Yu Chan was annoyed. Looking at the roof, there was a piece of black fabric hanging from a beam, hanging like a cat's tail.

She didn't have to guess to know who it was, she was stupid enough to make a laugh, so she could be a dark guard!

At that time, Yu Chan also came out of the dead camp, but she was a woman. She could not be a dark guard, and she could only be sent as a nail like everyone else. There is a day when there is no tomorrow, and if you die, you will die, maybe life is better than death, and you have to finish it yourself.

There is a place to train dead men in private like this. Every prince has it in his hands, and Jin king is not exempt from it. Yu Chan is in one of them.

Naturally, she was afraid, but these people who were with her were **** long ago, but they were picked up by the King of Jin, so serving the King of Jin became the only goal in life.

Yu Chan was lucky. When it was time for her to come out, she gave instructions and said she would pick a waitress. She was just right, and she looked quite right among the girls, so she picked her.

After coming to the palace, Yu Chan realized that the waitress was a nurse, a woman who made her highness linger and return, but not the master but more important than the master.

But in an instant, Yu Chan's mind flashed a lot of thoughts.

When was she most envious of those who could become Dark Guards, because those who could become Dark Guards were almost top-notch among them? When these "little guys" were trained, they were most often used as targets. But never expected to come to the palace, only to find such a heroic figure is so stupid.

Yu Chan taunted again in his heart, and then hurriedly put away the needle and thread dustpan, intending to never touch the thing again.

On the beam, Dark Eleven sneaked down and saw only a black head.

He was worried, and he showed all these traces. Why couldn't she find it? !!

Look again at the purse in your hand. In fact, it is not a purse, it is a piece of cloth sewn into a small cloth bag. He nudged the large piece of black with his fingers, which is embroidered by him. He is black. Why is he faceless?

In the study room of Zhaohui Hall, a man stood there.

He was in a black shirt, upright, and looked very ordinary, the kind he could not find in the crowd. Except for the occasional flash of light in the eyes, and a scar on the left face, it can be a little unusual.

When King Jin came in, he knelt on one knee: "His Royal Highness, his subordinates are fortunate."

How hard it is to fight this battle, probably only the secret in Beijing. The powers of the King's Palace are all gathered in Jinzhou. Although the capital has been deployed by the King and the Ningguo government of the King's family, it is better that the Prince had been operating in Beijing for many years.

And the emperor grandson is a very cunning but prudent figure. Even if he went straight to the target, it took a lot of effort. During the period, the casualties were heavy, and it is not mentioned.

But what you want is what you get.

King Jin walked over and patted his shoulder: "It's hard."

"Subordinates will die, if not for the year ..."

In fact, the incident was really not resentful at that time, and no one expected that defending Huang Renlong would be secretly countered. I didn't realize that King Jin would be drugged, after all, there was nothing abnormal when he came out of the Huang family.

King Jin took his guards all the way to Jincheng, but encountered sniping halfway.

The poison just happened at this time. Jin Wang was like a futile man, and the guards he brought out tried to resist those locust-like ambushers. Unfortunately, his fists were hard to beat with his four hands. Acting in a county town, the situation of King Jin was unsettled at first glance, so he hurriedly found a place to house him, and himself led those who pursued it away.

At that time, Jin King had the biggest fall in his life, and everyone around him was exhausted, leaving only a dark one. Although it was found one by one afterwards, Huang Renlong also ended up in a different place, but no one thought that it was the poison of ordinary aphrodisiac at first, but it was the long-lost Bliss.

This poison became the yoke of Jin Wang's body, and he secretly rebuked himself, leaving Jinzhou, looking for an antidote for Jin Wang.

Fortunately, I am not insulted, or I will not return.

An Yi pulled out a bag from his arms, which was hung around his neck and stored close to him. He did not dare to leave day and night, and hurried back to Jinzhou all the way.

King Jin took it and opened it. It was a prescription.

This kind of thing is probably only understood by Liu Liangyi, so soon Liu Liangyi was invited.

After receiving the prescription, Liu Liangyi fell into a state of obsession and some insanity. He had words in his mouth, sometimes dancing, and soon he rushed out with the prescription. Everyone knows his nature, and no one cares about it with him.

King Jin said to Dark: "Since he's back, it's easy to rest."

He had injuries on his body, especially when he was travelling for so long, and he was extremely tired. Naturally he had no excuses, and soon he went down.

Fucheng's face had an obvious joy: "This antidote has been obtained, and Mrs. Su is pregnant again. It is a double happiness."

There was even a smile on Jin Jin's face.

Liu Liangyi soon began to develop antidote.

It is worth mentioning that things happened very coincidentally. This Bliss San prescription is essentially the same as the previous prescription developed by Liu Liangyi himself.

Of course, due to his limited knowledge and lack of prepared medicines for trial and comparison, Dr. Liu Liang's prescriptions are much rougher, and there are many deficiencies, but the main medicine required requires a drug primer--

That is the blood of a person connected to the blood of the poisoned.

It must be the blood of the next generation. And not like Liu Liangyi originally thought, it must be the blood of the daughter of the poisoned woman's first love.

It is not important whether or not this is the case. King Jin has only a daughter-in-law like Xiaojun, and she can only use her.

