Unlike Chengrui Pavilion, the scene in Fubi Pavilion is very lively.

Where there is a man, there is no shortage of wine. There is naturally no beauty without singing and dancing. Especially during the Mid-Autumn Festival, Ying Jing's two poems are also required.

Emperor Hong Jing was also very happy today. He specially took the colorful head out to reward people, and young children of the noble senior officials' families eagerly rushed to compete.

At the other end, King Hui and King An were sitting and drinking together.

Several people pushed back and forth between the cups, and they looked like they weren't putting themselves on their backs. The key is still the image of laughter and brothers and Christine.

"Second, I remember your poems are good, don't try it?" King Hui hit his elbow with An Wang next to him.

An Wang Sifang's face was rosy and smiling, "Big brother is joking about his younger brother, who is a lot of years old, and arguing with these younger generations. If the big brother likes the color, you might as well go up and try, I remember Hong Tai The teacher praises you for being human in poetry. "

This remark was a long-time past. Anyway, this was not a good thing for King Hui, and the smile on his face was a little bit unstoppable. But who was An Wang, before he had an attack, he said a few words and separated. He also greeted a few younger brothers to drink, and now King An is more and more in the elder brother's posture, as if he did not look at King Hui.

Otherwise, taking King Hui as a person, he will not find him in person today, but Wang An's method is much higher than him. It is also that King Hui had too much black history, and An Wang was only three years younger than him. Among these princes, these two princes have been fighting for the longest time.

King Hui was stunned for no reason, his heart was indignant, and he could only hold the wine and drank it.

King Jin over there was surrounded by King Yong and King Lu. The cause of the incident was that King Lu said he did not drink in Jin's palace last time. King Yong was talking to Dai King with a smile, and turned his head to persuade the wine.

Seeing that the situation was not good, King Qing intervened and said, "Four brothers and six brothers, you can't do two to one." He went to pick up the wine, and said that he wanted to drink on behalf of Jin Wang.

King Lu shouted with a smile: "After Lao Qi, it ’s just a little bit of alcohol for you. It ’s not enough for my brother to drink two glasses. This is my brother and me's business. Last time at his house, he slipped his head. The promise was good, and he would accompany us for a drink. In the end, he would not return because he left.

"Yeah, the fifth child, you are not doing this right. You were the host that day, but in the end you left our brothers alone. This is not the act of the big husband. Come, the fourth brother respects you first, you If this face is not given to me and the sixth child, is this the intention not to even do the brothers? "

King Jin narrowed his eyes narrowly and looked at King Qing.

Qing Wang refused to let it go, with a smile in his eyes.

King Jin didn't say anything, picked up the wine on the table, and swallowed the wine inside.

King Lu smiled and praised King Jin ’s good drink, and said, "The fifth brother is happy today. For so many years, my younger brother has also met the eldest brother of the older brother's family and the older brother of the fifth brother's family. , It can be regarded as giving Wu Brother a long face. "

On the one hand, he poured wine to Jin Wang on the one hand, and held a bottle of wine to pay homage, and drank one of the wine.

Xiaobao did make a big splash in the past. Today is the holiday season when the princes and Emperor Hong Jing are close to the courtiers and honors, and it is reasonable to congratulate the father. King Hui led the world with his son. Zhao Yan was far superior to his peers in literary talent. This congratulatory speech was unusually new and attracted a lot of praise. Some veterans have praised that if Wang Shizi could come to the exam, he would be the top talent.

In this case, this is an opportunity to express yourself, but unfortunately it has to come a few times a year, so many congratulations come and go, you can't digress, and no new ideas will show anything. The reason why Zhao Yan was able to take the lead repeatedly was to take advantage of the word 'head'.

If he was placed in the back of the crowd, it would not show much.

Everyone understands this truth, but the atmosphere is here, the scene is so natural, and naturally unwilling to fall behind. It was just said before that there are so many congratulatory messages coming and going. It can't be digression. It is nothing more than fried rice. It is also normal to annihilate the crowd.

