Li Qingshu believed that Chu Yang was serious about studying hard.

And once he got serious, he showed an unexpected talent for learning!

Could it be that after breaking up with Su Lingxue, some kind of seal was opened?

No wonder he said he wanted to get into 211 or 985. At that time, I thought he was just dreaming.

Now it seems that he has great potential!

"You made me look at you with new eyes."

Li Qingshu, who rarely praises others, couldn't help but say

"Hey, don't shave yet, it would be terrible if you accidentally fall in love with me."Chu Yang said with a smile

"I have now laid the foundation with steel bars, sealed the core with cement, and patched the leaks with asphalt. From now on, no one will disturb my mind."

""Puff!" Li Qingshu was amused by him and showed a beautiful smile.

She thought to herself, where did this person come up with so many new words that she had never heard of before, and they sounded so funny.

"Then I will go back first. If you have any questions, come back and ask me tomorrow."Li Qingshu said

"No thanks, be careful on the road." Chu Yang waved his hand and continued to study.

Li Qingshu smiled and turned to walk out of the classroom.

She didn't even notice that her steps were much lighter than usual. She did n't realize that she had said more to Chu Yang today than she had said to other boys in the past.

The sun was setting in the sky, shining into the classroom, casting a few long shadows on the window.

Chu Yang was the only one left in the classroom, swimming in the ocean of knowledge with hunger and thirst.

When he finally finished reading Li Qingshu's notes, he stood up and stretched.

"What a simple and fulfilling day."

Thinking back to the days in his previous life when he struggled in society and worked hard day and night to make money, the student days were really happy times.

He can enjoy such time for a month.

Then he can go to college and continue to enjoy it.

"As for making money……"

Chu Yang put on his schoolbag, rode his bicycle out of the school gate, and saw the once familiar prosperous Second Street.

If I remember correctly, this place will be demolished soon.

The demolition compensation is ten times, and there are resettlement houses of the same size. The residents of half of the street have become rich overnight.

Although Chu Yang is not in a hurry to make money, he will not miss the money that is right in front of him.

The problem now is how to get the funds to buy a house.

"Let's go home first!"

Chu Yang collected his thoughts and pushed his feet hard.

Under the setting sun, the young man on the bicycle rode freely, showing off his youth after twenty years.

He couldn't wait to go back and see his parents who were twenty years younger.

At this time, his family runs a barber shop, and his mother Tang Wenfang is the main surgeon.

When his father Chu Chunrong is not working, he helps in the shop.

When asked what Chu's main job is, he plays the suona to ferry the dead souls, and he can also have banquets.

""Dad! Mom! I'm back!"

Chu Yang parked his bike and shouted excitedly before he even entered the house.

Tang Wenfang, who was getting a haircut, was so startled that he almost poked the forehead of Mr. Wang next door.

"You scared me. What are you doing? Why are you back so early today?"

Chu Yang looked at his mother who looked much younger. Without saying anything, he went up to her and gave her a hug.

Tang Wenfang was stunned. After pushing him away, she touched his forehead.

"You don't have a fever. What's wrong with you today?"

Before she could ask, she saw this kid chatting with Uncle Wang.

""Is Uncle Wang in good health? You still need to hold your great-grandson, so smoke less."

He took out the cigarette from Uncle Wang's mouth.

Uncle Wang was a heavy smoker, and he would always have a cigarette in his mouth when getting a haircut.

Chu Yang remembered that Uncle Wang died of lung cancer two years later, and his granddaughter-in-law attended the funeral with a big belly, and his father personally played the suona to help with the funeral.

Uncle Wang was confused.

My eldest grandson hasn't even got married yet, so where did the great-grandson come from?

""Okay, okay, go away, don't disturb me while I'm working. The dishes haven't been cooked yet, eat something else to fill your stomach." Tang Wenfang scolded with a smile.

Chu Yang smiled and picked up the broom to sweep up the hair on the ground.

"Good boy, very hardworking."Uncle Wang praised.

Chu Yang smiled.

"Mom, where’s Dad?"

"Went to the countryside to work."Tony Fang wondered what was wrong with this kid today. He had never seen such a diligent

"No money?" she asked.

Chu Yang hesitated for two seconds:"Yes, Mom, how about we buy a house on the prosperous Second Street? I have asked around, the cheapest one square meter there is only one thousand yuan, buy a 300-500 square meter, and wait for the demolition to start.……"



Chu Yang came to the kitchen, found an apple, washed it, and waited quietly while eating it.

After eating an apple, he heard the familiar sound of a motorcycle outside, and he knew that his father was back.

Chu Yang came to the hall and saw that Uncle Wang had finished his haircut and Tony Fang was sweeping the floor.

Chu Chunrong came in with a bag, took out a few mangoes and two bottles of drinks and put them on the table.

Chu Yang knew that the mangoes and drinks were not bought on the road, but were brought by the party.


Chu Yang shouted.

Then he rushed over and gave him a hug.

Just like Tang Wenfang, Old Chu's first reaction was to touch his forehead.

"The child came back and hugged me, and then he started talking nonsense, so I thought he was sick."Tang Wenfang said with a smile

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Chu Yang wiped his eyes without leaving any trace.

Then he took the broom from his mother and cleaned the floor neatly.

"You kid." Tang Wenfang smiled helplessly, then took out twenty yuan from the drawer and threw it to him.

""Mom, you misunderstood me. I am really helping you, not asking for money." Chu Yang said, and naturally put the money into his pocket.

Tang Wenfang rolled her eyes at him and said,"Spend it sparingly.""

"Got it." Chu Yang saw himself in the mirror, with a non-mainstream hairstyle.

To be honest, this retro hairstyle is quite trendy these days.

It was Tony Fang's masterpiece designed especially for his son.

But Chu Yang felt it was eye-catching no matter how he looked at it. The heavy bangs almost blocked his vision. Just now, he almost hit an old lady crossing the road while riding his bike.

""Mom, help me cut my hair short!"

Tony Fang was stunned, and then looked aggrieved:"I worked so hard to design this hairstyle, aren't you very satisfied? Why, are you dissatisfied with it again?"

"Absolutely not." Chu Yang said seriously:"My mom's haircutting skills are the best in the world. Uncle Wang next door said it's good, and he also said that cutting short hair is the most challenging for Tony's skills. I just want to see if my mom can help me cut a fashionable and classic short hair!"

After a round of flattery, Tony Fang was very pleased and waved his hand immediately:"Sit down!"


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