Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2587: Companion (2)

  Chapter 2587 Companion (2)

  Cunzheng wrote to him and told him that he wanted him to come back to organize the funeral.

   After all, his parents are gone, and his brother is the only relative left.

  Huo Yuangong read the letter and put it away again.

  The journey back to Beijing is long, and after these long journeys, it will arrive in a short time.

  He turned his face sideways, his eyebrows were deep and proud, his eyebrows were like bows, his eyes were as black as deep ink, and his emotions were weak.

   When I learned of my brother's death, it was the same, as plain as water.

   Suffering from the wind and cold on the battlefield, the angular jaw is thick with stubble, and the lips are as thin as blood.

   "It's not far from Houqiu, I'll go back, and you continue to return to Beijing."

  Houqiu is his hometown, his brother passed away, logically speaking, he should go back to visit.

  The lieutenant general followed him for a long time, so he naturally understood what he meant and said yes.

   "The general wants to join us in Kyoto?"

  Huo Yuangong nodded slightly, "I will arrive in Kyoto in the next day, and I will meet you before then."


  The lieutenant bowed his head and obeyed.

  Huo Yuangong gripped the reins tightly and turned the horse's head.

  Beside the official road is a forest, he left the team and drove straight away.

  Under the silent moon, the rapid sound of horseshoes fades away.

  Lieutenant General Jiang Ming watched him leave, and immediately drove his horse to the front.

"Continue to go."





   Posterior mound.

   Early in the morning, the market in Murakami.

  When the battle reports of the victory ahead come frequently, the market in Murakami is always very lively.

  Especially the storyteller in the restaurant, who was even more excited, telling the story of the battle ahead in detail, adding fuel and vinegar in every way.

"Let's talk... Our General Huo, when he met the enemy's so-called Changsheng Zhong Ghost, wow, that was incredible. General Huo directly cut off his head with a flying sword, and the blood spattered three times. ruler-"

   "The enemy soldiers saw that it was over, the head of the main general was separated, and the deputy general was beaten to pieces..."

   "Our General Huo saw that the enemy was about to go, and immediately took advantage of the victory to pursue him. He led a mere hundred people and seized the enemy's lair, capturing tens of thousands of soldiers—"

   "Those veterans on the other side, I heard that our Beifu army is here. They didn't even put on their pants, so they just ran away on horseback. Fucking shit, I'm afraid they will be caught by our Beifu army..."

  The storyteller in the restaurant spoke with joy and vividness.

  Under the storytelling stage, people who are free most like to listen to this kind of story.

  Everyone listened with gusto, eating melon seeds and drinking tea while listening.

  Among the tables, naughty children are holding toys, laughing and running around.

   Running around in the restaurant, was kicked out by the shopkeeper, and then ran in the crowded market.

  Running and making noise, burrowing around, like an earthworm, extremely naughty.

   "Lin Erbao! You play truant again!!"

  Early in the morning, Mrs. Lin, who was busy working hard, was so angry that her own child jumped.

   Pick up the broom and chase after him.

   "Little bastard, you didn't learn well at such a young age, and played truant again! Play truant again!"

  In the village, Xiao Erbao is not good at anything, but his legs and feet can run very fast.

   Grinning, jumping up and down, making the chickens fly and dogs jump, and the chickens and dogs are restless.

   "Hahaha can't catch me, can't catch me, just can't catch me~"

   "Ah you little bastard—"

  Sister Lin went crazy and chased him everywhere.

   Tossing the neighbors and villages, they ran out to watch the jokes, and it was so lively.

   "Lin Erbao! Stop it! You little **** is disobedient, right?"

  (end of this chapter)

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