When it was Jin's turn, Jin Wang was a concise man, so that he could express himself on such occasions, thinking nothing at that time, and casually speaking two sentences, he was dealing with errands. When it was Xiaobao's turn, everyone didn't take him seriously. After all, he was so young, it would be nice to be able to talk.

Little did Xiaobao surprise everyone, he not only made a concise speech when he gave a congratulatory speech, but also spoke a lot of good words and phrases. In fact, if you have paid attention to what the previous person said, you know that Xiaobao has put together the words of everyone in front.

In this case, people can't be negligent, even if they can't hear a sentence or two, only if there is nothing new. But who told the villain to want to show it? After speaking for a long time, everyone gradually heard it and looked at each other.

Such a small child is so clear, not only that, but also quickly remember what others have said, and retell it, it is not too much to say that the reincarnation of Gan Luo.

For a time, the whole house was shocked, countless people stunned, one after another said that the Jin family had a child prodigy.

Everyone likes a smart child, especially this child is still his own. Emperor Hong Jing smiled at Longan and waved for Xiaobao to pass, and Xiaobao passed when he was too busy.

"I haven't seen you for days, but you're getting smarter."

Emperor Hongjing did not suspect that King Jin taught the child, and he specially offered it to compete for favor, which was also Xiaobao wit. He did not say some words that made people feel amazing. Because at his age, speaking too surprising words, people will subconsciously feel that the elders at home deliberately taught, can not help but leave the lower class.

Therefore, Xiaobao took the congratulatory message from the previous person on the spot. There must be no new idea, but he didn't want to get a new idea, but ‘put it aside’.

"It seems that I have to carefully choose a good master for you and give you enlightenment from time to time, so as not to spoil your talents."

"Grandpa, what is the master?"

"The master is the one who preaches and confuses you."

"Then Grandpa, you should be Xiaobao's master." The little man took it for granted that there was no other party not only his grandfather but also the monarch's consciousness.

Emperor Hongjing was curious and asked, "Why do you want Grandpa Huang to be your master?" Actually, the next sentence is, but someone taught it. But even if you do n’t say it, people who understand should understand. Born suspiciously for the monarch, it is also a kind of sorrow for the superior. All the good words that are heard are all Guangtang words. Inevitably, they will doubt whether these words are true or false, and the other party's heart.

It is possible that only naive children can reduce this kind of prevention, because children will not lie before they are enlightened.

Of course, little treasures like Xiaobao are not included.

"Because Dad said that Grandpa Huang is the most learned and powerful person in the world. Wenzhi martial arts, far more than the sages, Yao Shun Yu Tang." Xiaobao milky voice sounded.

As soon as this remark was made, everyone's eyes could not help but put on King Jin's face. Jin Wang Rao had a thick skin like iron, and at this time he couldn't help it. Besides, he didn't say such a thing, and didn't know where the little bunny came from.

Xiaobao followed by asking, "Yes, Grandpa, what is far better than Shengxian and Yao Shunyu soup? The fish soup is drunk, and the mother cooks the fish soup. Xiaobao likes it very much."

How does this remark make Emperor Hong Jing brag about how powerful he is in front of a group of trusted ministers. The highest state of bragging is never to do it by yourself, but to let others do it for you.

Obviously, there is no shortage of these people in Hongjing Emperor. As soon as Xiaobao's words fall, someone jumps out to shoot Hongjing Emperor's dragon fart. One person jumped out, countless others jumped out, and then these people perfectly explained to Xiaobao what is called ‘Far Super Sage’ and what ’s called ‘Yao Shun Yu Tang’.

However, there is Xiaobao's beautiful jade in front, and Jin Wang Yuan's fancy pat on dragon farts, which will inevitably lead to the lower layers. Therefore, the flattering is also about the form. The highest real flattering is never you go up and shoot yourself, but you did nothing, but the flattered person thinks that you just did it, and it is very cool.

