Jean Of Bright City 13

Chapter 31: The Crying Bridge (middle)

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Along with a strong sound of breaking the door, the people of Section 3 forcibly entered a private house located in the ground floor area, and a woman's cry came instantly.

"Please come with us."

A man from Section 3 dragged the man in the house and forcibly pulled him out.

"What do you want to do? I didn't participate in the riot, you..."


With the appearance of a light and shadow screen, the man stopped talking, and his hand-held weapon on the video was smashing down against a 5 subject staff.

"No, it's all because of Congress's protection..."

The men in Section 3 dragged him out of the house without any chance to defend them and put on handcuffs, but the man was still struggling against it, and he quickly gave a hard lesson. His nose bleed out unwillingly. Talking to his wife who was still crying in the house, he continued to justify.

On the long bridges in the north, west and south, a large number of people can already be seen walking with a certain amount of food and water. Just a few hours ago, everyone's eyes were still gathered in the riots in the city. However, just after dark, a large number of people involved in the riots were dragged out of the house and rushed to the weeping bridge.

The expulsion order has come down, but anyone who participated in the riots, regardless of who is sick or not, will be expelled, and those who dare to resist will be brutally treated and brought the tough to the bridge of weeping.

Whipping sounds accompanied by gusts of wind, drifting around the alert station, long before the riots began, Congress issued an order to keep citizens at home, but the riots still happened.

Many people who participated in the riots or even committed crimes through the riots thought they could escape the disaster. However, before the riots began, full-scale hidden surveillance in the city had been opened, and no one could escape.

Most of the people who participated in the riots have been living at the bottom for a long time, with a maximum of three citizen levels. They are already on the verge of having no social construction.

I have lost the hormones at the beginning of the riot and the people who have appeased them, and now they can no longer be connected together. Some guys hide themselves. At this time, the bottom floor is lit brightly. Public resources are only 100 meters.

Most of the houses on the ground floor have not been renovated and cannot be replaced with light energy replacement materials because of the high price, and Congress also needs to pay for high power consumption. In many places, the electricity distribution per household is only less than 50 degrees per month. .


The wind is constantly roaring. At night, the climate control system in the city will start to produce wind to stabilize the temperature in the city and eliminate some exhaust gas emitted by factories and people.

Xu Ming was paralyzed on the ground and looked at the situation in front of him. Mana was already lying on the ground, sobbing painfully.

The last hope to escape is gone, and it is impossible to escape from the monster's hand.

Jean smoked silently, but his eyes still did not leave the body of Le Xiao who had died. Huashen had taken off his uniform and covered Le Xiao's body.

Niya was still answering the phone, and after a while she yelled, and Tianhen said about the expulsion order from the beginning.

In the end, with the consent of Niya, the people arrested by the 5th Public Security Administration Section were taken to the Weeping Bridge and deported to the barrier area.

"It's really clean. The group of guys in the Haha Congress, at the same time, can at least expel most of the bottom dregs and reduce the pressure on the city's resources.

"Shut up the sky marks."

Jean's voice said coldly, and the facts did indeed solve the food safety problems of Sanlian Company, just as Tianren said, confiscated their huge assets, wiped out the rioters who tried to plan criminal activities in the city, and justified. Drove out those who had long been dissatisfied with Congress and repressed for a long time on the edge of eviction.

"Only those with citizenship level 2 will be evicted, and those with citizenship level 3 will still have the opportunity to work on farmland in the east."

Niya said after hanging up the phone.


Jean’s mobile phone rang, and after a burst of light and shadow, the phone appeared. There was a 3D holographic request, and Jean agreed.

Bunches of colorful light gradually formed the appearance of a little girl sitting in a wheelchair. Her cheeks could not be seen clearly, only her mouth, and a red bold 2 on her chest.

"Jean, it’s been investigated clearly. The reason why this dead woman will be drawn in. First, she is Lewen’s daughter, and secondly because you have helped them in the past, and the other party has caught you and will never let life. The innocent who worked hard in the sun suffered a disaster, and before you came to our 2 branch that day, we received a message from the 6th Information Management Section. As a result of a comprehensive analysis of intelligence, this woman will indeed cause problems in the future, and she investigated your matter before we arrested it."

"Feed nonsense, don't talk about it. Let's talk about the simple result. Mo Xiaola, you are still the same as before, but is the reason for the failure this time because of the intelligence of your failure in Section 2?"

Tianhen was staring at Mo Xiaolao's 3D images, but Mo Xiaola laughed quickly.

"Tianhen I don’t want to argue with you. The Internet has given people control. I won’t talk about the redundant things. Everyone present should be clear. Don’t delve into the redundant ones. Jean will take this guy to 2 later. Kelai, I will do everything possible to let him spit it out. As for who is behind the scenes, I will judge based on what I know and can tell you that the current results are the best for the entire city."

A burst of laughter came, and Lud continued to laugh, and he was already awake.

"The best result? Haha, you better check it up, Jean, this time the matter is not purely for our company. Congress is just fighting for the best interests now, you..."

Jean walked to Le Xiao without a word, crouched down, turned his head slightly to look at Xu Ming.

"This is the result of what you call justice. In fact, you are just dissatisfied with the existing system. She does not have any guilt. She has worked hard from small to large. No matter whether it is school or society, those who are exiled are not. Any guilt, this is all you dominate, huh, justice.... Don’t laugh at the dead."

Jean said slowly to Xu Ming, pulling on his collar.

"Tell me, who is behind? No matter who I am, I will definitely pull him out."

Xu Ming smiled miserably and shook his head constantly.

"What do you do is different from ours, constantly help Congress..."

"It's not for this cheap thing."

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