While these women in this new government dug hollow thoughts and favored them, the King of Jin was a young thief who stole incense and jade every day to learn incense.

But to the outside, His Royal Highness Jin is not fascinated by other women, and Hu Fangfei has the same momentum as before.

In the past few days, the Liuchun Pavilion was particularly lively, and Hu Fangfei was visited one after another. Except for Liu Fangfei, these new servants are here, including Xu Yueru.

At first Hu Fangfei didn't give Xu Yueru a good look, but I don't know if Xu Yueru matched her spleen or stomach. After two visits, the two had a happy conversation, and they had a taste of meeting each other.

People across Xiaoyuanyuan can't watch the theater, and there are new topics every day.

On this day, Xu Fangfei came to visit the small county master.

This is the first time she has visited the Xiaojunzhu, accompanied by Hu Fangfei. The two came to Xiaokuanyuan, and when they saw the chubby little county chief, Xu Shuangfei thrown out the silver obedient one after another, coaxing Hu Shuangfei into laughter.

"My elder sister is so blessed. If one day I can also give birth to a small county lord for my Highness, I will be content in my life."

Hu Fangfei thought to herself: It's up to you? But his mouth was false and said falsely: "Sister must be blessed. Maybe he can give a high-school boy to his highness."

Xu Fangfei also likes to listen to these words, restraining the brows that she wants to raise, implicitly saying, "The boys and girls in this life are all destined, but we don't have to say what we can have, we must have that blessing."

She wanted to be self-confident, but also said that she didn't want to have a son. Even if she thought so, she would not admit it to Hu Fangfei, or how could she take the opportunity to approach Her Royal Highness?

Hu Fangfei misunderstood her intentions, saying that she had no blessings when she gave birth to a small county master!

You must know that this has always been the pain in Hu Fangfei's heart. If she can be a man in one fell swoop, how can these women stand now, but it is a daughter.

Hu Fangfei will definitely not turn her face because of a sentence. Xu Fangfei is useful to her, but she is not very comfortable in her heart. She stares at the eyes and falls on the Yao Niang with her head down: "Su Grandma, it ’s not too soon to change the diaper for Xiaojun. You talk about what you want, and Xiaojun ’s **** is covered in red. If you let your Highness know, I do n’t know how to be angry. Little County Lord.

Yao Niang was tossed in the middle of the night yesterday, but her good brother asked for a long time before the King of Jin let her go. When Hu Fangfei came, she found a corner to stay, and she knew that she could doze off when she stood. Hearing this, a spirit rushed over to God, and hurried forward to open the small diaper's diaper, only to find that the small lord had no urine at all. This was Hu Fangfei making herself a raft again.

Look at Xu Fangfei, who is jealous and envious, and Yao Niang has nothing in her heart. She sighed and took out a clean diaper as usual.

I do n’t know the little county master is older this month and is also very naughty, just do n’t want to lie down and have to sit up hard. Yao Niang changed her posture in this way. I didn't know she was interested in Yao Niang's hair again, so she reached for it and grabbed it.

Yao Niang snorted, and carefully opened her little hand, trying to get her hair back. Hu Fangfei was unwilling, "The little county master wants to catch, you just catch her!"

Yaoniang had no choice but to endure the pain, and lowered her neck and slumped to change the diaper for Xiaojun.

King Jin came in to see this scene, and immediately wrinkled his brows and wanted to say something, but saw two women standing beside him.

Xu Fangfei's eyes were sharp. When she saw a figure coming in, she turned around and looked around.

"His Royal Highness!"

Hu Fangfei naturally looked down, and she regretted bringing Xu Fangfei to this trip. In fact, even she did not expect that King Jin would come at this time, otherwise how could she not do such a stupid thing.

"His Royal Highness." She walked over with a smile and bowed her knees.

King Jin froze, didn't speak, and stared at the small county master sitting on the couch and dragging Yao Niang's hair straight.

Fucheng naturally saw that scene, and he laughed and moved forward with a smile: "How can this be done, you don't have to catch someone, and hurt the hand of the small county owner. Not yet come to help Songsong!"

In fact, Yuyan had already planned to go up, but was interrupted by the sudden arrival of King Jin. When he heard this, he quickly walked over to help Yaoniang take her hair out of the small county master and gently pushed her. Yao Niang went away with her messy hair.

