It’s a Bit Early To Cross

Chapter 130: miss you

After coming out of the material bureau, Chu Heng and the three did not go to the department store, but turned around and drove to the aquatic company.

The tickets that Bai Bart got won't cost 20,000 yuan. He must buy second-hand four big pieces. However, the quantity he bought is too large, and the trust store may not be able to sell it, so he must find an experienced person. .

The purpose of their visit to the aquatic company was to find Chu Heng's friend Wei Jie, whose uncle was the manager of Xidan Trust, and asked him to greet him. This was not a problem.

Chu Heng, a pimp, is really worthless. Look at this network, you can find acquaintances in everything.

Amidst the billowing smoke, the car arrived at the aquatic company with a "rumbling rumbling". Because it was winter, there was not much business, and the employees gathered boredly to smoke and play cards.

As soon as Chu Heng entered the door, he saw Wei Jie, chubby and round, looking very happy.

"Old Wei!" He waved his hand with a smile.

When Wei Jie saw that he was here, he hurriedly dropped the poker in his hand, "dong dong dong" trotted over, took out his cigarettes and slapped them one by one, smiling like a Maitreya Buddha: "The king of the sea is here, and it is full of brilliance. ."

"Stop talking nonsense, I have business with you." Chu Heng punched him with a smile, pointed to his side, and said, "This is my comrade-in-arms, from the grasslands, and I want to buy some second-hand big-ticket items to go back, but I want a little more. , if you get something less than 20,000 yuan, you will let your uncle know if you are tired."

Wei Jie was stunned when he heard it: "Good guy, you bought something for 20,000 in one go, and came here to buy it?"

"I can't help it. My place is small, and I have enough supplies every year. If I have money, I have nowhere to buy things. Brother, if you are tired, please help." Bai Bart smiled and took out a box of Zhonghua cigarettes from the old company commander. stuff him.

Wei Jie glanced at the cigarette on Yan Yan's hand. He was really jealous. He had never smoked this thing a few times, but he couldn't ask for it. He did things for his friends and charged them. Wouldn't this be a shame for the four-nine-city folks? ?

He reluctantly stuffed the cigarette back again, and said with a big smile, "Chu Heng and I are buddies, so we don't need this."

"You stupid, you don't want good things to your mouth, and you push them around, it's boring." Chu Heng grabbed it and put it back on him, and urged: "You hurry up and call your uncle. , we are in a hurry to buy something."

"Come on, you all go now, I'll call right now, I guess I'll get through when you arrive." Wei Jie happily put on his cigarette, wiped his body, and walked to the office upstairs.

Chu Heng's three brothers also turned around and left the aquatic company, and rushed to the public security guest house "bang long long", and Baibat had to go back to get the money.

At this time, the maximum amount of money is ten yuan, and twenty thousand yuan must be as thick as 200,000 yuan in later generations.

On the way, Chu Heng suddenly remembered something, turned his head to Bai Bart who was sitting beside him and asked, "Hey, how do you ship your things back after you buy them? I don't have the ability to shun a car for you."

"I made an order before I came, and I will send a telegram to my house, and they will send a car to pick it up." Bai Bart replied with a smile, but this question also reminded him of something, and he hurriedly said: "By the way, you pay it back. Find me a place to put things."

"I have a place there." Hu Zhengwen continued after hearing the words: "My unit has a large garage that is vacant. After buying it, just pull it in. I will live there at night to help you guard it and ensure that not a single screw is lost. ."

The details are finalized, and the rest is to buy and buy with money.

There were basically no cars on the road, not to mention congestion, and the big trucks drove smoothly all the way to the guest house.

A group of people "dengdengdeng" ran upstairs and knocked on the door of the third room on the right.


The mottled and broken wooden door opened quickly. Before anyone could be seen, a small five-four came out first. The man who was holding it was a tall prairie man of the same person. Seeing that Bai Bart had returned, he hurriedly put it down. Gun asked, "How's it going?"

Bai Bart briefly explained the matter, and Chu Heng and the others followed into the room.

Good guy, the fart is big, there are five big men sitting, and all of them are carrying guns, two of them are still automatic five or six.

The 20,000 yuan was tightly surrounded by them.

Damn safety!

As soon as I heard that I was going to go shopping, the people in the room were instantly elated, and they took the money and things to go to Xidan in a mighty car.

Afraid that the impact would be bad, the two of them took five or six and lost them at home.

After the group arrived, they first went to Xidan Department Store, bought three bicycles, six watches, and four sewing machines, and spent all the industrial coupons in their hands.

When they were done, they went to Xidan Trust, where Wei Jie's uncle had been waiting for a long time.

They greeted each other a few times, stuffed two packs of cigarettes, and then began to pick things vigorously.

The four second-hand items are cheap, but they are also relatively speaking. Eighty or ninety percent of the new bicycles also cost 120 or 30 yuan. An ordinary worker can save money without eating or drinking for several months. They cannot be tolerated. careless.

They didn't spend all the money they had until they got off work after dark.

After buying three big cars, Hu Zhengwen ran back and forth several times.

After the work was done, Chu Heng wanted to show the friendship of the landlord, and asked Bai Bat and his colleagues to go to Lao Mo for a meal.

But the group of people were thinking about the four valuable items in their hearts. They didn't want to waste time. They took a bite at a nearby state-run hotel and followed Hu Zhengwen to the warehouse.

After Chu Heng rode his bike home, he was very uncomfortable walking around in the room where there were still traces of the girl's delicate fragrance. At the end, he sighed and started a fire, boiled the water, and listened to the radio while holding the teacup.

During these days, he has become accustomed to the feeling of being meticulously served by Miss Ni after get off work every day. Suddenly, there is no one around, and his heart is still empty.

"Boom, boom!"

There was a sound of bicycles entering the courtyard, and then a series of light footsteps came to Chu Heng's window from far to near.

Just as he was thinking about that **** of the girl, he was suddenly shocked, he was very sure, UU reading www.uukanshu. The footsteps belonged to his girl, so she quickly turned her head to look out the window, and saw the little girl Ni was leaning on the window and looking into the house, smiling like a flower.

Chu Heng was overjoyed, and hurriedly stood up, ready to meet his girl.

As soon as the door opened, Ni Yinghong rushed back into his embrace.

Chu Heng hugged her with a smile: "Why are you here at this time?"

The girl's little face rubbed against his chest and said stickily, "I miss you, so I'll see if you're back."

"You said it was a coincidence, I missed you just now." Chu Heng lowered his body, hugged the girl's waist in one hand and his **** in the other, picked her up like a child, wiped his body and walked into the room: "Today Teach you the third form of Awei."

Ni Yinghong is no longer the girl who tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time.

She was fascinated by the fulfilling feeling of studying with the man she liked, as if a gluttonous child suddenly found a taste in the world, and she couldn't get enough of it.

Now, she has learned several tricks.

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