: Cutting Mountains

Jinguji Saki exited the phone booth, and the next person waiting in line immediately picked up the receiver and started making calls.

The line is not long, there are sixteen or seventeen people, and everyone has five to ten minutesor so of talk time.

This phone call was arranged by Jingu. It was a little bit of humanistic care, so that people would not leave too many regrets.

Instead of looking at the woman who started to cry in the phone booth, she silently came to the right side of the road, where there was also a long queue, and she came to the temporary shed to register her name.

“Have you finished the phone call?” The person in charge of the registration was an older priest, with a gentle and humble attitude.


“What did you say?”

“Trivial things are not very important.”

“Very good. Most people will choose to say their last words, but it may not be easier.” The priest nodded: “It seems that your mentality is still very stable, but the girl over there is not very good. You may have to let her Go back and fix it.”

Jinguji turned around and noticed that there were two or three girls in the team who seemed to be depressed and desperate. Some of them covered their eyes and started crying in the phone booth.

“Crying like this, the state of mind is no longer suitable for participating in the task, even if it is forced to join, it will be a burden.” The priest said.

“Then shouldn’t it be better for me to cry?” Jinguji Saki asked jokingly.

“If you don’t want to participate, you can also apply to withdraw.”

“But it also means leaving the shrine. This is a compulsory recruitment, and there is no right to refuse.”


“Forget it then.” Jinguji Saki picked up the three amulets on the table and said, “I can’t do that exaggeration, and it’s not certain that I will die.”

The priest praised her optimism, but was noncommittal about the second half of the sentence.

Jingu’s mandatory recruitment means that the situation has deteriorated to a certain extent, most of the disasters can be dealt with by elites in advance, and once even rookies and reserves are called, it must be urgent.

As a sword shaman, the Jingu Temple has no right to refuse, because the sword shaman is the absolute elite in the shrine, just like the ace battle group in the army. There are a total of nine sword shamans convened this time, 32 priests and reserve personnel. Not large scale, but very close to medium scale.

There are less than one hundred sword shamans in Yingzhou, and only one-tenth of them are concentrated here. No one knows what kind of enemies are hidden in this mountain.

She packed up her mood and came to the front row. The women here are all wearing weapons with different styles.

The reason why the sword shaman is a sword shaman is not necessarily because he is good at swords, but it may be other weapons. One of the baby-faced girls is carrying a red-tasseled spear, and the one on the right is wiping a Xuanhua double axe.

Honestly, there are not many people who use swords and knives.

Jinguji Saki’s saber is named Fubuki. It was a gift from the head priestess when she graduated from Fushimi Inari Shrine, not a famous sword.

She suddenly discovered that the sword shamans around were all young, the youngest was similar to her, and the oldest seemed to be less than forty years old.

Although she has carried out several missions, she is still a rookie in general. Facing these unfamiliar people, it is difficult to say hello without the social arrogance of skirmishers. All the sword witches are preparing for their own battles and doing something. Keep yourself at peace.

After a while, the top person in charge of this compulsory recruitment appeared.

Kazama Tsuru, the sub-secretary of the Jingu Shrine in Kyoto, is in his early fifties, but his left hand and right leg are prosthetics.

“I’m going to change clothes. I only prepared the standard size for the time being. I’ll give you ten minutes.”

Jinguji Saki was still in a daze, but the miko on the other side had already covered the tent, and then decisively began to take off her clothes and put on her combat uniform.

She was blushing at first, and then slowly took off her clothes. The baby face holding the red-tasseled gun at the side disliked her for being too slow, and offered to help, took off her trousers and spat that she is an Edo person, and she wears such mature lace at a young age Fat times.

This girl should be from the four countries, with a carefree personality, and with a red-tasseled gun on her shoulder, if she had a gourd hanging on her shoulder, she would look like a hero.

After Jinguji changed his clothes, he barely put on his combat uniform wrapped in a corset. This set of clothes is black, tight and strong, and the material is not ordinary. It has bulletproof and puncture-proof functions. Light body and Gale’s normal spiritual power blessing, each set of combat uniforms is equipped with three epinephrine and painkillers, and can be manually injected to yourself or others at any time.