For example, the King of Jin, where Anzhi Ruosu stood.

Not only does it give people a sense of inscrutableness, but they are not surprised, but it is also unexpected that the Jin King, who looks so cold in appearance, admires his father so much.

Even the sight of Emperor Hong Jing's eyes was complicated.

After that, Xiaobao was qualified to sit on the legs of Emperor King, and looked down at the crowd below. Until this scene became more and more unsuitable for the little babies, Emperor Hongjing ordered Li Dequan to lead the grandchildren down. Not only the Jin family, but also the children of the Qing, Wu and Lu families were taken over.

"What a Yao Shun Yu soup, to drink fish soup, your brother is really incredible!" Lu King Qin and envy.

Naturally, the king of Hui and others on the side are not tasteful, especially the king of Hui. Although he is unwilling to admit it, he has to say that his son is better than Lao Tzu. But now that he was better than his son, King Hui couldn't avoid pantothenic acid in his heart.

Not to mention Wang An and others who secretly hate that the women in the family are not furious and did not give birth to a wise son, otherwise today's use of the top five will show the limelight. Under such circumstances, since they swarmed up, they wished to drunk the King of Jin and lose their ugliness, so that they could recover the city.

In this way, King Jin was drinking more and more. The palace maid had taken several jars of wine together, and Qing Wang looked a little anxious from the side. I wanted to use the Emperor Hongjing as an excuse to make them all converge, but I didn't know when I looked up and found out that Emperor Hongjing actually left from time to time. Today, the most distinguished person in this kiosk is Hui Wang and others, and no one dares to dissent to dissuade him.

In particular, this is obviously a dispute between the princes, and no one wants to come in and come in, but he hasn't seen it. You should eat, you should drink, you should talk.

The first thing that King Hui could n’t do, he threw down the wine bottle and stood up holding his stomach: "My king has to go in a row, you drink first, and wait for my king to come back. Today, my king and my younger brother will not be drunk. Return. "

He reached out and moved up, and a little **** came up to help him leave.

King Jin put down the wine and looked at King Lu who was flushed: "Since the elder brother is gone, he will not drink."

King Lu was trying to say something.

At this moment, an **** came over hurriedly, "His Royal Highness King Jin, your Majesty summoned you to speak."

"What is it?"

The **** lowered his head and hesitated, "It seems that the little emperor Sun said something wrong and annoyed His Majesty."

The people next to me suddenly showed interesting eyes, faintly gloating.

This is called stealing chickens without eclipsing rice, thinking that holding a child can please the father and the emperor, but they do not know what a child of this age knows.

King Lu also patted King Jin's shoulders, comfortingly, "Five brother, my little emperor's nephew is too young to be sensible, so don't be angry."

Yong Wang said: "The fifth child is not me, you teach such a little child, you see what it is ..." He was quite awkward, but it was just a sentence that made the previous efforts of Xiaobao completely. Overthrown, it looks like a Jin king's unwilling rivalry is now seen by Emperor Hongjing.

King Jin glanced at him and stood up.

King Qing anxiously said, "Five brother, I'll go with you."

King Jin shook his head and left with the eunuch.

On the other side, when Yao Niang heard of "His Royal Highness" and "Little Master is uncomfortable", she was a little nervous and stood up subconsciously.

"Where are you eunuch, and where is Your Highness at this time? What happened to Xiaobao?"

"If you return to Niangniang, the slave is the **** waiting at Fubiting, named Xiao Anzi. The slave is not sure what it is, but it was ordered like this, His Royal Highness was still driving at Fubiting at this time. The discomfort caused the minions to accompany Wu Xuexuan. "

"Where is Xiaohuang Sun uncomfortable?"

Xiao'anzi was anxious on the face, and looked pitifully: "Madam, the slaves don't know, but I heard that it seems to have abdominal pain, and I have been ordered to ask a doctor, but Xiaohuang Sun is calling for you."

