Zhong Liwu, who rushed out, stared at Qianyu and Tang Ya in front of him, but suddenly, his whole heart fell cold, and his whole person was instantly locked by countless eyes...

His dark eyes circled all around him, and when he saw several other familiar figures, his face grew gloomy...

Here... it turned out to be the Sea God Pavilion! !

This kid's spatial spirit ability can actually span such a long distance! ! !

Old Xuan stared coldly at Zhong Liwu and said, "Zhong Liwu? It seems that in addition to saving Tang Ya, Qianyu also brought an important person!"

Mu En coldly said, "So, everyone in Sea God Pavilion, what are you waiting for?"

In an instant, the aura of several terrifying Super Douluos bloomed...

Seeing this scene, Zhong Liwu looked at Qianyu and wanted to cramp him! Roared, "Boy! You actually cheated me!!"

Qianyu gave him a cold look and looked at Tang Ya, who was full of infinite murderous intent in her own arms...

Before she released her spirit ability, she was stunned by a hand knife mixed with divine power...


"Puff!" Under the constant siege of the members of the Sea God Pavilion, Zhong Liwu of the dignified 98th-level Super Douluo's throat suddenly sweetened, he spit out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, his consciousness fell into a coma...

Mu En looked at Yan Shaozhe on the side, "Shaozhe, you go and imprison him in the Sea God Pavilion!"

Yan Shaozhe nodded, "Yes!"

Then he walked to Zhong Liwu who was in a coma, stretched out his hand to grab his body and instantly disappeared in place...

Obviously went to the place where Qianyu was detained...

Immediately after Yan Shaozhe left, all the members of the Sea God Pavilion including Mu En and Xuanzi stared at Qianyu...

Seems to be waiting for Qianyu's explanation...

Qianyu just gave them a cold look, and looked at Tang Ya in his arms, and said lightly, "Sister Tang Ya has been transformed into an evil spirit master in the Holy Spirit Cult and has now lost her mind.

Upon seeing this, Xuanzai said solemnly, "Well! Tang Ya's affairs should be temporarily put down, Qianyu, why are you in the Holy Spirit Cult?"

Lao Mu also said in a cold tone, "Qianyu, tell the story completely."

Fanyu and the others saw the serious appearance of Old Mu and Old Xuan...

I didn't dare to speak without authorization, but chose to watch all this silently...


When Qianyu revised the whole thing a little bit and said it...

Old Xuan thoughtfully said, "Qianyu, what do you mean is that after you broke into the Holy Spirit Cult, you used the same kind of breath to cover up your identity as an evil spirit master, and saved Tang Ya during the blood sacrifice?"

Old Zhuang thought, "If this is the case, it is indeed not impossible according to what the Dean Xuan said before!"

Fanyu looked at Qianyu next to him, and after careful consideration, he said, "I think Qianyu's words can be trusted!"

Xian Lin'er also said, "Qianyu's explanation is indeed reasonable, and I also choose to trust him!"

Just when all the members of Poseidon Pavilion were about to skip this matter...

Old Song squinted his eyes, staring at Qianyu and said coldly, "No! If this is the case, shouldn't Qianyu practice in the Sun Moon Royal Soul Guidance Academy? Why leave without permission? What is your purpose!"

There are too many flaws in Qianyu's explanation just now. The other Sea God Pavilion members don't want to know the foundation, but for the safety of Shrek Academy, he must ask the end!

When Qianyu heard Song Lao's question, he couldn't help but squinted, "The situation is a bit troublesome!"


In the Shrek inner courtyard, the Soul Fighting Zone...

At this moment, Beibei is fighting with Xu Sanshi on the opposite side with a focused face...

The current Beibei, only with a hearty battle can he barely forget the pain of losing Tang Ya!

Beibei coldly shouted, "The first soul ability, Thunder Dragon Claw!"

The first yellow spirit ring under his feet suddenly lit up...

I saw that Beibei's right hand became several times larger in an instant, and again, it turned out that it was completely covered by a huge dark blue dragon claw...

Immediately, squeezed the dragon's claws and blasted towards Xu Sanshi...

The opposite Xu Sanshi saw Beibei who was attacking quickly, and the corner of Xu Sanshi's mouth curled up, "Babe, this kind of attack has long been ineffective against me!"

After speaking, the second spirit ring under my feet lit up...

The second spirit ability, basalt shield formation!

The entire basalt shield emits a dark green light and looks as solid as a rock...

The huge dragon claw collided with the basalt shield, bursting out countless sparks...

Beibei squinted her eyes, and the fifth spirit ring under her feet lit up again...

The fifth soul skill, the Dragon Emperor breaks the evil crack!

In an instant, the soul power and combat skills in Beibei's body were perfectly integrated, and an attack that seemed to destroy the opponent's body and spirit was born...

Immediately, Beibei, who was shining with thunder, blasted towards Xu Sanshi...

The surrounding space even caused some ripples under this attack, and the wind rushed in...

When Xu Sanshi saw Beibei very unusually opened up, he cursed, "Fuck! Beibei, you guys are real!"

He hurriedly opened the fourth spirit ring under his feet...

The fourth spirit ability, basalt replacement!

Just as this terrifying blow was about to hit Xu Sanshi, the positions of the two suddenly changed...

Beibei's attack rushed into the air, and directly blasted the air next to him, making the sound of an air explosion...

Just as Beibei and Xu Sanshi turned around, they were about to confront each other again...

A beautiful figure appeared in the middle of the two instantly, stretched out his hands and blasted them back for a certain distance...

Beibei and Xu Sanshi stepped back...

Beibei looked at the woman in front of her, her eyes gleaming with complicated light, "Sister..."

Xu Sanshi also respectfully said "Master Sister"

That's right, among them is the master sister of the inner courtyard, which is Beibei's child bride, Zhang Lexuan!

She just left the customs a few days ago! The spirit power fluctuating from the whole body has reached the eight-ringed Contra!

When Zhang Lexuan looked at Beibei's dim eyes, she only felt a little pain in her heart...

Beibei was puzzled and said, "Sister, do you have any important things to report when you come here?"

Zhang Lexuan nodded, pursed her thin lips, and said, "Well! I met Dean Yan just now, and he asked me to inform you that Tang Ya has been rescued from the Holy Spirit by a student named Qianyu. Inside the Poseidon Pavilion, but she seems to have been transformed into an evil spirit master by the Holy Spirit."

Beibei's pupils showed joy at first, but when she heard that Tang Ya was transformed into an Evil Soul Master, her face became gloomy again...


Immediately, he decisively exploded his spirit power and hurried towards the Sea God Pavilion at the fastest speed...

Seeing Beibei's appearance, Zhang Lexuan's beautiful eyes flashed a little dark...

Xu Sanshi saw Beibei who was no longer visible and cursed, "Babe, you are waiting for me!"

Afterwards, Xu Sanshi cautiously looked at Zhang Lexuan next to him, and whispered, "Well, Master Sister, I will follow it first, lest he do stupid things!"

Zhang Lexuan gave a blank expression "Um!"...

Seeing Zhang Lexuan's appearance, Xu Sanshi shook his head and rushed towards the Sea God Pavilion...

Zhang Lexuan, who stayed in place, slowly closed her eyes...



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