Kazama Crane said: “This combat uniform was not designed by Jingu, but purchased directly from the official channel of the Ming Dynasty. It is said that its performance is an era behind the existing equipment of Jin Yiwei, but even so, it is better than the ones made by the trash in Yinyangliao. The leather case is much better, originally there were matching Longhushan charms and other items, but the system is different, and it will increase the confusion if it is installed.â€

“There are also modern firearms here. You have all taken shooting courses, so you should know how to use them. Bring them all. A gun can save lives at critical times. Similarly, bullets and firearms are special products. They were purchased from the Ming Dynasty. Each gun has only six bullets, which are very lethal, remember not to use them indiscriminately.â€

“I really hope that when we encounter difficult problems, we can be like the Ming Dynasty. We can directly cover the mountains with heavy firepower and destroy the mountains. Unfortunately, the shogunate refuses to send out this level of military force to level the mountains. I can only do what I can Let’s upgrade your weapons.â€

The division chief’s face was serious.

“Girls, this may be the cruelest battle you have encountered in your career, but we have no other choice. We can’t let the disaster spread further. The situation is urgent, but don’t choose to sacrifice yourself too easily, no matter how desperate you are. Don’t give up your life, even if you lose your hands and feet, you must crawl back alive!”


The sword shamans responded in a low voice.

The mountain felling began.In the Ming Dynasty, cutting down mountains and destroying temples refers to destroying other beliefs. The land of China is too vast, and the beliefs in various places are not unified, and some places have serious prostitution.

The so-called obscene sacrifices refer to sacrifices that are illegal, harmful to people and not allowed by the government.

In this world, the destruction and reconstruction of each dynasty is not an easy task. In this world with a practice system, the dying lion is particularly terrifying when it is dying to fight back. It also has a sharp enough fang. A fang named ghost.

Every dynasty and every place has its own local beliefs. These beliefs are complex and changeable, ranging from dead generals to folk witches and ghosts.

Therefore, every dynasty will do the same thing, get rid of prostitutes, cut down mountains and destroy temples!

Cutting down mountains and destroying temples refers to the eradication of mountain temples for prostitutes, fundamentally eliminating the possibility of heterogeneous beliefs.

In Yingzhou, no matter how many dynasties were changed, the emperor had never been overthrown in a real sense, so there was no need to break the old beliefs of the previous dynasties.

The felling of mountains here is just cutting down mountains, not destroying temples.

Its essence is a very simple matter… Killing demons!

Some existences use various methods to lure human beings, hold rituals, and use various means to reach the material world from the spiritual ocean. These existences are often ancient and powerful, and must be exorcised as soon as possible.

But the frightening thing is that the coordinates of the spirit world and the material world are not the same. It may come from Yingzhou or abroad, and it may not be a local product. No one knows where it comes from before encountering it. It is equivalent to opening a blind box. .

When the sword shamans stepped into the foot of this mountain, they realized that the entire mountain was alienating and gradually becoming another realm.

They were divided into three teams. Most of the sword shamans were good at fighting alone, but there were too many people to hinder each other. The experienced ones were in the front, and the rookies were arranged in the middle.

Walking up the mountain road, no one has set foot here for many years. The moss in the mountains is very slippery. It is clearly still in the afternoon, but the mountains have begun to fog up.

They walked along the mountain road and began to worry that they would get lost. However, a complete set of equipment is equipped with a locator, compass, night vision device, and thermal imaging. Using a blindfold method, he drove straight into the hinterland of the mountains.

deep in the mountains.

“It’s really stupid.”

“Obviously I don’t know anything, but I still choose to go into the mountains.”

“A group of mortals can only deal with low-level beasts with only a few dozen years of practice and a little magic power.”

A young man wearing ancient costumes stood on the woods, with an eyeball in each of his outstretched palms.

It let out a deep laugh.

“But it’s okay… After sleeping for so long, I’m really hungry.”

“A virgin with spiritual power is a first-class delicacy, let’s celebrate!”

“This is the first big meal after breaking the seal! Enjoy it, we will drink human blood tonight!”

There are hundreds of red lights shining in the depths of the forest.

The cannibals licked their fangs, waiting for their prey to come to their door in person.

Obviously, Jingu didn’t know what kind of enemy they were facing.

“Jinguji, why are you in a daze? Let’s go quickly.”

“I just… seem to feel some danger.”

“There is an enemy, where is it located? But no one else has detected it.”

“It seems to be there, but I’m not sure…”

Jinguji Saki slowly pressed her forehead, and in the depths of her pupils, a sakura-colored light was flickering.

Mysteries at the same level can perceive each other, and her subconscious mind has already begun to realize what is in this mountain, like a door.

“Maybe, we are already surrounded…”

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