Hu Fangfei was uninterested in asking herself, and was very wronged.

She just said that her forefoot had something she couldn't catch, and her hind foot was goodbye and said goodbye to people. But before she could explain anything, she felt that Jin Wang Binghan's eyes fell on her, and he snorted coldly, and then turned away.

"His Royal Highness--" Hu Fangfei bustled out.

Xu Fangfei stood in place, and without knowing what she thought of, she followed.

But when she followed, she didn't see Jin King at all, and saw Hu Fangfei standing in the courtyard and snoring.

"Sister Hu, Your Highness."

At the first sight of Xu Fangfei coming, Hu Fangfei quickly put away her expression on her face and chuckled, "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness still has official duties, just to look at the Xiaojun Lord. After this person saw it, he naturally left."

Xu Fangfei nodded. I don't know what I was thinking of, and suddenly asked, "Sister Hu, is that the surname Su just a nanny?"

Hu Fangfei nodded impatiently, and now she was so upset that she didn't care about this person.

I didn't know that Xu Fangfei smiled unclearly and pointed out: "How do I think she doesn't look like a mother-in-law. Putting such a mother-in-law next to the small county master, you are really forgiving."

At first Hu Fangfei didn't understand the meaning, and then she felt a little annoyed after seeing it. She looked at the other person impatiently: "This person wasn't my one. It was your good sister who was beside the small county master."

Speaking of Princess Jin, Concubine Xu converged casually, "Is it the Princess?"

Hu Fangfei sneered and nodded.

Xu Fangfei glanced at Hu Fangfei, she seemed hesitant: "If it is her, Sister Hu must be careful. My sister is the best I know, and never do anything useless. When she was not married, Qin Qi is proficient in painting, calligraphy, and chess, and he plays chess best. Chess is the first thing to expect from the enemy. He often takes one step and already counts the next dozens of steps. You must be careful. "

Xu Fangfei was born with a mind to be provoked, and the other party was in chaos, so she had the opportunity to take advantage. But I do not know this challenge, just let Hu Fangfei's mind float.

She couldn't help but think that every time King Jin came to Liuchun Pavilion, she came to the small building to spend the night. Did the princess know she ...

His face suddenly seemed hard to look at. Seeing a smile in her heart, Xu Fangfei said that she hadn't even gone to the Spring Hall.

Hu Fangfei stood there for a while, turned her head and headed for Xiaolou.

"Aunt Su, are you okay?" Seeing Yao Niang covering her horns, Yu Cui came up and asked.

Looking away, she turned red.

"Oh, it's all red. I'll get some medicine to wipe it off."

Yaoniang grabbed her, rubbing her horns with one hand: "No need, it's okay, just a moment."

"The same is true of Xiaojun, why do you always like to drag people's hair?" Not only did they drag Yao Niang, the other two grandmothers also dragged them, sometimes even Yuyan Yucui was not spared.

"This month's children are like this, so is Xiaobao." But now Xiaobao is not dragging, even if it is dragged, the hands are very light, it does not hurt at all, but the main purpose is to win the attention of adults. . Sometimes, even Yao Niang can think of it afterwards, and she feels that Xiaobao is smarter and more sensible than other mothers of the same age.

At this time, Hu Fangfei suddenly walked in from the outside, and no one spoke.

"Side concubine." Several girls bowed their knees and saluted, and Yaoniang stood up and bent her knees.

Hu Fangfei nodded and sat down aside.

The tea that had just been poured in, because Hu Fangfei and Xu Fangfei left, had already been cleaned up and could only be remade.

Yao Niang always thought that Hu Fangfei's eyes seemed strange, and by coaxing the small county master to sleep, he took over the small county master from Yuyan. But even if she held the small county master in her arms, Yao Niang still felt that Hu's eyes fell on her.

Hu Fangfei thought she was blind, but she was blinded.

I always felt that the mother-in-law was honest, and her appearance was not outstanding, so she did not take it to heart. At this point in another mood, it was nothing but clues. The mother-in-law looked honest, but she gave birth to a good body.

Look at the buttocks and breasts, with the bulge and bulge, this is the best thing that men can't resist.

