It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1127: The possibility of returning to the Douluo plane (subscription required)

After absorbing Xu Sheng's martial arts, the resistance of these creatures has obviously reached a terrifying level, and the flames all over their bodies seem to be assimilated...

The next moment, the eyes of these creatures looked at Xu Sheng again, and roared loudly...

Under the long and narrow voice, it seemed to be provoking Xu Sheng!

Xu Sheng's ink-colored eyes appeared a bit cold, and he said coldly, "I really think you can't help it if you have evolved?"

The next moment, the majestic spiritual power quickly condensed in his hand into a saber exuding dazzling white light, and after holding it firmly, it quickly swung towards these creatures...

In an instant, several hundred meters of sword aura exuding tearing aura was released instantly, rushing out in all directions...

I saw that these sharp sword auras touched these creatures, and they sounded a succession of "Puff!!", easily cutting them in half...

Dark green blood sputtered out of his body, and the corpse was split in half, followed by a violent retching breath...

Xu Sheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Is it effective? It seems that as long as you don't use elemental martial arts to attack, you can kill these creatures!"

However, he guessed wrong!

Although these creatures were torn apart by sword qi into pieces of meat, they still have strong consciousness, locked each other's positions, and began to move at a slow speed...

Until dozens of pieces of minced meat touched together, it began to merge like mud...

In a blink of an eye, several alien creatures of different shapes were resurrected in a new posture!

Xu Sheng took a step back subconsciously, and secretly said in his heart, "Even if you die, you can merge! Then continue to survive as a new creature! What kind of monster is this!"

Even Xu Sheng had to feel a chill with the ability of this creature...

Especially those fused monsters, either have a dozen scarlet eyes, or have six or seven thick legs with the waist of a grown-up tree!

These monsters showed a weird sneer one after another, and said intermittently, ""

Although the words are vague, Xu Sheng can vaguely hear the meaning of this sentence!

These monsters are saying they cannot kill them!

Xu Sheng stared at these monsters for a long time, then shrugged his shoulders and said, "Well, I really can't beat you... So, I won't play with you!"

After the words fell, his whole body resolutely jumped into the air with his sword, and rushed towards the depths of the waterfall with the help of a dive...

When these monsters saw this, they proceeded to intercept them at extremely fast speeds, and many even jumped up, trying to bombard Xu Sheng flying with the sword...

However, little effect!

These fusion monsters that were trying to block were broken down into fragments again after being severely hit by the spirit sword, and fell into the scarlet river.

With a "poof", Xu Sheng, who was stepping on the spirit sword, instantly sank into the depths of this waterfall...

Seeing this, the fusion monsters behind them stopped their pursuit, staring at the direction Xu Sheng left...


Xu Sheng entered the waterfall, took a deep breath, and said, "Finally come in"

Immediately, he began to move his eyes away and looked at the situation inside the waterfall...

Roughly the same as his thoughts, inside this waterfall is another completely independent space! That is where the plane crack is!

After a careful search, Xu Sheng quickly found the horrible crack in front of him that was thousands of meters in size, and fierce winds continued to gush from it...

If you get closer, you will probably be involved in the suction force, and then instantly be strangled by the space! !

Xu Sheng's ink eyes condensed, using his spiritual power to construct a clone almost completely similar to him, and then slowly approaching the crack in this plane...

At first, this clone could also rely on spiritual power to resist suction for a short time, but as the distance gets closer, the suction gradually reaches a terrifying point...

Instantly involved this clone into the gap of the plane...

However, the result Xu Sheng had imagined did not happen. He was still able to sense that his previous clone had not been strangled according to his spiritual power!

This made him raise his eyebrows and curiously said, "Oh? This seemingly dangerous plane gap didn't even kill it!"

But when he tried to shout that the clone came out from the cracks in the plane, there was no movement...

As if the huge suction power has cut off the possibility of it being able to come out!

This means that if Xu Sheng enters it, although he will not lose his life immediately, he will be locked in it, making it difficult to escape from this crack...

However, if you don’t enter, it’s like a trip for nothing...

Thinking of this, Xu Sheng couldn't help falling into silence...

In this face crack, even he doesn't know anything exists. If it falls due to an accident, there is no possibility of resurrection...

After a full silence for a few minutes, Xu Sheng's ink eyes showed firmness...

The purpose of coming to this plane is to close the cracks in this plane. After all, if it is allowed to expand, it is likely to open up the channel with the gods...

By then, it's too late! !

Immediately, he turned his gaze to the crack in the plane that exuded a dangerous aura...

Immediately burst out a burst of spiritual power wrapped around his body, weakening the suction power...

In this way, Xu Sheng approached the cracks in the plane step by step. When the suction power was no longer what the spiritual power could contend, he directly gave up resistance...

In a blink of an eye, a gust of wind instantly enveloped him and swept him into the cracks in the plane...

And Xu Sheng, who was involved in it, only felt that a fierce dizziness emerged in his mind, and his cognition of his surroundings began to blur...

It is difficult to relieve the dizziness by oneself for a while...

Afterwards, this violent dizziness lasted for an unknown amount of time before it began to slowly disappear...

And Xu Sheng's ink eyes are beginning to become clear...

He stretched out his hand and rubbed his somewhat faint head, pouring spiritual power into it, as much as possible to dispel the dizziness that affected his judgment...

After solving these problems, Xu Sheng looked to the front, that area, like stardust, exudes a fascinating breath...

Even he was attracted by this strange sight for a while!

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he secretly asked, "That is...Is it possible to return to the Douluo plane?"

I saw a row of huge white stairs not far in front! There is a faint sacred breath from it...





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