Yao Niang is thinking about the way she should go in the future.

After realizing that the princess had no intentions from the beginning, she was more certain that she would hold on to the errand of the grandmother. As long as she stays with the small county master for one day, she doesn't have to talk to the backyard of the palace. In fact, if she hadn't lost her errand in the last life, she wouldn't be put into the side of Hu Fangfei to serve her, giving the other party a chance to take herself for granted.

Many things are caused by cause.

At noon, a girl brought lunch to Yaoniang and Cuizhu. Yaoniang's food box obviously had two more dishes than Cuizhu.

The meals of the milk ladies are better than the others, but Yao Niang's food box has two more than Cuizhu.

Yao Niang felt heartfelt for the princess's means. Although she was stupid, she was not stupid. Especially during her last year in the palace, she understood a lot of things she couldn't and couldn't understand before.

What surprised her was that Cuizhu saw it as if she hadn't seen it. She only knew when the other party had changed her sex, but she turned her head and knew why Cuizhu was so. Because of the clothes she had put on the case, Cuizhu made two cuts with unknown things.

Yao Niang wasn't too clever, but she still felt that Cuizhu was stupid.

There were only two of them in the room. How could she dare to destroy the clothes she was rewarded with, so she wouldn't be afraid of her being upset? In the last life, Yao Niang has been in trouble. Although she has a gentle personality, she is not an untempered person. She was naturally dealt with by people, so she naturally wanted someone to decide.

In the end, Cuizhu was reprimanded. In order to compensate her, the princess also rewarded her with two clothes, which were better than the two before and the color was more tender. She liked it very much, and she wore it on the next day, but she pierced Hu's eyes, which she regarded as thorns in her eyes ...

Suddenly, Yao Niang didn't want to think about it anymore. Cuizhu was stupid. She was also stupid. If it hadn't been for a lifetime, she wouldn't understand the opportunity.

Yao Niang just rummaged through torn clothes and went back to bed.

Cuizhu glanced over there proudly, and felt that this person was so cowardly that it was not difficult to deal with.

The next day, after congratulating Princess Jin, Hu Fanghui brought the two of Yaoniang back to Liuchun Pavilion.

Along the way, Hu Fangfei's face was not good, and she could see that she was angry in front of Princess Jin when she asked her.

After entering the hall, Hu Fangfei sat down in the first place, and Yao Niang and Cuizhu stood in front of her.

Hu Fangfei's beautiful phoenix hovered up and down on the two of them.

The two grandmothers look good and are considered to be in the middle.

One of them wore a bright red shirt, Guazi's face with phoenix eyes, a small mole on the corner of his mouth, and a smile greeted him with a smile. The point is that this person is restless at first glance, his eyes flicker and his smile is very flattering.

When Hu Fangfei saw more of these people, she would climb up desperately at the first sight.

As for the other, the hibiscus face, willow leaf eyebrows, apricot eyes and cherry lips, the foundation is not bad, it looks timid, always hangs the eyelid, and it looks timid.

Wearing old autumn-colored clothes, the placket and cuffs were washed a little white, and the clothes were too dark. The woman was originally seven-pointed, and only three or four points were reduced by the clothes.

Hu Fangfei thought to herself: another one who can't dress herself. Hu Fangfei is most beautiful, always looking down on this kind of woman who will not dress herself. Maybe it's because of shabby background that you wear such clothes.

Of course, Hu Fangfei not only looked at these, her eyes were more on the two.

Cuizhu looks too dazzling. Willow's small waist was slim and full of anger, and the sweat towel around that waist couldn't be fastened to death, for fear of showing no figure. The other, however, was old and loose and unclear.

It was just a face-to-face meeting. Hu Fangfei also had a rough impression of these two people. Who should pay attention to it and who should deal with it first is already in mind.

In particular, the appearance of Cuizhu tends to be gorgeous and charming, but Hu Fangfei is also charming.

Seeing Hu Fangfei's gaze back and forth on Cuizhu, she looked at her but she just skipped it, and Yao Niang's high heart finally settled.

And all this was said for a long time, but it was just a few breaths. Soon Hu Fangfei closed her eyes and looked lightly: "Take them to the small cross hospital."


Until the two turned and left, Yao Niang could feel the sight of Hu Fangfei turning around on their backs.

She was thankful that she had made the right decision.

On the side of Siyuanyuan, Honger showed the clothes left by Yao Niang to Mother Zhou.

Mother Zhou frowned, and said, "I said how this little woman was born wearing new clothes, but she was wearing the old ones. The clothes were broken."

Princess Jin was also there and looked up.

Seeing this, Ms. Zhou was busy saying something about it.

"The one named Cuizhu belongs to Caozi's family?"

Mother Zhou nodded: "Cuizhu's mother-in-law is a princess who is married to Zhuangzi to do errands. This woman also had a bad life. She died as soon as she was pregnant. No, I want to go to the government to find an errand without a livelihood. The slave looked at her as if she had a high spirit, and the color was also first-class, so she picked her. Who would have thought that she was so impatient. "

She frowned slightly, apparently resentful of what Cuizhu did.

Because in their eyes, Cuizhu is a stupid home. Only stupid home will do this kind of unpleasant things to disgusting people.

On the contrary, Princess Jin did not take it for granted. It was meant to block people, as long as it was blocked. As for whether or not to continue to add blocking, it depends on the other party's good fortune. If it is done well, she does not mind letting the other party become the second Feng Shiyi.

Let Princess Jin see it, but it is better to call it Cuizhu, stupid enough to escape, to make trouble.

