Yao Niang woke up drowsy, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a little human face.

It's Xiaobao.

He sat next to Yao Niang with his knees crossed, and frowned, his face seemed to be thinking seriously, which made people laugh.

Yao Niang also realized that she seemed to faint, and thought she was scaring the child. She was busy and said, "Little treasure, mother is fine, mother is ..."

A series of rapid footsteps sounded, and Yu Chan and a few girls all embraced him.

Yu Chan pressed her shoulder lightly, "Madam, don't move."

"What to do, here comes the slaves."

Some girls look like this, so that Yao Niang thinks what's wrong with her, is there something incurable? Suddenly his face paled and he couldn't help looking at Xiaobao.

"What's wrong with you? Or, what's wrong with me?"

"Niangniang, you have nothing to do, and slaves have nothing to do, it is you that you have, it is almost three months."

Got it?

This is not the first time being a mother, Yao Niang naturally knows what it means. Vaguely remembered that when she was pregnant with Xiaobao, she didn't understand, she didn't know what was going on, she thought she was fat.

She even laughed at herself, and she was still fat.

Until her mother asked her how long she hadn't come to the moon, she answered honestly. Her mother cried at the whistle, beating her with her hands while crying, saying she was ashamed, and what to do next time.

At that time, she felt the sky was falling.

It's not that you don't hate, why are you pregnant with a sinner? But after a few days, there was movement in the stomach. Especially in the dead of night, he took a turn inside, took another turn, and even hiccups inside, spitting bubbles like a small fish, and he had expectations before he knew it.

When she gave birth to Xiaobao, she was born quickly.

In order to cover her up, her sister took her home. Fearing that she would not dare to go out, or dare to go out, she stayed in the house every day.

But my sister said that it wouldn't work, she would be born slowly, what would happen if there was dystocia? So she circled every day in the square inch, countless circles, and walked in every step. Unconsciously, she went to the day of production, and it took her more than an hour to give birth.

The elder sister said that her life was good. The child knew that it hurts. At the time, she was exhausted. She saw the wrinkled Xiaobao, but her heart was full of confusion. This is called good fortune?

But she did have a good life. When her sister gave birth to Brother Hong, she gave birth all day and night.

Obviously it should be a long time ago, after all, she lived two lives, but it was like yesterday. Yao Niang's tears burst out, and she couldn't tell the joy and sorrow in her heart.

I don't know when Jin King came, but Yu Chan retreated.

Feeling that someone was sitting next to her, Yao Niang raised her head subconsciously, and saw Jin Wang's tight face.

"What a cry, don't you want to give birth to the king?"

Yao Niang was speechless for a while.

King Jin's face tightened tighter: "Or are you afraid that you have a small child and wronged this little boy? Don't worry, this little boy won't be able to treat him in the future."

This promise Jin Jin never said, because there is still a gap in his heart, and he also feels that he only needs to do everything, not to say so clearly. But now--

Look at her so miserable, her eyes and nose are crying red, and her tears can't stop. Think about what Liu Liangyi said, saying that a woman who is pregnant should avoid thinking and thinking about it, and avoid sorrow and joy ...

Just before the King of Jin was absent, he asked Liu Liangyi to ask these things. Liu Liangyi furiously wrote three sheets of Xuan paper, which were filled with all kinds of particulars and taboos. King Jin was sitting outside and watching, and he heard a few girls in a panic asking her what had happened.

He immediately panicked, knowing that she would be fine, but his heartbeat stopped. When she came in, she was okay. She just sat on the bed and cried, and a few girls surrounded her before realizing her howl.

Fortunately no one saw it.

Xiao Baozi, Xiaobao, was sitting next to his father, who had always been cold, and coaxed his mother with a face.

Yes, after just analysis, Xiaobao has determined that the mother's belly is Erbao, so he is still Xiaobao, not the species of the dead man. The reason for this is because when the mother of the previous life was pregnant with the second treasure, a poisoning incident occurred in the palace, but in this life she changed from the mother to that of Hu Hufang.

Of course, all this is speculation, but Xiaobao has this feeling.

"I didn't, I was just a little surprised. I still have milk, why am I pregnant ..." Yao Niang said with a blush.

King Jin coughed softly. "My King asked Liu Liangyi, and it's not impossible for pregnant women to conceive."

When mentioning this, King Jin was panicking. He apparently planted a lot of seeds in the little mother's belly, but Chang Miao was never seen. Liu Liangyi once told him in private that the poison in his body might affect his daughter-in-law, so he never paid attention to these. If it had been known that a woman during pregnancy was not likely to have a pregnancy, he would have been weaned.

Hearing the words of King Jin, Yaoniang whispered.

I didn't expect that she had been pregnant for so long without realizing it. She also gave birth to Xiaobao. The moon has never come. Many women come after weaning their children, so she has never been concerned.

Yao Niang couldn't help but stare at her belly. This is it. There is a little treasure in it?

"Just rest first, King still has some things to do. I'll see you when I'm done."

Yao Niang remembered that she seemed to faint in Liuchun Pavilion before, what about Hu Fangfei?

"Is it possible to find out how Sister Hu's sister was poisoned?"

There was a gloom in Jin King's eyes, and he said, "You don't need to care about this, you should rest well." After that, Jin Wang left.

Leaving her mother and son, Yaoniang said to Xiaobao somewhat stupidly: "Xiaobao, you have a younger brother."

She still can't help herself until now.

Xiaobao almost wanted to cover his face, and no one said that this baby was a man or a woman. Besides, he is unknown at this time, his father is still unknown on his shoulders, how he became his brother and sister.

But it really is, he stuck out his little finger and poke Yao Niang's belly.

Inside is Erbao.

There was an expectation in my heart.

