
Finally, Chu Yang's upper body was covered with sunscreen. The damn guy even asked to pat it several times to help it absorb.

Li Qingshu breathed a sigh of relief. It was really embarrassing just now.

Now her whole face was red.

Chu Yang smiled with satisfaction:"Thank you for your hard work. Next……"

"Apply the sunscreen on your legs yourself!" Li Qingshu threw the sunscreen over and ran away.

"Hey, you messed with my upper body, you have to be responsible for my lower body too."Chu Yang laughed and stopped forcing her. After all, it was a big courage for her to do this in broad daylight.

He slowly applied sunscreen on his legs. At this time, Han Dachun came over.

"Here." Chu Yang threw a bottle of ice drink over.

"Thanks." Dachun unscrewed the can and took a big sip, smacked his lips and asked,"Why don't you go swimming?"

"Let's go later. There's no rush. There's still a whole day to go. We need to conserve our energy." Chu Yang said with a smile.

The main thing is to find an opportunity to go over the mountains and over the ridges to find Xiao Lizi, so he can't let himself be too tired.

Han Dachun sat down on the recliner and said excitedly:"The squad leader said that there will be a group barbecue at noon. After eating, we will set off to Pengyun Island to dive and catch seafood!"

Pengyun Island is an uninhabited island. It is an island formed by coral reefs. There are large sandy beaches and groups of coconut trees. The surrounding sea area is very shallow and the water is crystal clear, which is very suitable for the most basic diving adventures.

However, once he gets there, Chu Yang will have no chance to find Xiao Lizi.

So he can only look for opportunities in the morning.

At this time, the mobile phone in the backpack rang. Chu Yang took it out and saw that it was indeed a message from Shen Li.

"Chu Yang, when will you come over?"

Chu Yang thought for a moment and replied,"We are having a group activity. I will come to find you when we have free time."

At this time, there was a bustling sound. It turned out that Lu Peng rented a set of beach soccer equipment and invited the boys to play soccer.

Han Dachun stood up:"Chu Yang, are you going or not? Let's form a team and beat those bastards!"

Chu Yang glanced at Li Qingshu who was walking over and shook his head,"I won't go."

"Okay, okay, it's a seaside scene, right? Watch out for sand and be safe." Han Dachun winked at him ambiguously.

"Damn it, you are even more evil than me." Chu Yang cursed and laughed as he kicked him.

Han Dachun dodged flexibly and ran away laughing.

Li Qingshu came over, and it seemed that she had recovered from the ambiguous contact just now. She pointed to the beach and said,"There are many beautiful shells and stones there, let's go pick them up!"

""Okay, let's go." Chu Yang picked up a small bucket and a small shovel.

So, the two of them walked hand in hand on the beach, bending down from time to time to pick up a few beautiful shells.

The waves surged, the sea breeze blew, the seagulls cried, and the sound of classmates playing came from not far away.

On the beach, a series of footprints were left by the two.

When they returned, they had picked up half a small bucket of shells, as well as a few small crabs and a starfish.

Li Qingshu had a smile of harvest on her face, her pretty face was flushed, very touching.

Chu Yang reached out and wiped off a few grains of sand on her face, and smiled:"Let's go swimming?"

Li Qingshu was a little timid:"But I'm a little afraid of water."

Chu Yang smiled and said:"You said you were afraid at the playground, but you played better than anyone else."

Li Qingshu was amused:"Okay, I'll try, don't let me drown."

Chu Yang patted his chest:"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

So the two of them came to the swimming area, where a beach soccer game was going on, and many students were watching and cheering.

""Dachun! Shoot!!" Chu Yang shouted.

Encouraged, Dachun shouted,"Shoot! Get out of the way! I'm going to shoot!!"

Then he kicked a ball in the air and plunged into the sand.

"Ha ha……"The students around him laughed so hard that they fell backwards.

Chu Yang also laughed unkindly, then took Li Qingshu's hand and slowly waded into the water.

"It's okay, let's go to a deeper place first, and then start swimming."

Li Qingshu nodded and followed him step by step.

Not far away, Su Lingxue and Wang Xiaoli were in the water, each with a pair of breasts floating on the water.

"Chu Yang is here, what a good opportunity!" Wang Xiaoli reminded.

Su Lingxue hesitated:"Do we really want to do that? Will it really work?"

Wang Xiaoli said confidently:"He will definitely not stand by and watch you die!"

""Okay, I'll try." Su Lingxue bit her lip.

Then, she plunged into the water.

"Gurgle……"She sank and popped up again:"Oh, I'm drowning, help me……"

Wang Xiaoli twitched her lips:"……"

He picked her up and said helplessly,"Can your acting be any worse?"

Su Lingxue hadn't reacted yet. She seemed to be a little into the role and was still shouting,"Help! Chu Yang,……"

Chu Yang, who was not far away:"???"

Who is calling me? I must have heard it wrong.

Then he continued to teach Li Qingshu.

He held her lower abdomen with one hand:"Okay, lie down flat, breathe slowly, and balance your body first.……"

On the other side, Wang Xiaoli knocked on Su Lingxue's forehead:"Alright, alright, are you shouting for help to mosquitoes? It's too artificial, sister. It makes me embarrassed to watch."

Su Lingxue wiped the water off her face and said aggrievedly:"I really can't do it... I'm a good swimmer. It's too difficult for you to ask me to act drowning."

Wang Xiaoli was tangled:"Okay, okay, I'll think of a way."

At the same time, Chu Yang, who was teaching swimming, had tasted the sweetness.

Li Qingshu lost her balance and slid backwards.

By the way, his hand that was supporting her lower abdomen slid to her chest.

In order to prevent her from slipping into the water, he could only grab her hard.

Well, he almost lost his grip.

Finally, he stood firm,���Qing Shu looked at the big hand on her chest and her face turned red.

Chu Yang took it away naturally, without changing his expression:"You also saw it, it was an accident just now"

""Well, shall we continue?" he asked tentatively.

After all, the young lady was shy by nature and didn't like to play too much.

Unexpectedly, she nodded:"Go on, I think I have got the trick, but you can't touch me anymore.""

""Okay, okay." Chu Yang agreed with a smile.

What's more, she really found the trick. After a while, she mastered the key points of the doggy paddle and could swim two or three meters without using the force.

"What a talented player."Chu Yang praised.

Li Qingshu was greatly encouraged and practiced harder.

Half an hour later, she could swim more than ten meters without stopping.

Finally, she was exhausted. She was staggering when she walked and could hardly lift her arms.

Chu Yang quickly helped her to the beach under the parasol.

"Drink more water, then lie down and rest for a while.

After drinking the water, Li Qingshu felt much better and her face became rosy again.

"But I really can’t move." She leaned back on the recliner and fell asleep soon after.

Chu Yang’s heart moved. Here came the chance to escape.

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