"Ahem... um."

After recovering, Chu Yang wondered if she knew about Li Qingshu.

Or Su Lingxue?

After two seconds of hesitation, he did not answer directly, but asked:"Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Shen Li thought for a while:"I just think that you are such an interesting boy, good-looking and fun, there must be a lot of girls who like you."

Interesting, good-looking and fun.

What kind of novel evaluation is this?

Chu Yang felt that she should not be teasing.

But he was also sure that she didn't know about Li Qingshu and Su Lingxue.

And now he and Su Lingxue broke up, and he didn't confirm his relationship with Li Qingshu to the public.

"I'm single at the moment."

Shen Li said,"Oh," and continued to eat.

It seemed that whether he was single or not was not a very important matter.

Chu Yang was wondering, generally speaking, when asking this question, shouldn't they discuss further development issues later?

"Then you probably don't have a boyfriend, have you ever thought about what kind of boyfriend you would like to have?" Shen Li took a bite of her food and said,"I've never had a boyfriend, and I don't know what kind of boyfriend would be good, but……"

She looked at Chu Yang with a serious expression:"If you really want to have a boyfriend, someone like you seems pretty good."

Chu Yang felt relieved after hearing this.

"Because it's interesting, good-looking and fun?"

Shen Lilu smiled a little silly:"Yeah, yes!"

Well, she probably just wanted to find a playmate

"But you can't just let me play with you what you like, right?"Chu Yang started to get excited.

"So what do you like to play?" Shen Li tried to ask:"Legs?"

"Ahem."This really made Chu Yang feel helpless.

"You don't have to be so blunt."

""Oh." Shen Li lowered her head to eat again.

Then she stretched her legs forward under the table and placed them on Chu Yang's thighs.

Both of them were only wearing loose bathrobes, with their legs open.

This time, their skin was touching.

The skin on her feet was soft and slightly cool, and the touch was more real than under water.

"This...is not good."

Although he said so, Chu Yang's body was very honest.

One hand reached down and held her ankle.

When it touched, Shen Li's body trembled slightly, and then she continued to eat.

In this way, Chu Yang ate while scratching under the table.

After a while.

Shen Li suddenly asked:"Is it fun?"

Chu Yang's expression was very gentlemanly:"Very fun."

Shen Li's eyes suddenly smiled into crescents.

It was a pity that Chu Yang couldn't play for too long. After a while, Han Dachun and Arnold came.

The two of them were arm in arm, refreshed. They were still whispering about something, and laughed from time to time.

Chu Yang asked them to go to the buffet to choose their meals.

And Shen Li had already put her feet down.

The next activities were for four people together, and Chu Yang didn't find an opportunity to continue playing with his legs.

The eldest cousin who had finished enjoying urged them to go back quickly, so Chu Yang asked them to go first.

Shen Li could only leave reluctantly.

Chu Yang and Han Dachun came to the rest area, each lit a cigarette and

"We will leave in a while. We have to go to school tomorrow, so we can't be too late."Chu Yang said

""Yeah." Dachun responded, his expression hesitant to speak.

"What are you holding back? If you have to fart, let it out now." Chu Yang said unhappily.

"Then I'll tell you." Han Dachun took a deep puff of his cigarette and asked with all his courage:"What on earth do you think?"

"What do you think?"

"Li Qingshu, and this Shen Li"

"You're talking about this." Chu Yang flicked the ash off his cigarette and didn't answer immediately.

"Actually, I know that I have no hope."Han Dachun said with a disappointed tone:"Li Qingshu definitely likes you. Just this afternoon, I counted. She looked back at you fifteen times during class."

"You are different now. You have good grades, are handsome, and have money. You would invite me to a high-end foot massage parlor without blinking an eye."

"If I were Li Qingshu, I would definitely like a guy like you, why would I choose a silly Dachun?"

"" Don't say that, Dachun. You're not bad either." Chu Yang consoled him.

Dachun shook his head and said,"I know what I'm like. I want to know if you will let Li Qingshu down!"

Chu Yang replied without hesitation,"No.""

"What about Shen Li? A rich woman, are you willing to let her go?" Dachun asked

"I can't bear to part with it." Chu Yang didn't hesitate.

Han Dachun widened his eyes:"Which one do you choose?"

Chu Yang smiled slightly:"Don't talk about me, what about you?"

"What if it was me?"Dachun was stunned.

Then he started to think seriously.

He smiled foolishly at first, thinking that there was such a good thing.

After a while, his expression began to be tangled, and his eyebrows were almost twisted into a ball.

It's too difficult to choose, too difficult...

Chu Yang patted his shoulder.

"Now you should understand my pain!"

"I really don’t understand why you insist on going abroad. You haven’t been to many places in China!"

"I just want to go to Thailand to eat durian"

"Do you really just want to eat durian? Don't you want to experience the ladyboy show?"

"It's not impossible... Oh, don't do it."


Chu Yang came home from the foot massage parlor and heard his parents discussing heatedly.

After two days, they still hadn't reached a consensus on where to go.

Tony Fang was more conservative and wanted to travel around the country first.

Old Chu wanted to go abroad and experience the customs and practices of other countries.

Seeing his son coming back, he didn't ask where he went, but pulled him over to give some suggestions.

"There is nothing to worry about, just go wherever you want. First domestically, then abroad. For abroad, forget about Southeast Asian countries, because they are too chaotic and prone to accidents."

"As for overseas, I will ask if there are any reliable tour groups and arrange them for you then."

So the parents had no objection and planned the domestic itinerary.

The first stop was Guilin, and they packed their luggage overnight and prepared to leave the next day.

Chu Yang wrote down some precautions for traveling on a piece of paper and told them to remember them well to avoid being cheated.

Seeing the excited and expectant look of his parents who had never gone out to play in their lives, he felt that he was a filial son.

It was getting late, and after washing up, he went back to his room and lay on the bed. He habitually picked up his phone and was about to check it, but then he realized that it was not a smart phone.

At this time, the phone rang.

It was a message from Li Qingshu

"Are you asleep?"

When a girl sends such a message at night, how should a high-EQ boy respond?

Chu Yang thought for a moment, then edited the message and sent it out.



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