"That's ..." Yao Niang didn't know what hesitant, and glanced to her side.

Xiao Anzi looked down. There was no one there. Only a man dressed as an **** was using a bamboo pole to adjust the glass lamp hanging on the tree.

"Side concubine, what are you looking at?"

"Prince Qing just left, I think ..."

"Madam, please go and see. The minions can hardly coax the little emperor."

"Then I'll follow you."

Yao Niang didn't delay too much, and left Xiao Anzi.

No one saw it from beginning to end, only the **** holding a bamboo pole.

The **** glanced back at the two of them, leaning the bamboo pole behind the tree, followed far behind. At first, it was normal. After leaving this brightly lit place, the figure flickered and disappeared into the night.

The poolside not far from here, there were a lot of noble girls around, some stood, some raised their skirts and squatted, and they were put together in twos and threes, but they are the indispensable lanterns for Mid-Autumn Festival.

Various lotus lamps of different colors, carrying orange candlelight and the beautiful wishes of the girls, drove off the shore and drifted away. There are many lotus lights floating on the water, and they look very beautiful in the distance.

"Yinger, have you seen Sister Seven? Why haven't I seen her for a long time?" Wang Shuyan asked.

Wang Shuying shook his head and asked, "Sister, what do you care about her?"

Wang Shuyan disagreed slightly: "After all, she is a father's daughter and our sister. This is in the palace, but not elsewhere. We can't get rid of anything if something really happens."

A noble lady standing not far away seemed to hear them talking, saying, "Are you looking for the seventh girl of the Wang family, I just went there when I saw her."

Along the direction of this woman's finger, the two eyes fell on an unlit martyrdom.

When the sisters Fangcai came to Chengrui Pavilion, they had observed the surrounding terrain. If they remembered correctly, it seemed to pass to the west of the Royal Garden, that is, the side of Fubi Pavilion.

Wang Shuying took Wang Shuyan, and found a corner where no one spoke. "Sister, if I'm not mistaken, she must have gone to a private meeting."

Wang Shuyan hit her, and whispered, "Don't say anything like this without a shadow."

Wang Shuying's eyes were burning, and he seemed very excited: "Sister, do you know that Dad said that she had misbehaved so much that the princes were vying for it, and her grandfather would marry her out quickly, so as not to cause trouble to our family."

"Who did you listen to?" Wang Shuyan's eyes were startled.

"I was accidentally heard by my father and mother. I guess with her pride, how could it be possible to marry a young showman, it must have been an idea, and it was planned to cause her to become a boat before her grandfather would marry her. The fact is that the object must be His Royal Highness. Let's go to her and get her rid of her affairs, so as not to lose face to our family. "

As soon as I heard that I was ashamed of my family, Wang Shuyan was anxious and naturally ignored the strange light in the eyes of my sister.

They followed the martyr and found it.

Although there are glazed lamps hanging everywhere in this imperial garden, because the plants and flowers are too lush, it is still a bit dim. There are a lot of places where the lights can't shine, and there are many trees and ghosts.

It is also that there are too many strange and weird trees in the Royal Garden. It looks different in the day and is a little scary at night.

Yao Niang was frightened, urging Xiao Anzi to go quickly, turning her head to look at it from time to time, and she looked frightened.

After walking around for nearly two teas, they came to a small hall.

The palace has five rooms, and there is an altar in front of the door. The stacked stones in the altar are mountains, and several begonia trees have been planted. According to King Jin, whenever the begonia flowers bloom and the petals fall, it seems like snowflakes come down colorfully, so it is called Xun Xuexuan. Yaoniang therefore judged that she was not misled.

When viewed from the outside, the temple is lit with lights. This Xun Xuexuan was originally a place to rest and enjoy the scenery in the imperial garden. Today the queen banquets in the garden. This Xun Xuexuan is also open to the public for drunk people. Take a short break. Yao Niang couldn't care less, and went into a palace with Xiao Anzi.

