It’s a Showdown, I’m Really a Titled Douluo

Chapter 1114: Fight (for subscription)

Duanmu Lian bit his soft thin lips, and began to struggle...

Shamefully said, "Xu Sheng, do you really have to get rid of it all?"

Even if you have a good impression of Xu Sheng, you must be seen naked in the blood pool. With her conservative personality, she can't accept it at all!

Zhou Qingruo next to him was also a little hard to look directly at Xu Sheng's black eyes, and subconsciously turned to one side...

I don't know if it's shy or doesn't care about it...

There is no strange color on Xu Sheng's face, looking at them calmly, "Well! If it does not fade, the clothes will isolate part of the blood, resulting in the final absorbed blood concentration will be very low, or even unable to show!"

Duanmu Lian looked at Zhou Qingruo and asked quietly, "Qingruo, you...what do you think?"

Zhou Qingruo only gave her a glimpse and said coldly, "I finally found this place. I only need to absorb the blood to break through the holy realm, so I can't waste it!"

After the words fell, her beautiful amber eyes took a deep look at Xu Sheng, and then slowly faded away her robes, and then, one after another clothing fell on the ground, without the slightest intention to hide it. ...

A few seconds later, her exquisite body was revealed...

Seeing this, Duanmu Lian couldn't help but open his mouth wide and said, "Qingruo, you..."

How do you feel that this friend of yours has no resistance at all, and is very skilled, isn't she shy because of Xu Sheng's existence?

But in the next second, she would understand something!

Xu Sheng and Qingruo have even done that kind of thing, they have already seen what they should or shouldn't, and there is no need to worry about them!

After Xu Sheng glanced at Zhou Qingruo's delicate body, there was a touch of appreciation in his pupils...

Zhou Qingruo's figure is indeed very good, completely ideal!

Realizing that Xu Sheng was looking at his delicate body, Zhou Qingruo's cheeks became more and more rosy, but he did not stop it!

Even if you have done that kind of thing, what does it count if you just look at it?

Immediately, Xu Sheng looked at Duanmu Lian again and smiled, "Elder Lian, what are you waiting for? If you feel shy, I will protect you outside, right?"

Duanmu Lian's head shook like a rattle, and said shyly, ", I'm not...not shy! You are here...just here!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hands embarrassedly and took off the robe, and then he stepped to the side of the blood pool...

After taking off the rest of the clothes at a very fast speed, he was soaked in the blood pool...

After its smooth skin came into contact with the scarlet liquid, it began to burn continuously...

However, what gives Duanmu pity is not pain, but a sense of comfort that cannot be described in words...

In layman's terms, the seven orifices in his body were forcibly opened, so he felt extremely hot in his limbs...

In just a few seconds, the extreme comfort made her gasp...


The words that make people feel rippling resound in this space...

Zhou Qingruo next to him heard Duanmu Lian's alluring voice, and swallowed, "Is it really so comfortable?"

When I made this sound, I was still doing something with Xu Sheng...

Xu Sheng saw Zhou Qingruo who was in a daze, stretched out her hand to shake in front of her beautiful eyes, and reminded, "Qingruo, you should also hurry down and absorb the blood, and leave here as soon as possible!"

Zhou Qingruo came back to his senses, whispered "Hmm!", and quickly soaked in another pool of blood...


Seeing that the disciples of the Duanmu clan are being slaughtered frantically, Duanmuxun's face is already extremely blue...

Angrily said, "How dare to be so arrogant, do you really think that the old man does not exist?"

But before he rushed far, he was stopped by a figure, who was the ancestor of the Mo family!

I saw the Mo family ancestor looking at Duanmu Xun with a sneer, mockingly said, "Duanmu Xun, your opponent is me, it is better not to intervene in the battle between the juniors!"

The saint realm powerhouse's damage to the disciples is huge, so how could he let this Duanmuxun get away!

When Duanmuxun saw this, he clenched his palms and said, "Despicable! The three big families have joined hands on my Duanmu clan, and I still have the face to say such things!"

The ancestor of the Mo family seemed to have heard a joke, "It's despicable and not despicable. It's just an excuse. After living for so long, don't you even understand the truth that soldiers are not tired of deceiving?"

Duanmuxun, who could not restrain his anger, said coldly, "Huh! Then don't blame the old man for being ruthless! Immortal rank low-grade martial arts: Futian palm in troubled times!"

After the words fell, his whole figure was suspended in the air, and the spiritual power of his whole body was instantly released...

Immediately afterwards, it gradually condensed into a huge horror palm print around it, bombarding the Mo family ancestor below with great power...

The terrifying power seems to drown everything below...

Seeing this scene, the ancestors of the Mo family showed a look of disdain, "Do you really think that you are the only one who can perform the martial arts of the immortal rank?"

Immortal rank top grade martial arts! Star Broken Moon! !

I saw his hands joined together, and the huge spiritual power circulated back and forth between the two...

Within a few seconds of porridge, a stern sword aura measuring hundreds of meters in size appeared out of nowhere, mixed with the power to tear everything and slashed towards the palm prints above...


The loud sound of destroying the sky and the earth suddenly sounded, and the resulting vision even shrouded the entire Duanmu clan in the doomsday...

Looking at this scene, the elders of the Duanmu family looked at Duanmushuo one after another and said, "Patriarch, what should we do? After the three families join forces, both the number and the strength are several times stronger than us!"

"Yes, if this continues, our Duanmu clan will really be destroyed today!!"

"What are you afraid of! The big deal is fighting with them! Our Duanmu clan have survived so many crises!"

After listening to these words, Duan Mushuo couldn't help but shouted coldly, "Now it's useless to say anything, do it!! Destroy them!!"

However, the words just fell, and the elders on the opposite side rushed forward first...

"Go to hell!! The few elders of Daluojin Wonderland are nothing more than manipulative arms in front of us!!"

"Huh! The current resistance is just lingering! This is the consequence of your Duanmu clan killing our patriarch!!"

"Even your old Patriarch is not the opponent of the Mo family ancestors, and now you still think that you can get away with it by chance?!!!"

In an instant, the elders of both sides were fighting together...

Of course, the whole fight is almost overwhelming!

After all, there are more than 30 elders in the three major families, which is not comparable to the Duanmu clan!




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