Chu Yang was stunned and said in surprise:"Go to your house? No way, meeting your parents so soon? It's too sudden. I'm not mentally prepared yet.……"

"No!" Li Qingshu blushed and stamped her feet, and hurriedly explained:"Just come to my house and sit down. I also invited Wen Jing, Lianhua and Ding Lei!"

Wen Jing is her deskmate, Lianhua is from the next class and is also her good friend. As for Ding Lei, he is Lianhua's boyfriend.

"You can also invite Han Dachun to come, just treat it as a small party." She added.

Chu Yang looked at her with a smile:"Is it really just a simple small party?"

Li Qingshu felt a little guilty and said with a stiff upper lip:"Yes, so don't think too much and don't bring any gifts."

"So that's how it is." Chu Yang seemed to see through her little thoughts, but he didn't point it out and agreed:"Okay, then I'll ask Dachun to go with me tomorrow."

Li Qingshu showed a beautiful smile:"Okay, tomorrow morning at 9:30, lunch at my house"

"They even provide meals, not bad, not bad." Chu Yang said with a smile

"Well, see you tomorrow.��After Li Qingshu finished speaking, she walked towards the door of her house.

After walking a few steps, she turned back and smiled:"You must come.""

""Okay, see you later." Chu Yang smiled and waved. He waited until she entered the door before he got on his bike.

Suddenly remembering that Shen Nansheng had contacted him today, he stopped his bike on the side of the road, propped himself up with one foot, took out his cell phone and called.

"Second brother, are you back?"

"Well, I just got back. My brother called me at noon, but the signal was bad so I couldn’t hear clearly. What exactly happened?"

"It's a good thing, I've connected with Wu Zhongxian."

"Damn, bro is so awesome, how did you get in touch with him?"

"Hehe, brother, my network of contacts spreads all over the world, so Taiwan Province is nothing. Anyway, the current situation is like this, KTV has already quoted a price of NT$300 million, which is equivalent to NT$60 million here, and Old Wu has not made up his mind yet. This cunning guy is waiting for Zhou Xianglun's new album to sell out so that he can make some money first, and at the same time he is waiting for other companies to quote a higher price!"

"Well, I guessed it too. What do you think, brother?"

"We can't compete with those big companies. Money is one thing, but Old Wu also has to consider Zhou Xianglun's future development. After all, the relationship is there. If we sell it to our mainland, or to a small company like mine with nothing, it will probably bury the talent."

Chu Yang thought it made sense. It was 2002, and the music scene in Taiwan was booming. The music resources and production level there were far ahead. If we brought Zhou Xianglun to the mainland at this time, there would probably be no future Asian king.

"Old Wu also revealed his thoughts. Shen Nansheng continued:"If it can alleviate the debt, he will definitely be reluctant to sell the company. Other companies regard Zhou Xianglun as a cash cow, so is he? It's just that the speed at which this cash cow makes money can't keep up with his debt bills."

"So, I want to ask you, do you think this investment is worth it? After all, it is you who brought the information. If you think it is reliable, then we will invest. I believe in your intuition!"

Chu Yang pondered and said,"The demolition payment has not yet come, but I still have 50 million on hand.……"

""Shit, are you planning to go all in? Are you really that optimistic?" Shen Nansheng asked in surprise.

Chu Yang smiled,"That's Zhou Xianglun. If possible, investing 50 million in him is nothing."

At this time, a middle-aged man in a Tang suit was walking his dog on a leash. He looked him up and down with a strange expression.

Then he shook his head and walked away.

Chu Yang didn't pay attention and continued to talk to his phone,"But I have a condition."

"What conditions?" Shen Nansheng asked

"In addition to the dividends that Alpha should receive from its shares, we will be the sole agent for all of Zhou Xianglun's commercial performances and concerts in the mainland, including album sales and music copyrights."Chu Yang said.

Shen Nansheng was silent for a few seconds.




"Big brother, stop messing around. I’m just asking you if you want to follow me or not."

"……Follow! I'll also put up 50 million. Anyway, this money is all earned from gambling. Let's spend 100 million across the coast to bet on a future Asian superstar! I'll negotiate with Old Wu right now!"

After hanging up the phone, Chu Yang smiled.

"If this can be accomplished, it will be the biggest business opportunity in the entertainment industry in the next 20 years."

"Investing in Alpha may not last long, because Zhou Xianglun will definitely go out on his own when he becomes independent."

"But apart from anything else, just getting his music copyright agency will be enough to make a fortune for the next 20 years."

"Invest 50 million and you will make a huge profit!"


"Fifty million, haha……"

Li Yanbai tied the dog in the yard and walked into the living room.

"What's wrong, Lao Li? What happened?" His wife Zhang Xiaoyu, who was making tea

, asked with a smile. Li Yanbai sat down and said with a smile:"Young people nowadays really brag without thinking, they just say whatever comes out of their mouths.""

"Just now, when I was walking my dog, I met a young man riding a shabby bicycle. He looked handsome, but I heard him on the phone. Guess what he said? He said he wanted to invest 50 million yuan! Don’t you think it’s funny?"

Zhang Xiaoyu poured him a cup of tea and smiled:"He may just be joking with his friends. Why do you care so much?"

"I just think it's very sad. Young people should be down-to-earth." Li Yanbai said casually, picked up the teacup and asked,"Where's Shu'er?"

""She went to take a shower. She went to the beach with her classmates today and was exhausted." Zhang Xiaoyu said.

Li Yanbai nodded and drank a sip of tea.

Zhang Xiaoyu raised her eyes and glanced at him:"Shu'er said that she invited Chu Yang to our house tomorrow."

""Hmm!" Li Yanbai was almost choked. He coughed twice and snorted,"He actually dared to come. This boy is quite brave!"

"I just invited a few classmates to my house to play, not to do anything else. It would be abnormal if they didn't dare to come."Zhang Xiaoyu said with a smile

"That's true.

Now that he's here, I have to meet him properly!

" Li Yanbai said seriously.

Zhang Xiaoyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry:"Come on, don't scare him.

There are other students here, and we have to entertain them well.

Also, this Chu Yang is the top scorer in the national college entrance examination.

If it were in ancient times, this would mean that he would be on the gold list, and the emperor would personally summon him and grant him an official position directly, bringing honor to his family.


"So, do you think this child is a dragon among men, a crane from the sky? Can he be a good match for our Li family?"

"I admit that he is very good." Li Yanbai curled his lips:"But you also said that it was in ancient times. Today is different from the past. The national top scholar no longer has such great benefits. There are top scholars every year, but how many of them can really accomplish great things?"

"So, it’s too early to say anything, let’s wait and see in a few years."

"Haha, you are just being stubborn. You just can't stand your daughter having a boyfriend." Zhang Xiaoyu said with a smile. Li

Yanbai continued to be stubborn:"Anyway, you have to get past me first!"

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