seemed to smile.

   Lowered his head, the corners of his lips curved deeply, hiding a smile.

  The mood seemed to be getting better, so good that I reached out and touched her head, it was very gentle.

   "Well, I won't drive you away."

   "You can stay as long as you want, and you can do whatever you want, it's all up to you."

  He is not a man who will break his word.

   At least, he never made a slip of the tongue when he promised her.

  She glanced at him, holding her arms slightly loose, "Really...really?"


   “…to pull the hook.”

  She stretched out her finger and fixed it in the air.

   Still a child.

   In front of him, she was still extremely childish.

  Having lived for tens of thousands of years, he still believes in making a contract with a hook.

   He is used to it.

  He got used to her over and over again, getting used to her childishness.

  Huo Yuangong curled his lips slightly and reached out to cooperate.

   "Draw the hook, hang yourself, and don't change it for a hundred years."

   "What changed...is the puppy."

   is a non-binding agreement.

   But if she checked the box, she believed it.

  Believe with great firmness.

   let go, she smiled, "Okay, I agree to live in the General's Mansion."

  She was naturally happy to be close to him.

  Huo Yuangong stared at her, the corners of his lips were drawn, and his voice was low and hoarse, "Okay."






  The gates of the city were opened, when the Beifu army returning from the victory entered the gates.

  The people who gathered on both sides of the road early burst into thunderous cheers and applause.

   Crowded, shouting, welcoming the returning soldiers, the voice resounded through the sky.

  Glorious fireworks bloomed in the dim yellow sky, reflecting the sunset and the sharp weapons in the hands of the returning soldiers.

  The blood-stained blade sparkled, cold and solemn, and magnificent.

  The soldiers have strict military discipline and walk in unison, the vicissitudes of running all the way are not visible on their faces.

  First cavalry, then elite soldiers, then crossbowmen, spearmen, artillerymen, shieldmen...

   Finally to infantry.

  The long army is like a powerful and shocking dragon.

   Entering the city gate from the long official road, everywhere you go, you can hear the roar like a giant dragon.

   Spread across the earth, breaking the sky.

  The people beat gongs and drums, set off firecrackers, and set off fireworks.

   Along the way, the traffic was blocked, and there were people everywhere, crowded with people.

  In teahouses, restaurants, and even brothels, people gathered around and cheered for the return of the heroes.

  Girls tossed handkerchiefs, and children sat on the shoulders of adults and watched ignorantly.

  (end of this chapter)

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