In Zhao Huitang's study, King Jin sat after the case and was confronted by Liu Liangyi and Fucheng.

"You speak first."

Yao Niang suddenly fainted and was diagnosed with pregnancy before interrupting the investigation of Hu Fangfei's death. King Jin took Yaoniang back to Rongxiyuan, leaving only the words that let the princess and others disperse.

Since Jin Wang sent Liu Liangyi to the past, it must be born with a mind to be traced. People under Jin Wang's investigation would naturally not have any hands or feet, and Xu Fangfei would certainly not continue to bite.

"According to my husband's investigation, Hu Fangfei should have been poisoned with Tripterygium wilfordii. The person in this Tripterygium can lie dormant for more than an hour, the symptoms of junior high school are not obvious, and once the poison collapses like a mountain. There are other ingredients, but it is not easy to see what poison is in the end. In addition, the old man asked the girls, there is no special trace on Hu Fangfei, so the suspicion of artificial forcible poisoning is ruled out. "

"Where was she more than an hour ago?" This question asked Fucheng.

Fucheng said: "It should be to go to Mrs. Su ..." Seeing King Jin's eyes narrowed, he quickly changed his words: "It should be when Hu Fangfei went to Siyuan."

"But this time is based on the amount used, and it is not certain." Liu Liangyi added.

King Jin looked at Fucheng again, and Fucheng continued: "The old slave kept ordering people to stare at Hu Fangfei. She hadn't had any contact with outsiders before she was poisoned, nor did she behave abnormally. She also scolded two today. A girl yelled at his wife and princess, and she really did not see any signs of poisoning herself. "

The latter two sentences Fucheng said a little hesitantly, but it is precisely this behavior that proves that Hu Fangfei is no different from the past.

Investigating his personality, Hu Fangfei is really not a person who would not want to commit suicide, so the King of Jin would order someone to check.

Inexplicably, the side concubine died in the house, or the side concubine of Shangyu, which was an insult and provocation to Jin King.

"Where did this poison come from?" This poison was not something Hu Fangfei could get.

"This--" Fucheng bowed his head.

King Jin sneered, Xu said, "Fate people to keep an eye on Xu Yanru."


At the same time, the atmosphere in Siyuan was stagnant.

For no reason, a concubine died. For no reason, this Hu Fangfei came to Siyuanyuan before her death. For no reason, Princess Jin was put on a hat suspected of poisoning the chamber.

Although King Jin did not say anything, it was exactly nothing. Princess Jin knew that he was suspicious of himself.

This suspicion is not unreasonable, and Princess Jin knows it too.

Speaking of this will be a secret from many years ago. This is something that Princess Jin has been unwilling to show others, and because of this, King Jin dislikes her and hates her.

Little did she know that she had never been in touch with that person for years. His suspicion made her feel bitter, but could not explain it.

Mother Zhou persuaded: "Don't you think about it, Princess, you haven't done it, you haven't done it, Your Royal Highness won't believe that cheap hoof."

Speaking of this, Ms. Zhou stunned.

She felt that her own girl and his wife seemed to never get rid of the curse called Magnolia. The wife had suffered from Ms. Magnolia's life. Now it is her turn to eat the bitterness of the **** daughter.

"Let the slaves say that poisoning and poisoning Xu Yueru will make her **** so bad that I can't wait to pull you down and sit in the position of the princess herself, not to see if she is qualified! Not slaves complain, Guogong Grandpa is too cruel. Send this little **** over, this is not trying to get your heart ... "

Princess Jin smiled bitterly.

She was cruel, her father was always cruel. She was cruel to her mother all her life, because she had only one daughter, and she was very valued, so she married the king of Jin and took up the position of the Jin queen.

But all this is not based on the feelings of father and daughter, but for the benefit. Seeing that she could not give birth to the eldest son of Jin Wangfu, she sent another daughter over, fearing that the throne of Jin Wangfu would fall into the hands of others.

Without his father's support, Xu Yueru would never dare. Princess Jin even knew that she must not make a mistake, because once Xu Yueru made a mistake, she would take advantage of the situation. At this time, the position of Princess Jin would have to be replaced.

Anyway, they are all Xu's daughters. His father wouldn't care, and his Royal Highness wouldn't care.

Princess Jin couldn't help thinking of Su Shi. If Hu Fangfei had gone to Rongxi Court today, she would be poisoned and died. I am afraid that her Highness would never be that way.

Somehow she had a hint of jealousy.

Mother Zhou is still sulking: "... The Su family is really a good life, and she will conceive her up and down the house, if this baby is a male—" She paused and said hurriedly: "If it is really You guys, mothers and daughters have to hug me. "

Princess Jin had a headache. Her mother-in-law is getting old and confused, now is the time to care about it? She winked at Ziyu, and someone came to interrupt her to invite Zhou's mother out.

After Mother Zhou left, the room fell into silence.

Princess Jin sat there alone, thinking quietly, and suddenly she seemed to think of something, her voice tightened: "Go and call Ziyu."

Ziyu took a moment and was busy.

People in the palace knew that there were four big aunts around the princess, named after purple.

As everyone knows, not four purple, but five.

There is also a purple jade.

This purple jade is in charge of Princess Jin's private library. Being able to sit in this position indicates that this person has the trust of Princess Jin, but this person rarely shows up in front of people.

Ziyu came, respectfully saluted Princess Jin, and stood still next.

Princess Jin screened back and forth, and even Ziyan Ziyu let out.

As Ziyan retreated, she looked at the princess, and there was a flash of worry in her eyes.

Princess Jin looked at the person in front of her, and a lot of things flashed in the eyes of time, blank, memories, alas ...

For a long time, everything went silent.

Princess Jin asked, "What happened to you today?"

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