Hong Jingdi is very happy today.

He reigned for thirty-two years, He Qinghaiyan, Guotai Min'an. Although there were frequent wars in the border area in the early years, it has been dying in recent years.

Today is his sixtieth birthday. Every sixty years is a nail. How many nails can he have in his life. On this day, the whole country was in jubilation, and Wanbang came to the DPRK to celebrate his life.

Emperor Hongjing was also very happy, especially the emperor grandson collected 99 people with a longevity of over seventy in all parts of the country and entered the palace to wish him a longevity. In addition to surprise Emperor Hongjing, Long Yan was pleased.

This year's Longevity Festival is full of ceremonial gifts. There are all kinds of treasures to treasure. Among them, those who cleverly mastered the heavens and made great efforts, but nothing could make Hong Jingdi so satisfied.

When people reach old age, they will inevitably worry about the end of life. Otherwise, Emperor Hongjing will not work for the people and hurt the finances to host this birthday party. The emperor's move is undoubtedly telling Emperor Hongjing that although his life was seventy years old, it is not without it. He is bound to live like these longevity people for a long time.

Emperor Hongjing couldn't hide his excitement, and praised the emperor's grandson on the spot for his clever mind, but filial piety. And invited him to dinner with the table, for a while came countless looks.

There have been rumors in North Korea in recent years that the prince is probably the only prince in his life, and the emperor is the next heir to the throne. Now the move of Emperor Hongjing no doubt affirmed the status of the emperor.

The prince sitting in the lower left seat showed unpleasant expression, but just drank with his head down. The King An, the King, the King Yong, and the King Jin, who were at the same table, looked different. In particular, King Lu, with a bowed face and a painstaking effort to prepare himself, was not as good as the few people that the hairy boy found.

Changed to his usual character, it has been a long time since today. Unfortunately, the Taihe Hall today has gathered countless courtiers, officials from Fengjiang and Fan envoys. If he dares to make trouble, Emperor Hongjing can peel his skin.

He drank a few drinks by himself, turned his eyes, fell on the prince, stood up and walked over.

"Come here, brother, I respect you, our big nephew is really amazing, not only has we grabbed the limelight of our uncles, even your dad has to retreat."

"Drink, drink, so much bullshit!"

King Lu smiled, and pushed the cup with the prince.

After the banquet was over half, the scene was very lively, unlike the previous restraint, because of the temporary departure of Emperor Hong Jing, many courtiers left the party to toast.

During this period, some people came to toast to the Prince, but toasted more to the Crown Prince. One Crown Prince dazzled the Prince and the Kings, and really made some ministers who saw in their eyes sighed. Endlessly.

The prince seemed to drink too much, and flushed his ears, and pushed away King Lu who was still haunting to find him to drink. "I won't drink with you, I'm going to the toilet alone."

Seeing this Dr. Lu drunken smile, did not stay much.

Out of the Taihe Temple, the Prince's face was pulled down.

He walked quickly, and walked quickly and quickly. His personal **** Deng Cheng could only trot behind him all the way.

When passing by Yanxi Palace, a man in a palace costume beckoned to the Prince.

The prince was drunk and drunk, his eyes fixed on his interest, and he immediately followed the woman in the palace dress. Turning all the way from the left to the right, I walked to an unoccupied garden, surrounded by strange stones, tree-lined, and very quiet.

This place is located behind an uninhabited palace on the east side of Yanxi Palace. Because of a well, several women died in the well. It is often said that the eunuchs of ordinary women do not like to come here, and gradually abandoned. Already.

The prince crossed over a strange stone, and saw a woman in a palace dress standing in front of her.

Looking at the familiar graceful back, the Prince's heart was gloomy, and he went up and hugged the woman with a smile. The woman snorted and turned her face, her face turned pink, and she was a stunning beauty.

"At this time, you dare to find loneliness, but you are so brave!" Said the prince, rubbing the soft meat in his hands.

"That's when no one looks at me."

The Prince was next to the woman's ears, and I didn't know what to say, making the woman coquettish and shoving his chest with a pink fist. The Prince laughed, picked her up, and went behind a big tree.

Emperor Hongjing proclaimed the spirit of the dragon and the horse. In the end, he was not spared. After drinking some wine, he was not very comfortable.

He returned to the Qianqing Palace to sit and wash, took a cup of tea, and took a break for another half an hour before he changed his robe and returned to the Taihe Temple.

At this point, the feast was nearing its end. Emperor Hongjing sat on for a while and talked to several courtiers before driving to Changyin Pavilion.

This is a mighty journey. As the road went up, Emperor Hong Jing asked Li Dequan: "What about the Prince?"

Li Dequan followed, and whispered, "The old slave just listened to someone saying that the prince seemed to drink too much and went out to respect him."