It's another one, which can't help disappointing Princess Jin ...

However, she didn't take it seriously, but she was a subordinate, which was not too important for the status and status of Princess Jin. Don't look at Yao Niang's satisfaction with Princess Jin yesterday, but this satisfaction is like seeing a chic **** or a favorite cat or puppy, but it's just a gadget.

Only Tubo smiled, but he didn't like it. He abandoned it because there are always countless people like this.

"Once the grandma is done, it's just a show. Don't be too careful."

"Also." Mother Zhou nodded and smiled. "There is no need for us to be so cautious over Liuchun Pavilion."

This is naturally ironic, but noble people have to be face-faced. Doesn't it say that Siyiyuan cares about the Liuchun Museum, so it will make the stumbling block disgusting? It doesn't mean that he is too small-minded.

Every time I add a block to the Liuchun Museum, it is always the best time to think of the atmosphere in the courtyard. Everyone laughs with joy, as if they have seen some farce. Princess Jin also smiled, but smiled and looked out the window inadvertently, Liu Mei frowned slightly.

Suddenly she was so annoyed by herself that she seemed to live just to fight those women?

The small county owner lives in a small cross-in courtyard in Liuchun Pavilion.

Said to be a small inter-court, but it is not worthy of the name.

It is a courtyard adjacent to the Liuchun Pavilion. A corner door opened from the side can lead to the Liuchun Pavilion, and the main entrance can be freely accessed.

Although the yard is not large, it looks extremely delicate. Three small, two-story buildings with pink walls and tiles, windows, and doors are all scarlet. There are two large tanks in the courtyard, with lotus leaves floating in the large tank, but it is a bowl of lotus, and it has not yet reached the blooming season. Another pink apricot tree was planted in the open space in front of the veranda, and the whole scenery was surprisingly soft.

In addition to the small building, there is also a rear-covering room, and left and right compartments, which are considered extremely spacious.

Now in this yard, in addition to the small county chief, there are a steward, two elder sisters, two second-class elder sisters, a few girls and two grandmothers, and a total of more than ten people serve the young chief. Today, two people, Yaoniang and Cuizhu, have been added.

This is just to serve a small baby, waiting for the little county master to be older, there will only be more people waiting.

Because she had a child of the same size, Yao Niang sighed, and couldn't help but make comparisons. She was also a milk doll, but she owed a lot to Xiao Bao.

Thinking of it this way, the mood inevitably dimmed.

When Yao Niang and Cui Zhu came to Xiaokuanyuan, they were first brought to Mu Yan.

This Mu Yan is the steward in the small cross yard.

Why is it called a puppet instead of a mother? At first, Yaoniang didn't understand it. It was only later in my life that I knew it. What comes out of the palace can be called a puppet. And this Mu Mu came out of the palace, and was the one who King Jin put beside the small county master.

At first, Yao Niang didn't know about this. As soon as she entered the palace, she was found by Cuizhu and Liuchun Pavilion. She had no time to take care of herself. It was later that he stayed in the palace for a long time, only to find out that Mu Yan, who was not so good in appearance, was so unusual.

And it is precisely because of Mu Xi's existence that even if the princess and Hu Fangfei fought harder, they never spread to the small county master. Until then, Yao Niang realized the real meaning, or the true intention of King Jin.

Because of this cognition, Yao Niang was a little nervous when she saw Mu Yan.

But Mu Yan didn't say anything to them, just a glance at them made people settle them down.

Today, there is only one master in the small cross yard, still a milk doll, and there are not many people, so the house is very spacious.

The Xiaojun owner lives in a small building, and Mu Yan and Yu Cuiyuyan live in Dongxiang. The milk ladies are in the West Chamber, while others are in the upside-down and rear enclosures.

Yao Niang and Cuizhu were arranged in the West Chamber, one person and one room, which is no different from the previous life.

The room is large, at least for Yao Niang's origin. The entire room was divided into two by a black lacquered embroidered four-season flower screen. In the front is the hall. A black lacquered carved table of eight immortals and a stool of the same color are placed next to the window. Zhang circle chairs and spend a few items and articles.

The bedroom is across the screen, next to the corner is a canopy bed with a painted cloud pattern. There is a gauze hang on the bed, and there is a wardrobe box, a basin and a washbasin shelf. There is a black lacquered dressing table under the window, next to the inner corner is a screen, behind which is a Christine bucket and a bath bucket.

If such a bedroom is outside, the rich ladies also live, but here it is for a subordinate, the wealth of the palace is really astounding.

However, Yao Niang didn't feel any surprise when she saw more wealth in the palace in her life.

As soon as Yao Niang put down her small bag, Lu'e knocked on the door and walked in.

Lu'e is the second-class maid in Xiaokuan.

In addition to her, the second-class girl has green silk, green waist, and green dill. On the four greens are Yu Cui and Yu Yan. The two girls starting with the two jade characters are the big girls next to the small county master. They have a higher status than the other two grandmothers. In this small courtyard, Mu Yan was removed. they.

The reason why the rare mother-in-law is lower than the girl-in-law is because the small county owner is still young, and the mother-in-law has no other role than feeding, and it is not even called a parenting.

Lu'e had a tray in her hand, and a few clothes were in the tray.

Yao Niang rushed forward and Lu'e said, "Bong Yuyan's life, I gave clothes to Su Niang. Just in time for the season change, there were four in all."

"Thank you Green Girl." Yao Niang said.

Lu'e nodded, dropped her things, and left.

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