Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2601: Companion (15)

   Chapter 2601 Companion (15)

   "In the future, what I have, you will also have. You will be in charge of everything in the Huo family, how about it?"

   "..." She was slightly taken aback.

  This sentence means, do you want to help take care of her little sister-in-law?

   After a while of reaction, she showed hesitation and asked, "Is this okay?"

   "Will it cause you trouble?"

  Huo Yuangong looked down at her face, his brows and eyes were calm, "No."

   "I can't leave you alone here, can I?"

  The seemingly unreasonable general made an exception because of his brother.

  Although it is somewhat unexpected, it makes sense.

   After all, the elder brother is gone. As a younger brother, he always has to help take care of his sister-in-law.

  Yun Si was silent for a moment, then asked again: "Then... this house..."

   "After a while, I will send someone back to sell it."


   Well, she will have to move sooner or later.

  If she doesn’t move now, she will still have to move in a while.

   Then what else is there to say?

  She turned her hands away, pursed her lips, "Then I'll go with you."

  Huo Yuangong looked at her quietly.

  She obviously didn't want to leave, but because he said he was going to sell the house, she was reluctant to go with him.

  The nose is wrinkled and the voice is soft.

   "When will you leave tomorrow? Is it still dark?"

  Huo Yuangong glanced at the sky, the corners of his lips softened slightly, "Don't worry, take a good rest tonight, and leave tomorrow after you pack up."

  He doesn't know how long it takes for a woman to pack her luggage, so he's not sure.

   All up to her.

  Yun Si nodded slowly, "OK."

   "Then... I'm going to sleep first?"

   After finishing speaking, he seemed to think of something again.

   "Ah, no, you come with me."

   As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed his wrist.

   pulled him and went to the side room.

  The door was pushed open, and the room was very dark with no lights on.

   "I've packed the room, if you don't mind, you can sleep here tonight?"

  She stood at the door and turned to look at him.

   No, his hand loosened at some point.

  The chubby rabbit was running in the yard again, he was being pulled by her, with his head down, watching her touch his hand.

  She paused, then retracted instantly.

   Avoid suspicion.

   "Well, you pack up, I'm going to bed first, see you tomorrow morning."

  Lessing this sentence, she immediately ran back to her room.

  The floral scent is gone.

   Only a little residual warmth was left on his hands.

   Very shallow, very shallow, as if a feather floats gently, and the touch disappears at once.

  He stared down at his hand, his fingers shrank.

  The sound of the door closing not far behind came, and she went back to the house.

  Leaving him standing outside alone, looking back slowly, looking at her room quietly.

  The touched hand is still frozen.

   In the cold, the residual temperature remains.




   One night passed.

  The next day.

  Just after dawn, the roosters at the entrance of the village began to crow, one after another.

   Early in the morning, there was no peace.

   On this day, Yun Si rarely slept in.

  After hearing the crowing of the cock, he yawned, got up and packed his luggage.

   After quickly packing up, he carried his little baggage and went out.

  Huo Yuangong didn't urge her, and also expected the possibility of leaving at night.

  But he didn't think about it. He just got up when he saw the man holding the bundle guarding his door.

   Sleepy, but still rubbing his eyes and waiting for him.

  Like a good girl waiting for her father, quietly, guarding the door, a little one.

   It looks unbelievably soft.

  Huo Yuangong was stunned when he saw her.

   "Are you... packed?"

  (end of this chapter)

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