She should know that the **** of the princess would not do anything useless, and she took away the **** of Cuizhu, and felt that she should be at ease.

Hu Fangfei's eyes seemed to have poisoned hooks, and she went straight down to Yao Niang's stone-blue clothes.

She was born in a blue house, and naturally knew many things that ordinary people do n’t know. This woman has completely different buds and no buds. It is completely different from a man who is well nourished by a man.

Look at the opposite side, the white color is red, the skin is smooth and clean, and the eyebrows are all with a kind of charm. At a glance, it is moisturized very often during the day.

Hu Fangfei thought of getting up to take a self-portrait in the mirror this morning, seeing that the eyes of the man in the mirror were resentful, the skin was as fair as before, but it was a bit dry, and the corners of her eyes and brows were as dry as a dry well. Now ...

Therefore, looking at Yao Niang's eyes was even more poisonous. But think about it, if this **** really has something to do with His Royal Highness, and if he still eats this kind of suffering and misfortune improperly, then he hasn't seen His Highness look at this little **** more.

Hu Fangfei retracted her gaze, intending to find someone to check instead of using it.

Show Yao Niang and others on the face, but Hu Fangfei is somewhat inexplicable. She sat down and drank two teas, and left without saying a word.

The strange look of Hu Fangfei always made Yao Niang's heart stunned, so she coaxed the small county master to sleep, so she made an excuse to return to the house.

She took a self-portrait in the mirror and felt that she was no different from the past, that was, her clothes were tighter, but she had become fat recently.

Yao Niang has recently been annoying about this fat issue.

She had to feed two milk babies by herself, and ... it was inevitable that various tonic soups would be drunk and the meals would be much larger, and these ended up becoming more and more bulging.

Her **** were much larger than before, and there was a lot of meat around her waist. She thought that King Jin would definitely abandon her figure, but he didn't think he felt better than before ...

Thinking of this, Yao Niang couldn't help but blush. Looked at herself in the glasses again, she felt that she had to make clothes, and made it looser.

That night.

Xiaobao was sent to the next door before falling asleep.

During this time, he was very sticky to Yao Niang, but since that time, he was hit by King Jin once again and fell asleep on Yao Niang's bed at night. Jin Wang had tossed her that night, and Yao Niang did not dare to challenge him Patience.

In fact, Xiaobao was intentional, and he purposely stuck Yaoniang, so he could see his father more often. Otherwise, as the son of a man of goods, how can he see his father.

Xiaobao's idea was that, depending on his pleasing appearance, and his father and emperor like mother, maybe they could move each other. Unfortunately, reality doesn't give him any chance at all. It is enough that he is a thorn in Jin's heart just because he is the cub of that merchant.

Xiaobao was handed down to Axia by Yao Niang. When she saw such a son, Yao Niang couldn't bear it.

Babies are sticky mothers, especially this kind of milk baby who is in a seemingly understandable month.

She couldn't help rubbing Xiaobao's head, "Little treasure, you can sleep with your mother tomorrow night."

Xiaobao glanced at her with small eyes, how many times she used this excuse for tomorrow night, bullying the child would not speak. He was even more angry, lying on Axia's shoulder and ignoring her.

Where does Yao Niang pay attention to all this, she is just a guilty and regretful speech in her heart. After all, the baby girl this month can't understand such complicated words.

She sighed and returned to the room.

During the night, King Jin arrived as scheduled.

It was already three days, and there was silence in the small cross courtyard.

There is a moon, but the moonlight is not bright, and it is more or less hidden behind the clouds.

A dark shadow came out of the small corner door leading to the front yard from the back cover room, and came all the way to the west by the shadow. When I reached the northernmost room, I squatted quietly under the window.

There was movement in the room, and it was not obvious when it was far away, but it was very clear when it was near.

Some women twitched softly, like crying instead of crying, smiling but not smiling, and the sulking voice of men was faint, and begging from women who were too severely tumbled: "... brother, please forgive me ... ... "

The eavesdropper trembled with excitement, anxious to put a fat body on the wall, and anxious to drill his head into the window to see.

But she didn't dare to implement all kinds of thoughts. She only dared to listen to the cat with her ears up there. She thought in her heart that this Su-Mother was really a scam.

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