When Mu went to take blood again, Mu Yan's face was not so good. The small county master had just lost his mother, and was tossed like this one after another. If it wasn't for King Jin's own explanation, Mu Yan would have almost not driven out Liu Liangyi.

The antidote was quickly prepared.

The poison is a chronic poison, and the antidote is naturally not good after taking it once. It needs to be taken continuously for half a month.

Yao Niang also knew the news, and she was finally relieved. These days, King Jin has been holding back from touching her. She was worried about how to relieve the poison on his body, but she was a bit ashamed to think that he had misunderstood him.

After drowsiness, Yao Niang suddenly fell into a state of eating and vomiting.

Her appetite has always been good, and no one was aware of it. Bloody porridge was used for breakfast, and Lin Lin always ordered a large table.

As soon as things were placed, Yao Niang vomited while covering her mouth.

The vomiting couldn't stop, vomiting all the contents of the stomach, not even the glass of water that I drank early in the morning.

The people in Rongxiyuan panicked immediately. There wasn't an older person in the house. The little girl's family knew how to conceive a woman, and she immediately panicked to find a doctor at a good doctor.

After a while, King Jin received the letter, and Liu Liangyi also came.

After Liu Liang arrived, he asked about the situation and diagnosed the pulse again. He said, "This is a normal reaction of a woman's pregnancy. If it is really serious, you can prescribe some medicine to relieve morning sickness. It is a three-point poison, but it is better not to take it. .The diet is usually lighter. When you want to vomit, you can add a plum to relieve it. "

Yao Niang came slowly after a while, and said with a small face: "I told them all, but they didn't believe it, but they bothered Liu Liangyi to run."

Liu Liangyi waved his hand, "No trouble, no trouble, if there is something, go to the good doctor at any time to find the old man."

Red silk sent Liu Liangyi out, and Yu Chan brought Red Butterfly to bring hot water to serve Yao Niang's clean face and mouthwash. Sugared plums were also brought in, and Yao Niang had one in her mouth, sour that her eyebrows jumped sharply, but she felt much more comfortable in her mouth and heart.

King Jin sat next to him and felt sour.

Seeing that she ate one, she vomited a nucleus, and one more.

He couldn't help asking: "Not sour?"

Yaoniang shook her head. "It's just a little bit sour. Would you like to taste it?"

She picked up a hand and passed it, somehow reminded King Jin of that time, she choked the cherry to feed herself, and couldn't help but feel a little bit agitated and ate it.

But soon he had a feeling that he was going to be blasted with sour, and a lot of saliva could not help but overflow, he vomited without regard to the image, and even brought a trace of saliva to his mouth.

Where did Yao Niang ever see Jin King so embarrassed and funny, she couldn't help laughing.

King Jin was stern, trying to train her twice, to show the majesty of her husband. It can be seen that her pink cheeks and peach cheeks, because they contain a plum and a bulging cheek, have added a sense of coquettishness, and they can't bear it.

He snorted and frowned.

Yaoniang rushed to the past, Xiaoyier said something good, apologized, and pleased him.

Then he was angry, although his face was still cold, but his brows couldn't help it.

The two masters are as paint-like as paint, and people should evade themselves. I do not know when, Yu Chan took people down, there are only two people left in the house.

The King of Jin took her over, and put on the red lips with a moist and shiny.

Compared to those little bitters, he still prefers to eat her. After being sucked by Yao Niang, plums have long been sour, and the sweetness has a little bit of sourness, mixed with her honey-like mouth, just like Qiongjiangyulu.

Kissing and changing the location, sniffing the sweet fragrance, Jin Wang was unbearable, and his behavior became more extensive. And Yao Niang, who has been primed for many days, is so fooled by the King of Jin that she has long forgotten what is the eve of this evening, but just surrounds his neck and let him do whatever he wants.

Suddenly, King Jin's action suddenly stopped and buried his face at Yaoniang's neck.

Yao Niang was painful and numb, and the taste was unspeakable. She suddenly stopped and felt a little embarrassed. Immediately came to understand, hurriedly pushed him away to tidy his clothes.

Neither of them spoke, with a little inexplicable embarrassment.

King Jin cleared his throat, "You're resting, I'll go back to Chaohui Hall."

Yao Niang gave an inexplicable hum. She didn't touch her flushed face until after King Jin left.


What a shame!

King Jin paced quickly, and when he returned to Chaohui Hall, he was instructed to prepare water.

The body was hot as if it was burning red, waves after waves. The blunt pain felt like it was going to burst.

King Jin is not unfamiliar with this feeling, and usually endures it, but in recent months, he has gradually been unable to curb this urge.

Especially with her, it became more and more unbearable.

The pond made of white marble has copper beast heads on all four corners. At that moment, from the beast's mouth, the water was spitting out.

Water is cold, biting cold.

King Jin leaned on the edge of the pool, his hair bun was messed up, and a few strands of long hair fell down on his shoulders. His narrow eyes were closed tightly, and the half-upper face of Jun was full of forbearing red tide. One arm was supported on the edge of the pond, and the muscles were knotted. The beating of the meridians could be clearly seen on it. The other hand was submerged.

Fucheng turned around in a hurry, "How can I take the medicine clearly without slowing it down?"

King Jin frowned and ignored him.

"Old slave called Old Liu over!"

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