The room was quiet and didn't look like someone, but there was a screen in the center that blocked people's vision and looked back.

Xiao Anzi explained to Yao Niang with a smile: "I'm afraid it's Xiaohuangsun crying and tired and fell asleep?"

Yao Niang hurriedly walked towards the screen. Xiao Anzi had a smile on her face, but suddenly she became a little embarrassed. He picked up a vase next to her, walked behind Yao Niang, and planned to smash her head.

As soon as he raised his hand, he felt his eyes dark, and the Yaoniang in front of him also hid away. A dark eleven in a **** suit appeared like a ghost, holding Xiao Anzi in one hand, and taking the vase that fell from his hand in the other.

Yao Niang breathed a sigh of relief, patted her chest and looked at Dark Eleven: "Fortunately, I have you, otherwise I wouldn't dare to come with him. What do you want him to do? What is your Highness planning to do?"

Anshi 11 shook his head: "I don't know."

"Then let's look at the situation and talk about it, and see what this person has led me to want to do." There is also Dark Eleven next to her, and Yao Niang's art is bold. King Jin said before that as long as Dark Eleven followed, there was nothing wrong with her.

When Yao Niang saw that the curtain on the bed next to the bed was drooping, she hid in it and did not deliberately look at it. The others could not find it, so she hid behind. The shadow of Dark Eleven flashed, and I didn't know where to hide.

There were no vocals, and everything seemed quiet.

After waiting for a while, there was a faint sound of whispering, and the sound of shivering footsteps.

The door creaked open, and a **** walked in with a drunk person. The drunken body is huge, and you can recognize who it was at a glance.

Yao Niang looked from behind the curtain and held her palm nervously, but she couldn't help getting cold.

This person is so poisonous, first she was stunned, and then the drunk King Hui came over. Don't think about what happens next.

If she hadn't got married, it would have been a big deal with King Hui. But she is the concubine of King Jin, the mother of two children. This move seems simple, but it is extremely hot, not only to destroy her, but also to destroy the reputation of Jin Wang and her two children!

How hard!

Yao Niang was so angry and anxious that she wanted to know who this person was, and she would definitely pounce on it and tear her apart!

King Hui seemed too drunk, drinking wine in his mouth, and asked the **** to bring him water to help him undress. But the **** didn't pay attention to him, and said perfunctory words in his mouth, but left him here in a hurry, and the people left.

The door slammed from the outside, and King Hui cursed, crooked across the screen, and walked towards the bed.

In just a few steps, he walked around in danger. After arriving at the bed, Yao Niang heard a loud noise, and the prince fell on the bed, and then there was no movement.

The room was quiet again, and Yao Niang was so angry that she wanted to leave.

If there is no accident, that person's tactics cannot be accomplished. If it weren't for her being followed by Dark Eleven, it would not have been possible for a stranger to lead her away if she believed in the prudent character of King Jin. What it becomes.

Yao Niang didn't want to stay any longer, so she carefully walked out from behind the curtain and quietly went to the door.

She pulled the door, only to find that the other person had locked the door from the outside.

This is how to do!

She was planning to call Dark Eleven, and suddenly heard a footstep outside the door, and then shrank back again.

The door opened from the outside, and Yao Niang looked out quietly.

The comer was someone she hadn't expected.

He carried a woman in his hand. Yes, it is mentioned. Anyway, let Yao Niang look and worry about the clothes on that woman's body, and they are carried like this. I do n’t know if the cloth of the clothes can withstand the weight.

He carried the woman across the screen. After entering, he looked around first, and stopped at Yao Niang. When Yao Niang was about to go out, she saw him look away, walked to the bed, and threw the woman onto the bed.

Then a flower bloomed in front of him, and a slender body squeezed in.

"Why are you hiding here?"

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