That being said, Yao Niang still couldn't help thinking about what had happened just now.

The princess deserved all the good means she had always had, and she found the best stable woman to send it on the face, and she had done all her face and work. I knew she wouldn't use it, so I stuck to her, and even trespassed in twice today, I only intentionally showed it to her.

Deliberately revealing the eager flaws made her suspicious, so that she was afraid to avoid Li Wenpo, and chose Cao Wenpo who was assured of herself. In this case, she will definitely rely on Cao Wenpo and even drive Li Wenpo away.

By the time she had a problem in Cao Wenwen's hands, the princess would be able to push it all out, and also be able to create a misunderstanding of the general understanding of the general knowledge.

And she is-her own mind is dirty, and people are dirty, who ever wanted to make herself a dead joke.

As for the purpose of the princess, it is naturally her child. She has not forgotten that the princess was said to be a hen who cannot lay eggs.

Going to the mother and leaving the child, the woman is likely to have trouble in her production. If she is as dangerous as Li Wenpo said, she will die.

What a great plan!

Yao Niang felt more and more embarrassed when she wanted to, but also a little bit grieved.

If she did not leave Li Wenpo, but chose Cao Wenpo, would it be the fate of dystocia that was waiting for her?

Yao Niang's mind was too plain, and something was exposed on her face.

King Jin was afraid of her misunderstanding and busyly said, "Even if you are so stupid, someone will arrange all of this." He glanced at Yu Chan who was standing next to him, and Yao Niang immediately understood that Yu Chan was the insider.

"All of you know that you're covering me in the drum?" Her tone was a little bit heavy.

King Jin glanced at her: "You can't hide anything on your face, tell you, others won't know."

This others naturally refers to the princess.

But Yao Niang still didn't figure out why to hide the princess. Now that she knew she was going to kill her poisonous hands, it would be better to stop it in advance. Why is it so complicated?

"You have to eat something first, and you will talk about it after you sleep." Jin Wang said that when Red Butterfly brought in food and food.

"I haven't seen the child yet."

King Jin gave way to the side, a bit disgusted and said: "It looks so ugly."

Yaoniang couldn't move her eyes when she looked at them. Smaller people had their eyes closed and their hair was very thick, which was the same as when Xiaobao was born.

"Like Xiaobao, Xiaobao was like this when she was born." Seeing King Jin's dislike, she explained: "Little baby is born like this. It will be fine in a few days. The older you look, the better you look."

The King of Jin did not comment, even if it was not good-looking and could not be plugged in, it was the only way.

Being a dad's heart is not, but a little brother's is very hearty. After Xiao Bao came in, he always stood in front of the leisurely car.

He was short, but fortunately the car wasn't high. He could just hold the railing and look inside.

Hearing Niang said that he looked the same as he was when he was a child, he was particularly happy, this is the second treasure.

In this life, the two treasures and the mother are good, so good!

Yao Niang took a bowl of soup noodles and fell asleep.

Although she was born smoothly and quickly, she still felt tired, and she was eating and fighting in order to talk and eat. Waiting for the people on the couch to breathe calmly, Jin Wang came to the front of the car.

He was too tall, standing a little on his legs, and the car was short, so he could only squat down.

King Jin squatting was much taller than Xiaobao. He looked at his son and looked at his brother's side, then looked at the little monkey in the stroller. Unexpectedly, he cleared his throat before clearing his throat, and said, "It really made your kid say that, it's a younger brother, not a younger sister."

Xiaobao didn't want to ignore him. As long as he thought of what the side concubine named Xu had just said, he would feel angry.

Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes, and seemed excited to point at Jin Wang, the little baby in the car: "Brother, Erbao."

King Jin bowed his head, thinking that Xiaobao was talking to himself: "Yes, brother."

Xiaobao looked puzzled and said, "The man said that without a brother, he could not give birth."

"Who said there was no brother? Who said that they couldn't be born?"

"One dead body, two dead lives," Xiao Bao answered inexplicably.

Jin Wang's narrow eyes narrowed suddenly, his whole body suddenly became extremely cold, he wanted to press Xiaobao, but the eldest son was only one and a half years old. Although much smarter than young children of the same age, it is still years in the know.

"Go and call the person who just followed the little boy!" He seemed to be afraid of waking Yao Niang, and he lowered his voice.

The low voice matched his sorrowless expression, and Yu Chan shivered inexplicably. There was an illusion that somebody was going to fall.

It should be unlucky for that person! How dare to say such a word to the little boy! She can't die a hundred times!

Chuner was called in soon, and she looked terrified, apparently that Yu Chan had told her everything.

"Slave did not know who said such things to the little boy, and the slave did not dare to say such words. It was only Xu Fangfei who hugged the little boy, and the little boy came forward himself. The slave tried to bring the little boy Come here, but the little boy is having fun with her ... "

"Xiao Bao, you told your father Wang, who told you that there is no younger brother?" King Jin Hean warmed his face and asked Xiao Bao.

