Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2582: Premeditated (Easter Egg 2)

  Chapter 2582 Premeditated (egg 2)

  It's so far away that if you don't pay attention, you won't notice it at all.

   But now, a hundred days.

  He walked behind her, almost five meters away.

   She will no longer deliberately hide herself, and she will still see him when she looks back occasionally.

   Sitting on the bus, from time to time, he was standing right behind her.

   Sometimes when there are many people, fingers will be touched.

  His finger, touch it, swipe across.

  It seems to be an unintentional touch.

   Yun Si looked up at him, but he never seemed to notice her.

   Still looking out the window, indifferently.

   Looks difficult to get along with.

   She felt strange, and still couldn't figure out what he was thinking.


   Or coincidence?

   Unable to understand, she put her hand back into the pocket of her school uniform.

  The surface is calm as usual.




   One hundred and fifty days.

  Yun Si finally confirmed that he was following her.

   Alone, very definitely, following her.

  The reason why she can be sure is because on this day, she left school early.

   When I went to school normally in the morning, he was still behind.

  In the afternoon, for some reason, she asked for leave and returned home early.

  After returning home, he never returned to school.

   Until the normal school dismissal time—5:30 p.m.

  At home, she suddenly remembered, could he be waiting for her?

  Although it may just be her self-righteous guess.

  With the mentality of giving it a try, she sent a message to a classmate in the class who was going to stay on duty, asking her to see if there was a tall and handsome man wearing a peaked cap near the school gate.

  Usually, he would show up near the school during school hours.

   Then, walk slowly to the bus stop and wait for the bus.

   is exactly the same as her action trajectory.

  If he didn't follow her and just followed his own route normally, then when the students on duty came out, they shouldn't see him.

  After all, it was very late when the sun came out after the end of duty, so he couldn't be still there.

  If still...

  Yun Si thought for a while, then shook her head, dismissing this possibility.

   Probably won't be there.

  It's late, what can he do there?

  With the idea of ​​giving it a try, she sent a message to the classmate who was on duty that day.




   Soon, seven o'clock in the afternoon that day.

  Her classmate returned her—

  He is really there.

  The photos taken secretly were also sent over.

  In the photo, he was only seen standing on the edge of the bus platform.

   There are very few people waiting for the bus next to them, just a few.

  As for him, his tall stature is particularly eye-catching.

   It's hard to get people not to notice.

  Her classmate replied excitedly: "He is so handsome!! How can he be so handsome!!"

   "How did you know such a handsome brother?! Is it your boyfriend!"

   "Wait! Bus No. 81 is coming!"

   "Huh? He didn't get on the bus? Didn't you say that he often takes this bus home with you?"

   "Damn it, he looked over - he's so handsome!!!!"

  You can feel her excitement through the phone screen.

   Excited like crazy.

  Yun Si froze when she saw the news.

   Then, before they had time to reply, messages came bombarding them one after another.

   "Wait, I'll be steady, no, the handsome guy just saw me, I'm about to die."

   "I told you, he's still here."

   "Another No. 81 bus came, but he didn't get on it again."


  (end of this chapter)

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