Emperor Hongjing snorted and said nothing.

At the Changyin Pavilion, Queen Wei had already waited with many concubines.

In a row of ‘Long live my queen, Long live my queen’, Emperor Hong Jing sat down beside Queen Wei. In the middle of the second floor of Yueshilou, besides Queen Wei, several high-ranking concubines and princes are the emperor grandson and An Wang Jin Wang Yongwang.

As for the princes, officials and foreign envoys, as well as some high-ranking mistresses, were all in the surrounding siege.

Emperor Hong Jing said a few words and the play began.

This play is just produced by Shengping Department. The opera is new and varied, even if the vision is as high as Emperor Jingjing, I can't help but praise it a lot.

After one fold, Emperor Hong Jing had not seen the prince, and he could not help frowning: "Not yet?"

Hearing this, Queen Wei couldn't help but see the emperor grandson.

Zhao Yan had already been burned, and still pretended to be calm: "Grandchild has ordered someone to look for him, and his father probably drank too much."

"Nothing!" Emperor Hong Jing whispered.

Queen Wei sighed in her heart, trying to persuade two words, then came a tender female voice: "It is not only His Royal Highness Prince did not come, the Crown Prince did not see, should not have happened."

The speaker was Zhang Shufei.

This concubine is one of the four concubines, who gave birth to the King of Eternity, and can also be regarded as the old man around Emperor Hong Jing, very decent in the palace.

Queen Wei did not like to compete with these concubines, but today is the birthday of Emperor Hong Jing, and the prince is her son. Zhang Shufei said so, not to curse her.

She froze. "Zhang Shufei, can't speak, just keep her mouth shut."

Empress Wei is a queen, Emperor Hongjing always respects her, so the imperial concubine in Liugong is very majestic. As soon as she said it, Zhang Shufei confessed wrongly: "It was the ministers who made a mistake, and the ministers also had some concerns."

Worried? What are you worried about? I'm afraid the concubines with their sons all want the prince to be bad, Queen Wei understands. If it wasn't for her husband and wife young couple, and if it wasn't for the emperor's grandson, I'm afraid the crown prince would have changed his job.

"Go and find the Prince!" Queen Wei ordered.

The **** Hong beside her let her go.

She softly explained to Emperor Hong Jing: "This child loves stubbornness and was toasted by those courtiers. He probably fell drunk and accidentally fell asleep. His Majesty will punish him."

Emperor Hong Jing did not speak.

After about two and a quarter of an hour, several eunuchs came to support the prince.

The prince was pale and panicked, and his walking posture was a little dazed. And King Lu was not far behind, and it was hard to hide his excitement.

King Jin looked over, his eyes fixed, he looked at King Lu, and then went to see King Yong.

King Wang seemed to be aware of Jin King's eyes and smiled at him with no exception.

The prince stumbled and fell on his knees beside Emperor Hongjing's legs. Emperor Hongjing was even more angry when he saw his son. But it was late, so why should he be so surprised? There were so many courtiers and envoys present, and he didn't have to lose his face.

With a wink, Li Dequan went to help the prince, and said, "His Royal Highness, you really drink too much, walk carefully."

The Prince was forcibly lifted up by him, and his fat body could not stop shaking. Before he could stand upright, King Lu suddenly spoke, and he immediately slipped to the ground again.

"I just saw the elder brother, but the spirit of the dragon and horse was more than slashing, so that howling screaming and begging for mercy, how can I be insecure now?" After saying this, King Lu came to Emperor Jingjing's side and looked anxiously: "Father, you don't know what your sons and daughters just saw, but your elder brother is just like having a private relationship with your new darling."

There is a lot of gongs and drums on the stage of Ming Ming Theater, and the surrounding buildings are cheering, but it is as quiet as a place.

Everyone dared not speak and knew that the day was about to fall.

The emperor's grandson stood up for a moment and was about to say something, and suddenly a rush of footsteps sounded behind him.

With the sound of footsteps, the two maids ran over with wailing faces.

They went straight to the emperor's grandson, and said incoherently: "Your Highness, it's not good, it's not good ..."

An excitement in Huang Taisun's heart wanted to yell.

Before I knew what to say, I was robbed by a female voice: "Tai Sun, don't reprimand them, they are also good slaves who are loyal to them. They are ..."

She didn't finish her words either, she was full of frowns, she stopped talking and sighed.

It seemed that she had finally made up her mind. She looked at Queen Wei hesitantly and said, "Mother, you should go and see."

"What the **** happened?"

"Prince ..."

The appearance of Princess Yong was really astounding. First, something happened to the prince, and then Queen Wei was unsure, and I heard that the prince seemed to have something wrong too, where can I take care of anything.

"Just say something, don't let it go!"

"The princess and the guard were in a meeting, and they were hit in the face."

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