"Just hug, she hugs Xiaobao, she looks ugly!"

"The young boy just slaps Xu Fangfei and says she looks ugly." Chuner said busyly.

The king of Jin snorted, and his face became extremely cold again.

Chuner weeped and let Yu Chan send him out. Yu Chan whispered to her: "Don't let anyone touch the little boy again. Some people are bad-hearted, who knows what will happen."

"Sister Jade, slaves remember, and will never commit it again.

Princess Jin returned to the courtyard, and her mother greeted her as soon as she entered the house.

"Prince, over there ..."

With a look at Princess Jin, Mother Zhou stopped what she wanted to say.

The princess first sat down and drank a cup of tea slowly, letting people pinch her shoulders and calves.

During this period, Ziyan brought pastry, and the princess ate two pieces of pastry and drank half a cup of tea before crooking on the loquat.

There was ice in the corner of the house, and the windows were wide open, and the wind was blowing in, very cool.

Mother Zhou took the beauty hammer in the little girl's hand and held the calf to the princess. The princess squinted her eyes, but did not fall asleep, and raised her lips from time to time.

Ping back the others, and let Zimeng look outside the door, mother Zhou whispered: "Princess, what happened?"

"When my concubine left, it was both mother and son."

Mother Zhou nodded and asked, "So ..."

"Nanny, don't worry, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. In fact, this thing is not difficult to do. What is difficult is that we can't doubt us."

"Mother-in-law is reasonable. Let's wait?"


Waiting for the bad news coming from there, she will pretend to be surprised and surprised, and she will come forward to preside over the big picture and do everything a princess should do.

His Royal Highness favored Su Shi so much that he would feel sad. Even if he distressed the two children again, he was a man after all, and there were so many things waiting for him outside the house. Su's is very blessed. She gave birth to two sons. The older one is smart and clever. The younger one is ignorant. She has milk and is a mother. She is more inclined to raise a younger one. One word.

Thinking of the surprised face of Xu Fangfei before she was beaten, Princess Jin thought, maybe she raised a big one, there will be an unexpected surprise for her.

Princess Jin felt that there was an irresistible excitement in her heart. This mood was too deliberate. She sat up from the aunt and planned to rest for a while. When she woke up, there must be a loud cry.

Princess Jin felt like she had slept for a while, but she woke up and found that the house was holding a lamp.

She was subconsciously called, and Ziyan and Ziyu came in.

"When is it?"

"Madam, it's dead."

The princess froze, "It's so late? My princess slept for an afternoon. What happened over there? But what happened?"

Aster shook his head.

She went to see Ziyan again.

Ziyan said: "The slaves ordered people to stare. Nothing was heard from them, nor did they ask the doctor. Liu Liang went there, but came out soon."

"Maybe it's not time yet," she murmured.

Because the incident was unexpected, the princess dinner was withdrawn in a few sips.

The sky was a little stuffy, and there was ice in the room, and Princess Jin felt a little breathless. She led someone to the courtyard. The bright moon is hovering, the night breeze is blowing, and a cool breeze mixed with flowers is blowing. Before changing, she would feel infinite peace in her heart, but today there is always an inexplicable anxiety.

She walked round and round unconsciously, another round. Zi Yan and others did not dare to bother silently, and knew that the princess had something in her heart.

At this moment, Ziyan hurriedly came over: "Madam, that girl is here."

Princess Jin could not think too much, then said: "Let her in." After that, she turned around and took the man back to the room.

After a while, Ziyan led a girl into the room. If the people around Yaoniang knew that this girl was second-class girl Qingbi around Yaoniang, she usually ran a leg and made a mess or something, and she could not go to Yaoniang to serve.

"But it's done?"

Qingbi whispered: "Slave didn't dare to talk to Cao Wenpo, but Swain's work was done. Saw Lao saw Sister Red Fei taking the medicine away, and she never took the medicine again. Go on. "

Hearing this, the princess of Jin had a strange expression on her face, like sadness and joy, and another kind of twisted excitement.

"You go back first, and hide it carefully. In a few days, my concubine will send you to leave the capital."

"So what promised to slaves? After the princess said that the good things were done, she would give slaves a sum of money, and the slaves’ deeds would be returned to slaves. "

The princess glanced at Ziyan, and Ziyan went into the back room and held out a box and handed it to Qingbi.

Qingbi opened it and looked at it, and put some silver tickets in it, which was the number promised to her. There was another deed, and she confirmed that the deed was hers, and then closed the box.

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded: "You are really a good princess of my king."

Princess Jin was stiffened on the spot, only half a moment before she slowly turned her face to the side, and her neck made a crunchy crunch.

Even King Jin was standing behind his hands in the shadow outside the glass bead curtain, and beside him was a man dressed like a court attendant in the palace, which was Li Dequan.

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