It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 161: Respect for teachers

After dinner, Second Aunt and Zhang Yi went back to work again.

The ingredients for tomorrow have been prepared by the apprentice, but they have to make their own staple food.

The steamed buns with two sides are made of four parts white flour and six parts stick noodles. The stick noodles must be scalded with hot water first. When it is not hot, add flour and leaven. Knead it for a while and it will form a ball, then enlarge the dough in a basin and wake up.

It's cold now, I wake up slowly, put it in the back room for a night, and it will be ready for use tomorrow morning.

After it was done, the second uncle and the others left together. Tomorrow they have to get up early and come over, so they have to hurry up and go back to rest.

Chu Heng also wanted to rest early, but unfortunately he couldn't rest. When his friends who didn't have time to come during the day would have to come, he had to continue to welcome the guests.

At about six o'clock, a guest came over. They were friends from several of his courtyards. They didn't stay too long.

There are two people who give money directly, and the other two who buy things.

Greetings and farewells, it's eight o'clock in the blink of an eye.

After sending off the last wave of guests, Chu Heng let out a long sigh, wiped his body with a basin of hot water, and hurried to sleep when he was ready to wipe his body.

He had just taken off his upper clothes, but he had not been wet, when the door of the outhouse suddenly opened, and Xu Damao and his wife walked in together.

"Hengzi, I'm really sorry, I went to the countryside to play a movie today, and I didn't have time to come back to help." He didn't know where Xu Damao was drinking, his tongue was big, and he started shouting before he saw anyone.

Chu Heng thought that he was here by himself, so he didn't go to put on his clothes, he turned around and went to open the door. Seeing that Lou Xiaoe was there, he hurried to get his clothes: "Oh, sorry sister-in-law, I didn't know you were here too. Just get dressed."

Although at this time in the four-nine cities, shirtless men were popular, and it was normal for men to be shirtless, but after all, it was unsightly, so dress better.

"Hengzi is really strong." Lou Xiao'e's eyes were bright, and she glanced at him without concealment. This water chestnut muscle mass, this strong and powerful male dog's waist, is simply a work of art!

She just appreciates it and doesn't have any other ideas... um.

"Come on, Hengzi, my brother didn't have anything to give. You can take this, don't dislike it." Xu Damao handed over the alarm clock that he had bought two days earlier.

Chu Heng put on his clothes in two or three times, hurried up to pick them up, and said with a smirk full of surprise, "Thank you so much, I'm short of this stuff at home, I've been wanting to buy it but I can't."

"What are you polite, buddy?" Seeing that he liked it, Xu Damao felt proud. What if you were the director? It's not that his family is rich!

"Stop standing, sit down, sit down quickly." Chu Heng went up to help Lou Xiaoe help Xu Damao, led them to sit down at the table of the Eight Immortals, and each poured a cup of tea.

After a few people chatted for a while, Xu Damao became drunk and fell into a deep sleep while leaning on the chair.

"Why are you sleeping here!" Lou Xiao'e was annoyed and patted him a few times, trying to wake him up.

But this guy slept like a pig after drinking.

Chu Heng was also speechless for a while, so he had to put on a padded jacket and said to Lou Xiao'e, "Let's go, sister-in-law, I'll help you send Brother Da Mao back."

"I can only trouble you." Lou Xiao'e got up embarrassed.

So the two of them supported one arm and pulled Xu Damao up, dragging him out of the door like a dead dog.

When passing through the Moon Gate of the middle courtyard, Lou Xiaoe accidentally stumbled on the threshold, and fell to the side as soon as her body was tilted.


Chu Heng hurriedly reached out his hand, grabbed her clothes, and pulled her up before she fell.

Then he began to wonder, why is Lou Xiaoe's clothes so fleshy? Feels pretty good!

He glanced sideways, oh, grabbed the scorpion.

Chu Heng quickly let go and apologized awkwardly: "What, sister-in-law, I didn't mean to."

Lou Xiao'e gently rubbed the scratched spot, her face flushed slightly, and said indifferently, "It's okay, you are also in a hurry."

"It doesn't hurt, right?" Chu Hengshun asked, and immediately regretted it. How embarrassing this question is.

Unexpectedly, Lou Xiao'e gave him a charming glance and teased: "What, can you still rub it for me when it hurts?"

Hey, the married ladies are fierce!

But he Lang Ziheng is not a melon egg, even if he is afraid of this, he grinned and said, "Hey, I can knead it, but I'm afraid Brother Da Mao and I will try my best."

Lou Xiao'e didn't expect him to say this, her heart warmed slightly and she didn't know how to respond. She really wanted to say that Xu Damao was drunk and didn't know anything, so just rub it if you want. But the shame of being a woman reminded her that she shouldn't say such words, let alone have such thoughts.

Although the hot male silver is really good...

Young, beautiful, and good waist!

When Chu Heng saw that she didn't talk to her, he was honest. It was because he had no idea about Lou Xiaoe, otherwise he would have to talk for a while.

Soon, the two brought Xu Damao home, and after putting him on the bed, Chu Heng was ready to go back to rest.

For some reason, it may be because of a quick glance at Chu Heng's house, or because of the arrest just now, Lou Xiao'e has a ghostly feeling of reluctance to give up.


She opened her mouth in a strange way: "Can you chat with your sister-in-law for a while?"

"Ah?" Chu Heng was stunned for a moment, he had to stop, turned around and sat down, and said with a smile, "What do you want to talk about, sister-in-law?"

Lou Xiaoe is also stunned, yes, what are you talking about!

She was silent for a moment, frantically looking for a topic in her mind, and then said: "Then...I see that you are making noodles in your house. When will you steam the steamed buns tomorrow?"

"It will be around six o'clock tomorrow. My second aunt and the others will come to do it then." Chu Hengqiang endured his drowsiness.

"Then I'll go early tomorrow and help out."

"Thank you so much."


The two of them were talking dryly, and it was not until Chu Heng was so sleepy that he couldn't take it anymore, and he got up and said goodbye.

After sending Chu Heng away, Lou Xiao'e felt empty in her heart, wiped off her clothes, got into the bed, and then skillfully reached out to her husband beside her.

the next day.

Before dawn, Chu Heng hurriedly got up, lit the stove, washed carefully, and ate something. Then he went to the closet and took out the school uniform, and ironed it with an enamel vat filled with boiling water. , I wore it when I was going to pick up the As soon as this was finished, the second aunt and the second uncle came over, and Chu Qi and Chu Xue also took a special leave to attend the wedding of the eldest brother.

Although this wedding is very simple, there is no sense of ceremony...

The second aunt went into the house to drink hot water to warm up, and then quickly asked Chu Heng to bring the noodles to the table, ready to knead the noodles and steam the steamed buns.

After Chu Heng put the face case on the table of the Eight Immortals in the room, he wiped his body and found Chu Qi, and without saying a word, he kicked up.

"Brother, what are you doing!" Chu Qi, who was happily eating the candy, shivered.

"Little bastard, did you urinate in your teacher's water glass a few days ago?" Chu Heng stared, his face was frosty, he picked up the broom with gnashing teeth: "Today I will let you know what it means to respect a teacher. Dao, Chengmen Lixue!"

"Hit me hard!" The second uncle looked at him with a smile.

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